„Miłość zaś polega na tym, abyśmy postępowali według Jego przykazań. Jest to przykazanie, o jakim słyszeliście od początku, że według niego macie postępować.”

Biblia Tysiąclecia: 2 List św. Jana 1,6


King James Version
Księga: Ewangelia Łukasza 1:5

Tytuł oryginalny
ForasmuchG1895 as manyG4183 have taken in handG2021 to set forth in orderG392 a declarationG1335 ofG4012 those thingsG4229 which are most surely believedG4135 amongG1722 us,G2254
EvenG2531 as they deliveredG3860 them unto us,G2254 whichG3588 fromG575 the beginningG746 wereG1096 eyewitnesses,G845 andG2532 ministersG5257 of the word;G3056
It seemedG1380 good to me also,G2504 having had perfectG199 understandingG3877 of all thingsG3956 from the very first,G509 to writeG1125 unto theeG4671 in order,G2517 most excellentG2903 Theophilus,G2321
ThatG2443 thou mightest knowG1921 the certaintyG803 ofG4012 those things,G3056 whereinG3739 thou hast been instructed.G2727
There wasG1096 inG1722 the daysG2250 of Herod,G2264 the kingG935 of Judaea,G2449 a certainG5100 priestG2409 namedG3686 Zacharias,G2197 ofG1537 the courseG2183 of Abia:G7 andG2532 hisG846 wifeG1135 was ofG1537 the daughtersG2364 of Aaron,G2 andG2532 herG846 nameG3686 was Elisabeth.G1665
AndG1161 they wereG2258 bothG297 righteousG1342 beforeG1799 God,G2316 walkingG4198 inG1722 allG3956 the commandmentsG1785 andG2532 ordinancesG1345 of the LordG2962 blameless.G273
AndG2532 theyG846 hadG2258 noG3756 child,G5043 becauseG2530 that ElisabethG1665 wasG2258 barren,G4723 andG2532 theyG846 bothG297 wereG2258 now well strickenG4260 inG1722 years.G2250
AndG1161 it came to pass,G1096 that whileG1722 heG846 executed the priest's officeG2407 beforeG1725 GodG2316 inG1722 the orderG5010 of hisG846 course,G2183
AccordingG2596 to the customG1485 of the priest's office,G2405 his lotG2975 was to burn incenseG2370 when he wentG1525 intoG1519 the templeG3485 of the Lord.G2962
AndG2532 the wholeG3956 multitudeG4128 of the peopleG2992 wereG2258 prayingG4336 withoutG1854 at the timeG5610 of incense.G2368
AndG1161 there appearedG3700 unto himG846 an angelG32 of the LordG2962 standingG2476 onG1537 the right sideG1188 of the altarG2379 of incense.G2368
AndG2532 when ZachariasG2197 sawG1492 him, he was troubled,G5015 andG2532 fearG5401 fellG1968 uponG1909 him.G846
ButG1161 the angelG32 saidG2036 untoG4314 him,G846 FearG5399 not,G3361 Zacharias:G2197 forG1360 thyG4675 prayerG1162 is heard;G1522 andG2532 thyG4675 wifeG1135 ElisabethG1665 shall bearG1080 theeG4671 a son,G5207 andG2532 thou shalt callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 John.G2491
AndG2532 thouG4671 shalt haveG2071 joyG5479 andG2532 gladness;G20 andG2532 manyG4183 shall rejoiceG5463 atG1909 hisG846 birth.G1083
ForG1063 he shall beG2071 greatG3173 in the sightG1799 of the Lord,G2962 andG2532 shall drinkG4095 neitherG3364 wineG3631 norG2532 strong drink;G4608 andG2532 he shall be filledG4130 with the HolyG40 Ghost,G4151 evenG2089 fromG1537 hisG846 mother'sG3384 womb.G2836
AndG2532 manyG4183 of the childrenG5207 of IsraelG2474 shall he turnG1994 toG1909 the LordG2962 theirG846 God.G2316
AndG2532 heG846 shall goG4281 beforeG1799 himG846 inG1722 the spiritG4151 andG2532 powerG1411 of Elias,G2243 to turnG1994 the heartsG2588 of the fathersG3962 toG1909 the children,G5043 andG2532 the disobedientG545 toG1722 the wisdomG5428 of the just;G1342 to make readyG2090 a peopleG2992 preparedG2680 for the Lord.G2962
AndG2532 ZachariasG2197 saidG2036 untoG4314 the angel,G32 WherebyG5101 shallG2596 I knowG1097 this?G5124 forG1063 IG1473 amG1510 an old man,G4246 andG2532 myG3450 wifeG1135 well strickenG4260 inG1722 yearsG846, G2250.
AndG2532 the angelG32 answeringG611 saidG2036 unto him,G846 IG1473 amG1510 Gabriel,G1043 that standG3936 in the presenceG1799 of God;G2316 andG2532 am sentG649 to speakG2980 untoG4314 thee,G4571 andG2532 to shewG2097 theeG4671 theseG5023 glad tidings.G2097
And,G2532 behold,G2400 thouG2071 shalt be dumb,G4623 andG2532 notG3361 ableG1410 to speak,G2980 untilG891 the dayG2250 thatG3739 these thingsG5023 shall be performed,G1096 becauseG3739 thouG473 believestG4100 notG3756 myG3450 words,G3056 whichG3748 shall be fulfilledG4137 inG1519 theirG846 season.G2540
AndG2532 the peopleG2992 waitedG2258, G4328 for Zacharias,G2197 andG2532 marvelledG2296 thatG1722 heG846 tarried so longG5549 inG1722 the temple.G3485
AndG1161 when he came out,G1831 he couldG1410 notG3756 speakG2980 unto them:G846 andG2532 they perceivedG1921 thatG3754 he had seenG3708 a visionG3701 inG1722 the temple:G3485 forG2532 heG846 beckonedG2258, G1269 unto them,G846 andG2532 remainedG1265 speechless.G2974
AndG2532 it came to pass,G1096 that, as soon asG5613 the daysG2250 of hisG846 ministrationG3009 were accomplished,G4130 he departedG565 toG1519 his ownG846 house.G3624
AndG1161 afterG3326 thoseG5025 daysG2250 hisG846 wifeG1135 ElisabethG1665 conceived,G4815 andG2532 hidG4032 herselfG1438 fiveG4002 months,G3376 saying,G3004
ThusG3779 hathG4160 the LordG2962 dealtG4160 with meG3427 inG1722 the daysG2250 whereinG3739 he looked onG1896 me, to take awayG851 myG3450 reproachG3681 amongG1722 men.G444
AndG1161 inG1722 the sixthG1623 monthG3376 the angelG32 GabrielG1043 was sentG649 fromG5259 GodG2316 untoG1519 a cityG4172 of Galilee,G1056 namedG3686, G3739 Nazareth,G3478
ToG4314 a virginG3933 espousedG3423 to a manG435 whoseG3739 nameG3686 was Joseph,G2501 ofG1537 the houseG3624 of David;G1138 andG2532 the virgin'sG3933 nameG3686 was Mary.G3137
AndG2532 the angelG32 came inG1525 untoG4314 her,G846 and said,G2036 Hail,G5463 thou that art highly favoured,G5487 the LordG2962 is withG3326 thee:G4675 blessedG2127 art thouG4771 amongG1722 women.G1135
AndG1161 when she sawG1492 him, she was troubledG1298 atG1909 hisG846 saying,G3056 andG2532 cast in her mindG1260 what mannerG4217 of salutationG783 thisG3778 should be.G1498
AndG2532 the angelG32 saidG2036 unto her,G846 FearG5399 not,G3361 Mary:G3137 forG1063 thou hast foundG2147 favourG5485 withG3844 God.G2316
And,G2532 behold,G2400 thou shalt conceiveG4815 inG1722 thy womb,G1064 andG2532 bring forthG5088 a son,G5207 andG2532 shalt callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 JESUS.G2424
HeG3778 shall beG2071 great,G3173 andG2532 shall be calledG2564 the SonG5207 of the Highest:G5310 andG2532 the LordG2962 GodG2316 shall giveG1325 unto himG846 the throneG2362 of hisG846 fatherG3962 David:G1138
AndG2532 he shall reignG936 overG1909 the houseG3624 of JacobG2384 forG1519 ever;G165 andG2532 of hisG846 kingdomG932 there shall beG2071 noG3756 end.G5056
ThenG1161 saidG2036 MaryG3137 untoG4314 the angel,G32 HowG4459 shallG2071 thisG5124 be,G2071 seeingG1893 I knowG1097 notG3756 a man?G435
AndG2532 the angelG32 answeredG611 and saidG2036 unto her,G846 The HolyG40 GhostG4151 shall comeG1904 uponG1909 thee,G4571 andG2532 the powerG1411 of the HighestG5310 shall overshadowG1982 thee:G4671 thereforeG1352 alsoG2532 that holy thingG40 which shall be bornG1080 ofG1537 theeG4675 shall be calledG2564 the SonG5207 of God.G2316
And,G2532 behold,G2400 thyG4675 cousinG4773 Elisabeth,G1665 sheG846 hathG4815 alsoG2532 conceivedG4815 a sonG5207 inG1722 herG846 old age:G1094 andG2532 thisG3778 isG2076 the sixthG1623 monthG3376 with her,G846 whoG3588 was calledG2564 barren.G4723
ForG3754 withG3844 GodG2316 nothingG4487, G3756 shallG3956 be impossible.G101
AndG1161 MaryG3137 said,G2036 BeholdG2400 the handmaidG1399 of the Lord;G2962 be itG1096 unto meG3427 accordingG2596 to thyG4675 word.G4487 AndG2532 the angelG32 departedG565 fromG575 her.G846
AndG1161 MaryG3137 aroseG450 inG1722 thoseG5025 days,G2250 and wentG4198 intoG1519 the hill countryG3714 withG3326 haste,G4710 intoG1519 a cityG4172 of Juda;G2448
AndG2532 enteredG1525 intoG1519 the houseG3624 of Zacharias,G2197 andG2532 salutedG782 Elisabeth.G1665
AndG2532 it came to pass,G1096 that, whenG5613 ElisabethG1665 heardG191 the salutationG783 of Mary,G3137 the babeG1025 leapedG4640 inG1722 herG846 womb;G2836 andG2532 ElisabethG1665 was filledG4130 with the HolyG40 Ghost:G4151
AndG2532 she spake outG400 with a loudG3173 voice,G5456 andG2532 said,G2036 BlessedG2127 art thouG4771 amongG1722 women,G1135 andG2532 blessedG2127 is the fruitG2590 of thyG4675 womb.G2836
AndG2532 whenceG4159 is thisG5124 to me,G3427 thatG2443 the motherG3384 of myG3450 LordG2962 should comeG2064 toG4314 me?G3165
For,G1063 lo,G2400 as soon asG5613 the voiceG5456 of thyG4675 salutationG783 soundedG1096 inG1519 mineG3450 ears,G3775 the babeG1025 leapedG4640 inG1722 myG3450 wombG2836 forG1722 joy.G20
AndG2532 blessedG3107 is she that believed:G4100 forG3754 there shall beG2071 a performanceG5050 of those things which were toldG2980 herG846 fromG3844 the Lord.G2962
AndG2532 MaryG3137 said,G2036 MyG3450 soulG5590 doth magnifyG3170 the Lord,G2962
AndG2532 myG3450 spiritG4151 hath rejoicedG21 inG1909 GodG2316 myG3450 Saviour.G4990
ForG3754 he hath regardedG1914, G1909 the low estateG5014 of hisG846 handmaiden:G1399 for,G1063 behold,G2400 fromG575 henceforthG3568 allG3956 generationsG1074 shall callG3106 meG3165 blessed.G3106
ForG3754 he that is mightyG1415 hath doneG4160 to meG3427 great things;G3167 andG2532 holyG40 is hisG846 name.G3686
AndG2532 hisG846 mercyG1656 is on them that fearG5399 himG846 fromG1519 generationG1074 to generation.G1074
He hath shewedG4160 strengthG2904 withG1722 hisG846 arm;G1023 he hath scatteredG1287 the proudG5244 in the imaginationG1271 of theirG846 hearts.G2588
He hath put downG2507 the mightyG1413 fromG575 their seats,G2362 andG2532 exaltedG5312 them of low degree.G5011
He hath filledG1705 the hungryG3983 with good things;G18 andG2532 the richG4147 he hath sentG1821 emptyG2756 away.G1821
He hath holpenG482 hisG846 servantG3816 Israel,G2474 in remembranceG3415 of his mercy;G1656
AsG2531 he spakeG2980 toG4314 ourG2257 fathers,G3962 to Abraham,G11 andG2532 to hisG846 seedG4690 forG1519 ever.G165
AndG1161 MaryG3137 abodeG3306 withG4862 herG846 aboutG5616 threeG5140 months,G3376 andG2532 returnedG5290 toG1519 her ownG846 house.G3624
NowG1161 Elisabeth'sG1665 fullG4130 timeG5550 cameG4130 that sheG846 should be delivered;G5088 andG2532 she brought forthG1080 a son.G5207
AndG2532 her neighboursG4040 andG2532 herG846 cousinsG4773 heardG191 howG3754 the LordG2962 had shewed greatG3170 mercyG846, G1656 uponG3326 her;G846 andG2532 they rejoicedG4796 with her.G846
AndG2532 it came to pass,G1096 that onG1722 the eighthG3590 dayG2250 they cameG2064 to circumciseG4059 the child;G3813 andG2532 they calledG2564 himG846 Zacharias,G2197 afterG1909 the nameG3686 of hisG846 father.G3962
AndG2532 hisG846 motherG3384 answeredG611 and said,G2036 NotG3780 so; butG235 he shall be calledG2564 John.G2491
AndG2532 they saidG2036 untoG4314 herG846, G3754, There isG2076 noneG3762 ofG1722 thyG4675 kindredG4772 thatG3739 is calledG2564 by thisG5129 name.G3686
AndG1161 they made signsG1770 to hisG846 father,G3962 howG302 heG5101 would haveG2309 himG846 called.G2564
AndG2532 he asked forG154 a writing table,G4093 and wrote,G1125 saying,G3004 HisG846 nameG3686 isG2076 John.G2491 AndG2532 they marvelledG2296 all.G3956
AndG1161 hisG846 mouthG4750 was openedG455 immediately,G3916 andG2532 hisG846 tongueG1100 loosed, andG2532 he spake,G2980 and praisedG2127 God.G2316
AndG2532 fearG5401 cameG1096 onG1909 allG3956 that dwelt round aboutG4039 them:G846 andG2532 allG3956 theseG5023 sayingsG4487 were noised abroadG1255 throughoutG1722 allG3650 the hill countryG3714 of Judaea.G2449
AndG2532 allG3956 they that heardG191 them laid them upG5087 inG1722 theirG846 hearts,G2588 saying,G3004 WhatG5101 mannerG686 of childG3813 shallG2071 thisG5124 be!G2071 AndG2532 the handG5495 of the LordG2962 wasG2258 withG3326 him.G846
AndG2532 hisG846 fatherG3962 ZachariasG2197 was filledG4130 with the HolyG40 Ghost,G4151 andG2532 prophesied,G4395 saying,G3004
BlessedG2128 be the LordG2962 GodG2316 of Israel;G2474 forG3754 he hath visitedG1980 andG2532 redeemedG3085 hisG846 peopleG4160, G2992,
AndG2532 hath raised upG1453 an hornG2768 of salvationG4991 for usG2254 inG1722 the houseG3624 of hisG846 servantG3816 David;G1138
AsG2531 he spakeG2980 byG1223 the mouthG4750 of hisG846 holyG40 prophets,G4396 whichG3588 have been sinceG575 the world began:G165
That we should be savedG4991 fromG1537 ourG2257 enemies,G2190 andG2532 fromG1537 the handG5495 of allG3956 that hateG3404 us;G2248
To performG4160 the mercyG1656 promised toG3326 ourG2257 fathers,G3962 andG2532 to rememberG3415 hisG846 holyG40 covenant;G1242
The oathG3727 whichG3739 he swareG3660 toG4314 ourG2257 fatherG3962 Abraham,G11
That he would grantG1325 unto us,G2254 that we being deliveredG4506 out ofG1537 the handG5495 of ourG2257 enemiesG2190 might serveG3000 himG846 without fear,G870
InG1722 holinessG3742 andG2532 righteousnessG1343 beforeG1799 him,G846 allG3956 the daysG2250 of ourG2257 life.G2222
AndG2532 thou,G4771 child,G3813 shalt be calledG2564 the prophetG4396 of the Highest:G5310 forG1063 thou shalt goG4313 beforeG4253 the faceG4383 of the LordG2962 to prepareG2090 hisG846 ways;G3598
To giveG1325 knowledgeG1108 of salvationG4991 unto hisG846 peopleG2992 byG1722 the remissionG859 of theirG846 sins,G266
ThroughG1223 the tenderG4698 mercyG1656 of ourG2257 God;G2316 wherebyG3739 theG1722 dayspringG395 fromG1537 on highG5311 hath visitedG1980 us,G2248
To give lightG2014 to them that sitG2521 inG1722 darknessG4655 andG2532 in the shadowG4639 of death,G2288 to guideG2720 ourG2257 feetG4228 intoG1519 the wayG3598 of peace.G1515
AndG1161 the childG3813 grew,G837 andG2532 waxed strongG2901 in spirit,G4151 andG2532 wasG2258 inG1722 the desertsG2048 tillG2193 the dayG2250 of hisG846 shewingG323 untoG4314 Israel.G2474


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Iz 54:4

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Nie bacząc na fałszywych braci, którzy po kryjomu zostali wprowadzeni i potajemnie weszli, aby wyszpiegować naszą wolność, którą mamy w Chrystusie, żeby nas podbić w niewolę...
Gal 2:4

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