King James Version
Księga Rodzaju 6:14

And it came to pass, when menH120 beganH2490 to multiplyH7231 onH5921 the faceH6440 of the earth,H127 and daughtersH1323 were bornH3205 unto them,
That the sonsH1121 of GodH430 sawH7200 the daughtersH1323 of menH120 that theyH2007 were fair;H2896 and they tookH3947 them wivesH802 of all which they chose.H977
And the LORDH3068 said,H559 My spiritH7307 shall not alwaysH5769 striveH1777 with man,H120 for that he alsoH1571 is fleshH7683, H1320: yet his daysH3117 shall be an hundredH3967 and twentyH6242 years.H8141
There were giantsH5303 in the earthH776 in those days;H3117 and also afterH310 that,H3651 whenH834 the sonsH1121 of GodH430 came inH935 unto the daughtersH1323 of men,H120 and they bareH3205 children to them, the sameH1992 became mighty menH1368 which were of old,H5769 menH582 of renown.H8034
And GODH3068 sawH7200 that the wickednessH7451 of manH120 was greatH7227 in the earth,H776 and that every imaginationH3336 of the thoughtsH4284 of his heartH3820 was onlyH7535 evilH7451 continually.H3117
And it repentedH5162 the LORDH3068 that he had madeH6213 manH120 on the earth,H776 and it grievedH6087 him atH413 his heart.H3820
And the LORDH3068 said,H559 I will destroyH4229 manH120 whom I have createdH1254 from the faceH6440 of the earth;H127 both man,H120 andH5704 beast,H929 and the creeping thing,H7431 and the fowlsH5775 of the air;H8064 for it repentethH5162 me that I have madeH6213 them.
These are the generationsH8435 of Noah:H5146 NoahH5146 was a justH6662 manH376 and perfectH8549 in his generations,H1755 and NoahH5146 walkedH1980 with God.H430
The earthH776 also was corruptH7843 beforeH6440 God,H430 and the earthH776 was filledH4390 with violence.H2555
And GodH430 lookedH7200 upon the earth,H776 and, behold, it was corrupt;H7843 for all fleshH1320 had corruptedH7843 his wayH1870 upon the earth.H776
And GodH430 saidH559 unto Noah,H5146 The endH7093 of all fleshH1320 is comeH935 before me;H6440 for the earthH776 is filled withH4390 violenceH2555 through them;H6440 and, behold, I will destroyH7843 them withH854 the earth.H776
MakeH6213 thee an arkH8392 of gopherH1613 wood;H6086 roomsH7064 shalt thou makeH6213 inH854 the ark,H8392 and shalt pitchH3722 it withinH1004 and withoutH2351 with pitch.H3724
And this is the fashion which thou shalt makeH6213 it of: The lengthH753 of the arkH8392 shall be threeH7969 hundredH3967 cubits,H520 the breadthH7341 of it fiftyH2572 cubits,H520 and the heightH6967 of it thirtyH7970 cubits.H520
A windowH6672 shalt thou makeH6213 to the ark,H8392 and in a cubitH520 shalt thou finishH3615 it above;H4605 and the doorH6607 of the arkH8392 shalt thou setH7760 in the side thereof;H6654 with lower,H8482 second,H8145 and thirdH7992 stories shalt thou makeH6213 it.
And, behold,H2009 I,H589 even I, do bringH935 a floodH3999 of watersH4325 upon the earth,H776 to destroyH7843 all flesh,H1320 wherein is the breathH7307 of life,H2416 from underH8478 heaven;H8064 and every thingH3605 that is in the earthH776 shall die.H1478
But with thee will I establishH6965 my covenant;H1285 and thou shalt comeH935 intoH413 the ark,H8392 thou,H859 and thy sons,H1121 and thy wife,H802 and thy sons'H1121 wivesH802 with thee.
And of every living thingH2416 of all flesh,H1320 twoH8147 of every sort shalt thou bringH935 into the ark,H8392 to keep them aliveH2421 with thee; they shall be maleH2145 and female.H5347
Of fowlsH5775 after their kind,H4327 and of cattleH929 after their kind,H4327 of every creeping thingH7431 of the earthH127 after his kind,H4327 twoH8147 of every sort shall comeH935 unto thee, to keep them alive.H2421
And takeH3947 thou unto thee of all foodH3978 that is eaten,H398 and thou shalt gatherH622 it to thee; and it shall be for foodH402 for thee, and for them.