Septuaginta LXX
Księga: 1 Księga Mojżeszowa 1:1

ενG1722 In αρχήG746 the beginning εποίησεν ο θεόςG4160 God made τονG3588 the ουρανόνG3772 heaven καιG2532 and τηνG3588 the γηνG1093 earth.
η δεG3588 But the γηG1093 earth ην was αόρατοςG517 unseen καιG2532 and ακατασκεύαστος unready, καιG2532 and σκότοςG4655 darkness επάνωG1883 was upon τηςG3588 the αβύσσουG12 abyss, καιG2532 and πνεύμαG4151 spirit θεούG2316 of God επεφέρετοG2018 bore επάνωG1883 upon τουG3588 the ύδατοςG5204 water.
καιG2532 And είπεν ο θεόςG2036 God said, γενηθήτωG1096 Let there be φωςG5457 light! καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 there was φωςG5457 light.
καιG2532 And είδεν ο θεόςG1492 God beheld τοG3588 the φωςG5457 light ότιG3754 that καλόνG2570 it was good. καιG2532 And διεχώρισεν ο θεόςG1316 God parted αναμέσον between τουG3588 the φωτόςG5457 light καιG2532 and αναμέσον between τουG3588 the σκότουςG4655 darkness.
καιG2532 And εκάλεσεν ο θεόςG2564 God called τοG3588 the φωςG5457 light, ημέρανG2250 Day, καιG2532 and τοG3588 the σκότοςG4655 darkness εκάλεσεG2564 he called, νύκταG3571 Night; καιG2532 and εγένετοG1096 there was εσπέραG2073 evening καιG2532 and εγένετοG1096 there was πρωϊG4404 morning, ημέραG2250 day μίαG1520 one.
καιG2532 And είπεν ο θεόςG2036 God said, γενηθήτωG1096 Let there be στερέωμαG4733 a firmament ενG1722 in μέσωG3319 the midst τουG3588 of the ύδατοςG5204 water, καιG2532 and έστω let it be διαχωρίζονG1316 for parting αναμέσον between ύδατοςG5204 water καιG2532 and ύδατοςG5204 water!
καιG2532 And εποίησεν ο θεόςG4160 God made τοG3588 the στέρεωμαG4733 firmament, καιG2532 and διεχώρισεν ο θεόςG1316 God parted αναμέσον between τουG3588 the ύδατοςG5204 water οG3739 which ην was υποκάτωG5270 underneath τουG3588 the στερεώματοςG4733 firmament, καιG2532 and αναμέσον between τουG3588 the ύδατοςG5204 water τουG3588 επάνωG1883 above τουG3588 the στερεώματοςG4733 firmament.
καιG2532 And εκάλεσεν ο θεόςG2564 God called τοG3588 the στερεώμαG4733 firmament, ουρανόνG3772 Heaven. καιG2532 And είδεν ο θεόςG1492 God beheld ότιG3754 that καλόνG2570 it was good; καιG2532 and εγένετοG1096 there was εσπέραG2073 evening καιG2532 and εγένετοG1096 there was πρωϊG4404 morning, ημέραG2250 day δευτέραG1208 the second.
καιG2532 And είπεν ο θεόςG2036 God said, συναχθήτωG4863 Let come together τοG3588 the ύδωρG5204 water τοG3588 υποκάτωG5270 underneath τουG3588 the ουρανούG3772 heaven ειςG1519 into συναγωγήνG4864 gathering μίανG1520 one, καιG2532 and οφθήτωG3708 let appear ηG3588 the ξηράG3584 dry land! καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 it was ούτωςG3779 so. καιG2532 And συνήχθηG4863 gathered together τοG3588 the ύδωρG5204 water τοG3588 υποκάτωG5270 underneath τουG3588 the ουρανούG3772 heaven ειςG1519 into ταςG3588 συναγωγάς αυτώνG4864 their gatherings, καιG2532 and ώφθηG3708 appeared ηG3588 the ξηράG3584 dry land.
καιG2532 And εκάλεσεν ο θεόςG2564 God called τηνG3588 the ξηράνG3584 dry land, γηνG1093 Earth; καιG2532 and ταG3588 the συστήματα collections τωνG3588 of the υδάτωνG5204 waters εκάλεσεG2564 he called, θαλάσσαςG2281 Seas. καιG2532 And είδεν ο θεόςG1492 God beheld ότιG3754 that καλόνG2570 it was good.
καιG2532 And είπεν ο θεόςG2036 God said, βλαστησάτωG985 Let grow ηG3588 the γηG1093 earth βοτάνηνG1008 pasturage χόρτουG5528 of grass σπείρονG4687 sowing σπέρμαG4690 seed κατάG2596 according to γένοςG1085 type, καιG2532 and καθ΄G2596 according to ομοιότηταG3665 likeness, καιG2532 and ξύλονG3586 tree κάρπιμον the fruitful ποιούνG4160 producing καρπόνG2590 fruit ουG3739 which τοG3588 the σπέρμαG4690 seed αυτούG1473 of it ενG1722 is in αυτώG1473 it, κατάG2596 according to γένοςG1085 type επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth! καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 it was ούτωςG3779 so.
καιG2532 And εξήνεγκενG1627 brought forth ηG3588 the γηG1093 earth βοτάνηνG1008 pasturage χόρτουG5528 of grass σπείρονG4687 sowing σπέρμαG4690 seed, κατάG2596 according to γένοςG1085 type, καιG2532 and καθ΄G2596 according to ομοιότηταG3665 likeness; καιG2532 and ξύλονG3586 tree κάρπιμον the fruitful ποιούνG4160 producing καρπόνG2590 fruit ουG3739 which τοG3588 the σπέρμαG4690 seed αυτουG1473 of it ενG1722 is in αυτώG1473 it, κατάG2596 according to γένοςG1085 type επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth.
καιG2532 And είδεν ο θεόςG1492 God beheld ότιG3754 that καλόνG2570 it was good. καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 there was εσπέραG2073 evening καιG2532 and εγένετοG1096 there was πρωϊG4404 morning, ημέραG2250 day τρίτηG5154 the third.
καιG2532 And είπεν ο θεόςG2036 God said, γενηθήτωσανG1096 Let there be φωστήρεςG5458 luminaries ενG1722 in τωG3588 the στερεώματιG4733 firmament τουG3588 of the ουρανούG3772 heaven ειςG1519 for φαυσιν giving light επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth, τουG3588 διαχωρίζεινG1316 to part αναμέσον between τηςG3588 the ημέραςG2250 day καιG2532 and αναμέσον between τηςG3588 the νυκτόςG3571 night! καιG2532 And έστωσαν let them be ειςG1519 for σημείαG4592 signs, καιG2532 and ειςG1519 for καιρούςG2540 times, καιG2532 and ειςG1519 for ημέραςG2250 days, καιG2532 and ειςG1519 for ενιαυτούςG1763 years!
καιG2532 And έστωσαν let them be ειςG1519 for φαύσιν giving light ενG1722 in τωG3588 the στερεώματιG4733 firmament τουG3588 of the ουρανούG3772 heaven, ώστεG5620 so as φαίνεινG5316 to shine επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth! καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 it was ούτωςG3779 so.
καιG2532 And εποίησεν ο θεόςG4160 God made τουςG3588 the δύοG1417 two φωστήραςG5458 luminaries τουςG3588 μεγάλουςG3173 great; τονG3588 the φωστήραG5458 luminary τονG3588 μέγανG3173 greater ειςG1519 for αρχάςG746 beginnings τηςG3588 of the ημέραςG2250 day, καιG2532 and τονG3588 the φωστήραG5458 luminary τονG3588 ελάσσωG1640 lesser ειςG1519 for αρχάςG746 beginnings τηςG3588 of the νυκτόςG3571 night, καιG2532 and τουςG3588 the αστέραςG792 stars.
καιG2532 And έθετοG5087 put αυτούςG1473 them οG3588 θεόςG2316 God ενG1722 in τωG3588 the στερεώματιG4733 firmament τουG3588 of the ουρανούG3772 heaven, ώστεG5620 so as φαίνεινG5316 to shine επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth,
καιG2532 and άρχεινG756 to begin τηςG3588 the ημέραςG2250 day καιG2532 and τηςG3588 the νυκτόςG3571 night, καιG2532 and διαχωρίζεινG1316 to part αναμέσον between τουG3588 the φωτόςG5457 light καιG2532 and αναμέσον between τουG3588 the σκότουςG4655 darkness. καιG2532 And είδεν ο θεόςG1492 God beheld ότιG3754 that καλόνG2570 it was good.
καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 there was εσπέραG2073 evening καιG2532 and εγένετοG1096 there was πρωϊG4404 morning, ημέραG2250 day τετάρτηG5067 the fourth.
καιG2532 And είπεν ο θεόςG2036 God said, εξαγαγέτωG1806 Let bring forth ταG3588 the ύδαταG5204 waters ερπετάG2062 reptiles ψυχώνG5590 lives ζωσώνG2198 of living, καιG2532 and πετεινάG4071 winged creatures πετόμεναG4072 flying επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth κατάG2596 below τοG3588 the στερέωμαG4733 firmament τουG3588 of the ουρανούG3772 heaven! καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 it was ούτωςG3779 so.
καιG2532 And εποίησεν ο θεόςG4160 God made ταG3588 the κήτηG2785 whales ταG3588 μεγάλαG3173 great, καιG2532 and πάσανG3956 every ψυχήνG5590 life ζώωνG2226 of living creatures ερπετώνG2062 of reptiles αG3739 which εξήγαγεG1806 brought forth ταG3588 the ύδαταG5204 waters κατάG2596 according to γένη αυτώνG1085 their types; καιG2532 and πανG3956 every πετεινόνG4071 winged creature πτερωτόν feathered κατάG2596 according to γένοςG1085 type. καιG2532 And είδεν ο θεόςG1492 God beheld ότιG3754 that καλάG2570 it was good.
καιG2532 And ευλόγησενG2127 blessed αυτάG1473 them οG3588 θεόςG2316 God, λέγωνG3004 saying, αυξάνεσθεG837 Grow καιG2532 and πληθύνεσθεG4129 multiply, καιG2532 and πληρώσατεG4137 fill ταG3588 the ύδαταG5204 waters ενG1722 in ταιςG3588 the θαλάσσαιςG2281 seas! καιG2532 And ταG3588 the πετεινάG4071 winged creatures πληθυνέσθωσανG4129 let be multiplied επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth!
καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 there was εσπέραG2073 evening καιG2532 and εγένετοG1096 there was πρωϊG4404 morning, ημέραG2250 day πέμπτηG3991 the fifth.
καιG2532 And είπεν ο θεόςG2036 God said, εξαγαγέτωG1806 Let bring forth ηG3588 the γηG1093 earth ψυχήνG5590 life ζώσανG2198 living κατάG2596 according to its γένοςG1085 type - τετράποδαG5074 four-footed, καιG2532 and ερπετάG2062 reptiles, καιG2532 and θηρίαG2342 wild beasts τηςG3588 of the γηςG1093 earth κατάG2596 according to γένοςG1085 type! καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 it was ούτωςG3779 so.
καιG2532 And εποίησεν ο θεόςG4160 God made ταG3588 the θηρίαG2342 wild beasts τηςG3588 of the γηςG1093 earth κατάG2596 according to γένοςG1085 type, καιG2532 and ταG3588 the κτήνηG2934 cattle κατάG2596 according to γένος αυτώνG1085 their type, καιG2532 and πάνταG3956 all ταG3588 the ερπετάG2062 reptiles τηςG3588 of the γηςG1093 earth κατάG2596 according to γένοςG1085 type. καιG2532 And είδεν ο θεόςG1492 God beheld ότιG3754 that καλάG2570 it was good.
καιG2532 And είπεν ο θεόςG2036 God said, ποιήσωμενG4160 Let us make άνθρωπονG444 man κατ΄G2596 according to εικόναG1504 image ημετέρανG2251 our, καιG2532 and καθ΄G2596 according to ομοίωσινG3669 likeness! καιG2532 And αρχέτωσανG756 let them control τωνG3588 the ιχθύωνG2486 fishes τηςG3588 of the θαλάσσηςG2281 sea, καιG2532 and τωνG3588 the πετεινώνG4071 winged creatures τουG3588 of the ουρανούG3772 heaven, καιG2532 and τωνG3588 the κτηνώνG2934 cattle, καιG2532 and πάσηςG3956 all τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth, καιG2532 and πάντωνG3956 all τωνG3588 the ερπετώνG2062 reptiles τωνG3588 of the ones ερπόντων crawling επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth!
καιG2532 And εποίησεν ο θεόςG4160 God made τονG3588 άνθρωπονG444 man. κατ΄G2596 According to εικόναG1504 the image θεούG2316 of God εποίησενG4160 he made αυτόνG1473 him. άρσενG730 Male καιG2532 and θήλυG2338 female εποίησενG4160 he made αυτούςG1473 them.
καιG2532 And ευλόγησενG2127 blessed αυτούςG1473 them οG3588 θεόςG2316 God, λέγωνG3004 saying, αυξάνεσθεG837 Grow καιG2532 and πληθύνεσθεG4129 multiply, καιG2532 and πληρώσατεG4137 fill τηνG3588 the γηνG1093 earth, καιG2532 and κατακυριεύσατεG2634 dominate αυτήςG1473 it! καιG2532 And άρχετεG756 control τωνG3588 the ιχθύωνG2486 fishes τηςG3588 of the θαλάσσηςG2281 sea, καιG2532 and τωνG3588 the πετεινώνG4071 winged creatures τουG3588 of the ουρανούG3772 heaven, καιG2532 and πάντωνG3956 all τωνG3588 the κτηνώνG2934 cattle, καιG2532 and πάσηςG3956 all τηςG3588 of the γηςG1093 earth, καιG2532 and πάντωνG3956 all τωνG3588 of the ερπετώνG2062 reptiles τωνG3588 of the ones ερπόντων crawling επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth!
καιG2532 And είπεν ο θεόςG2036 God said, ιδούG2400 Behold, δέδωκαG1325 I have given υμίνG1473 to you πάνταG3956 every χόρτονG5528 grass σπόριμονG4702 fit for sowing σπείρονG4687 a sowing σπέρμαG4690 of seed οG3739 which εστιν is επάνωG1883 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth, καιG2532 and πανG3956 every ξύλονG3586 tree οG3739 which έχειG2192 has ενG1722 in εαυτώG1438 itself καρπόνG2590 a fruit σπέρματοςG4690 seed σπορίμουG4702 fit for sowing; υμίνG1473 to you έσται it will be ειςG1519 for βρώσινG1035 food,
καιG2532 and πάσιG3956 to all τοιςG3588 the θηρίοιςG2342 wild beasts τηςG3588 of the γηςG1093 earth, καιG2532 and πάσιG3956 to all τοιςG3588 the πετεινοίςG4071 winged creatures τουG3588 of the ουρανούG3772 heaven, καιG2532 and παντίG3956 to every ερπετώG2062 reptile έρποντι crawling επίG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth, οG3739 which έχειG2192 has ενG1722 in εαυτώG1438 itself ψυχήνG5590 breath ζωήςG2222 of life, καιG2532 even πάνταG3956 every χόρτονG5528 grass χλωρόνG5515 green ειςG1519 for βρώσινG1035 food. καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 it was ούτωςG3779 so.
καιG2532 And είδεν ο θεόςG1492 God beheld ταG3588 πάνταG3956 all όσαG3745 as much as εποίησεG4160 he made. καιG2532 And ιδούG2400 behold, it was καλάG2570 good λίανG3029 exceedingly. καιG2532 And εγένετοG1096 there was εσπέραG2073 evening καιG2532 and εγένετοG1096 there was πρωϊG4404 morning, ημέραG2250 day έκτηG1622 the sixth.