„przede wszystkim zaś tych, którzy idą za ciałem w nieczystej żądzy i pogardę okazują Władzy, zuchwalcy, zarozumialcy, którzy nie wahają się przed wypowiadaniem bluźnierstw na "Chwały".”

Biblia Tysiąclecia: 2 List św. Piotra 2,10

Septuaginta LXX
Księga: 1 Księga Mojżeszowa 2:1

Tytuł oryginalny
1καιG2532 And συνετελέσθησανG4931 were completed οG3588 the ουρανόςG3772 heaven καιG2532 and ηG3588 the γηG1093 earth, καιG2532 and παςG3956 all οG3588 the κόσμοςG2889 cosmos αυτώνG1473 of them. 2καιG2532 And συνετέλεσεν ο θεόςG4931 God completed ενG1722 in τηG3588 the ημέραG2250 day τηG3588 έκτηG1622 sixth ταG3588 έργα αυτούG2041 his works αG3739 which εποίησεG4160 he did. καιG2532 And κατέπαυσεG2664 he rested τηG3588 on the ημέραG2250 day τηG3588 εβδόμηG1442 seventh απόG575 from πάντωνG3956 all τωνG3588 έργων αυτούG2041 his works ωνG3739 which εποίησεG4160 he did. 3καιG2532 And ευλόγησεν ο θεόςG2127 God blessed τηνG3588 the ημέρανG2250 day τηνG3588 εβδόμηνG1442 seventh, καιG2532 and ηγίασενG37 sanctified αυτήνG1473 it; ότιG3754 for ενG1722 in αυτήG1473 it κατέπαυσενG2664 he rested απόG575 from πάντωνG3956 all τωνG3588 έργων αυτούG2041 his works - ωνG3739 which ήρξατο ο θεόςG756 God began ποιείνG4160 to do. 4αυτήG3778 This ηG3588 is the βίβλοςG976 book γενέσεωςG1078 of the origin ουρανούG3772 of heaven καιG2532 and γηςG1093 earth, ότεG3753 when εγένετοG1096 it became, ηG3588 in the ημέραG2250 day εποίησεG4160 made οG3588 θεόςG2316 God τονG3588 the ουρανόνG3772 heaven καιG2532 and τηνG3588 the γηνG1093 earth, 5καιG2532 and πανG3956 every χλωρόνG5515 green αγρούG68 field προG4253 before τουG3588 γένεσθαιG1096 it existed επιG1909 upon τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth, καιG2532 and πάνταG3956 all χόρτονG5528 grass αγρούG68 of the field προG4253 before τουG3588 ανατείλαιG393 its rising, ουG3756 did not γαρG1063 for έβρεξενG1026 rain κύριοςG2962 the lord οG3588 θεόςG2316 God επίG1909 upon τηνG3588 the γηνG1093 earth, καιG2532 and άνθρωποςG444 man ουκG3756 no ην there was εργάζεσθαιG2038 to work αυτήνG1473 it. 6πηγή δεG4077 But a spring ανέβαινενG305 ascended εκG1537 from out of τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth, καιG2532 and επότιζεG4222 it watered πανG3956 all τοG3588 the πρόσωπονG4383 face τηςG3588 of the γηςG1093 earth. 7καιG2532 And έπλασεν ο θεόςG4111 God shaped τονG3588 the άνθρωπονG444 man, χουνG5522 dust λαβώνG2983 taking απόG575 from τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth. καιG2532 And ενεφύσησενG1720 he breathed ειςG1519 into τοG3588 πρόσωπον αυτούG4383 his face πνοήνG4157 breath ζωήςG2222 of life, καιG2532 and εγένετοG1096 became οG3588 άνθρωποςG444 man ειςG1519 a ψυχήνG5590 soul ζώσανG2198 living. 8καιG2532 And εφύτευσεν ο θεόςG5452 God planted παράδεισονG3857 paradise ενG1722 in Εδέν Eden κατάG2596 according to ανατολάςG395 the east, καιG2532 and έθετοG5087 he put εκείG1563 there τονG3588 the άνθρωπονG444 man ονG3739 whom έπλασεG4111 he shaped. 9καιG2532 And εξανέτειλενG1816 caused to rise up οG3588 θεόςG2316 God έτιG2089 yet εκG1537 from τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth πανG3956 every ξύλονG3586 tree ωραίονG5611 beautiful ειςG1519 to όρασινG3706 the sight, καιG2532 and καλόνG2570 good ειςG1519 for βρώσινG1035 food, καιG2532 and τοG3588 the ξύλονG3586 tree τηςG3588 ζωήςG2222 of life ενG1722 in μέσωG3319 the midst τουG3588 of the παραδείσουG3857 paradise, καιG2532 and τοG3588 the ξύλονG3586 tree, τουG3588 the one ειδέναιG1492 to know γνωστόνG1110 knowing καλούG2570 good καιG2532 and πονηρούG4190 evil. 10ποταμός δεG4215 And a river εκπορεύεταιG1607 goes forth εξG1537 from Εδέν Eden ποτίζεινG4222 to water τονG3588 the παράδεισονG3857 paradise; εκείθενG1564 from there αφορίζεταιG873 it separates ειςG1519 into τέσσαραςG5064 four αρχάςG746 sources. 11όνομαG3686 The name τωG3588 to the ενίG1520 one Φισών is Phison. ούτοςG3778 This is οG3588 the one κυκλώνG2944 encircling πάσανG3956 all τηνG3588 the γηνG1093 land Ευιλάτ of Havilah - εκείG1563 there ουG3739 where έστι is τοG3588 the χρυσίονG5553 gold. 12το δεG3588 And the χρυσίονG5553 gold τηςG3588 γης εκείνηςG1093 of that land καλόνG2570 is good, καιG2532 and εκείG1563 there εστιν is οG3588 the άνθραξG440 carbuncle καιG2532 and οG3588 the λίθοςG3037 stone οG3588 πράσινος leek colored. 13καιG2532 And όνομαG3686 the name τωG3588 to the ποταμώG4215 river τωG3588 δευτέρωG1208 second Γεών is Gihon. ούτοςG3778 This is οG3588 the one κυκλώνG2944 encircling πάσανG3956 all τηνG3588 the γηνG1093 land Αιθιοπίας of Ethiopia. 14καιG2532 And οG3588 the ποταμόςG4215 river οG3588 τρίτοςG5154 third Τίγρις is the Tigris. ούτοςG3778 This is οG3588 the one προπορευόμενοςG4313 going forth κατέναντιG2713 over against Ασσυρίων the Assyrians. ο δεG3588 And the ποταμόςG4215 river οG3588 τέταρτοςG5067 fourth Ευφράτης is the Euphrates. 15καιG2532 And έλαβεG2983 took κύριοςG2962 the lord οG3588 θεόςG2316 God τονG3588 the άνθρωπονG444 man ονG3739 whom έπλασεG4111 he shaped, καιG2532 and έθετοG5087 put αυτόνG1473 him ενG1722 in τωG3588 the παραδείσωG3857 paradise εργάζεσθαιG2038 to work αυτόνG1473 it καιG2532 and φυλάσσεινG5442 to guard. 16καιG2532 And ενετείλατοG1781 gave charge κύριοςG2962 the lord οG3588 θεόςG2316 God τωG3588 to Αδάμ Adam, λέγωνG3004 saying, απόG575 From παντόςG3956 all ξύλουG3586 of a tree τουG3588 of the one ενG1722 in τωG3588 the παραδείσωG3857 paradise βρώσειG1035 food φαγήG2068 you shall eat, 17από δεG575 but from τουG3588 the ξύλουG3586 tree τουG3588 of the γινώσκεινG1097 knowing καλόνG2570 good καιG2532 and πονηρόνG4190 evil, ουG3756 you shall not φάγεσθεG2068 eat απ΄G575 from αυτούG1473 it; η δ΄ ανG3588 but in whatever ημέραG2250 day φάγητεG2068 you should eat απ΄G575 from αυτούG1473 it, θανάτωG2288 to death αποθανείσθεG599 you shall die. 18καιG2532 And είπεG2036 said κύριοςG2962 the lord οG3588 θεόςG2316 God, ουG3756 It is not καλόνG2570 good είναι to be τονG3588 for the άνθρωπονG444 man μόνονG3441 alone, ποιήσωμενG4160 let us make αυτώG1473 for him βοηθόνG998 a helper κατ΄G2596 according to αυτόνG1473 him! 19καιG2532 And έπλασεν ο θεόςG4111 God shaped έτιG2089 yet εκG1537 from out of τηςG3588 the γηςG1093 earth πάνταG3956 all ταG3588 the θηρίαG2342 wild beasts τουG3588 of the αγρούG68 field, καιG2532 and πάνταG3956 all ταG3588 the πετεινάG4071 winged creatures τουG3588 of the ουρανούG3772 heaven. καιG2532 And ήγαγενG71 he led αυτάG1473 them προςG4314 to τονG3588 Αδάμ Adam, ιδείνG1492 to behold τιG5100 what καλέσειG2564 he would call αυτάG1473 them. καιG2532 And πανG3956 all οG3739 what ανG302 ever εκάλεσενG2564 called αυτόG1473 it Αδάμ Adam - ψυχήνG5590 life ζώσανG2198 the living, τούτοG3778 this όνομαG3686 was the name αυτώG1473 to it. 20καιG2532 And εκάλεσεν ΑδάμG2564 Adam called ονόματαG3686 names πάσιG3956 to all τοιςG3588 the κτήνεσιG2934 cattle, καιG2532 and πάσιG3956 to all τοιςG3588 the πετεινοίςG4071 winged creatures τουG3588 of the ουρανούG3772 heaven, καιG2532 and πάσιG3956 to all τοιςG3588 the θηρίοιςG2342 wild beasts τουG3588 of the αγρούG68 field; τω δεG3588 but to Αδάμ Adam ουχG3756 there was not ευρέθηG2147 found βοηθόςG998 a helper όμοιοςG3664 likened αυτώG1473 to him. 21καιG2532 And επέβαλεG1911 put κύριοςG2962 the lord οG3588 θεόςG2316 God έκστασινG1611 a change of state επίG1909 over τονG3588 Αδάμ Adam, καιG2532 and ύπνωσε he slept. καιG2532 And έλαβεG2983 he took μίανG1520 one τωνG3588 πλευρών αυτούG4125 of his ribs, καιG2532 and ανεπλήρωσεG378 supplied σάρκαG4561 flesh αντ΄G473 against αυτήςG1473 it. 22καιG2532 And ωκοδόμησεG3618 built κύριοςG2962 the lord οG3588 θεόςG2316 God τηνG3588 the πλευράνG4125 rib ηνG3739 which έλαβενG2983 he took απόG575 from τουG3588 Αδάμ Adam ειςG1519 into γυναίκαG1135 a woman. καιG2532 And ήγαγενG71 he led αυτήνG1473 her προςG4314 to τονG3588 Αδάμ Adam. 23καιG2532 And είπεν ΑδάμG2036 Adam said, τούτοG3778 This νυνG3568 now οστούνG3747 is bone εκG1537 from τωνG3588 οστέων μουG3747 my bones, καιG2532 and σαρξG4561 flesh εκG1537 from τηςG3588 σαρκός μουG4561 my flesh; αυτήG3778 she κληθήσεταιG2564 shall be called γυνήG1135 woman, ότιG3754 for εκG1537 from τουG3588 the ανδρόςG435 man αυτήςG1473 she ελήφθηG2983 was taken. 24ένεκενG1752 Because of τούτουG3778 this καταλείψειG2641 shall leave άνθρωποςG444 man τονG3588 πατέρα αυτούG3962 his father καιG2532 and τηνG3588 μητέραG3384 mother, καιG2532 and προσκολληθήσεταιG4347 shall cleave to τηG3588 γυναίκα αυτούG1135 his wife, καιG2532 and έσονται shall be οιG3588 the δύοG1417 two ειςG1519 for σάρκαG4561 flesh μίανG1520 one. 25καιG2532 And ήσαν were οιG3588 the δύοG1417 two γυμνοίG1131 naked, οG3739 τεG5037 both Αδάμ Adam καιG2532 and ηG3588 γυνή αυτούG1135 his wife. καιG2532 And ουκG3756 they were not ησχύνοντοG153 ashamed.


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Tak mówi Pan, który cię uczynił i ukształtował w łonie matki, który cię wspomaga: Nie bój się, mój sługo, Jakubie, i Jeszurunie, którego wybrałem!
Iz 44:2

W Chrystusie

Kto zaś łączy się z Panem, jest z nim jednym duchem.
I Kor 6:17

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Król Jozjasz miał zaledwie 13-14 lat kiedy został ojcem (po połączeniu wskazują na to te wersety: II Król 22:1, II Król 23:31, II Król 23:34-36).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

W nim i wy, którzy usłyszeliście słowo prawdy, ewangelię zbawienia waszego, i uwierzyliście w niego, zostaliście zapieczętowani obiecanym Duchem Świętym,
Efez 1:13

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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