„A drudzy pobici są mieczem tego, który siedzi na koniu, wychodzącym z ust jego, a wszyscy ptacy nasyceni są mięsem ich.”

Biblia Brzeska: Objawienie św. Jana 19,21


King James Version
Księga: 1 Księga Królewska 7:8

Tytuł oryginalny
1 Kings
But SolomonH8010 was buildingH1129 his own houseH1004 thirteenH6240, H7969 years,H8141 and he finishedH3615 all his house.H1004
He builtH1129 also the houseH1004 of the forestH3293 of Lebanon;H3844 the lengthH753 thereof was an hundredH3967 cubits,H520 and the breadthH7341 thereof fiftyH2572 cubits,H520 and the heightH6967 thereof thirtyH7970 cubits,H520 upon fourH702 rowsH2905 of cedarH730 pillars,H5982 with cedarH730 beamsH3773 upon the pillars.H5982
And it was coveredH5603 with cedarH730 aboveH4605 upon the beams,H6763 that lay on fortyH705 fiveH2568 pillars,H5982 fifteenH6240 in a row.H2905
And there were windowsH8261 in threeH7969 rows,H2905 and lightH4237 was against lightH4237 in threeH7969 ranks.H6471
And all the doorsH6607 and postsH4201 were square,H7251 with the windows:H8260 and lightH4237 was againstH4136 lightH4237 in threeH7969 ranks.H6471
And he madeH6213 a porchH197 of pillars;H5982 the lengthH753 thereof was fiftyH2572 cubits,H520 and the breadthH7341 thereof thirtyH7970 cubits:H520 and the porchH197 was beforeH6440 them: and the other pillarsH5982 and the thick beamH5646 were before them.
Then he madeH6213 a porchH197 for the throneH3678 where he might judge,H8199 even the porchH197 of judgment:H4941 and it was coveredH5603 with cedarH730 from one side of the floorH7172 to the other.H7172
And his houseH1004 where he dweltH3427 had anotherH312 courtH2691 withinH1004 the porch,H197 which was of the like work.H4639 SolomonH8010 madeH6213 also an houseH1004 for Pharaoh'sH6547 daughter,H1323 whom he had takenH3947 to wife, like unto this porch.H197
All these were of costlyH3368 stones,H68 according to the measuresH4060 of hewed stones,H1496 sawedH1641 with saws,H4050 withinH1004 and without,H2351 even from the foundationH4527 unto the coping,H2947 and so on the outsideH2351 toward the greatH1419 court.H2691
And the foundationH3245 was of costlyH3368 stones,H68 even greatH1419 stones,H68 stonesH68 of tenH6235 cubits,H520 and stonesH68 of eightH8083 cubits.H520
And aboveH4605 were costlyH3368 stones,H68 after the measuresH4060 of hewed stones,H1496 and cedars.H730
And the greatH1419 courtH2691 round aboutH5439 was with threeH7969 rowsH2905 of hewed stones,H1496 and a rowH2905 of cedarH730 beams,H3773 both for the innerH6442 courtH2691 of the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 and for the porchH197 of the house.H1004
And kingH4428 SolomonH8010 sentH7971 and fetchedH3947 HiramH2438 out of Tyre.H6865
He was a widow'sH490, H802 sonH1121 of the tribeH4294 of Naphtali,H5321 and his fatherH1 was a manH376 of Tyre,H6876 a workerH2790 in brass:H5178 and he was filledH4390 with wisdom,H2451 and understanding,H8394 and cunningH1847 to workH6213 all worksH4399 in brass.H5178 And he cameH935 to kingH4428 Solomon,H8010 and wroughtH6213 all his work.H4399
For he castH6696 twoH8147 pillarsH5982 of brass,H5178 of eighteenH6240, H8083 cubitsH520 highH6967 apieceH259, H5982: and a lineH2339 of twelveH6240, H8147 cubitsH520 did compassH5437 eitherH8145 of them about.H5437
And he madeH6213 twoH8147 chapitersH3805 of moltenH3332 brass,H5178 to setH5414 upon the topsH7218 of the pillars:H5982 the heightH6967 of the oneH259 chapiterH3805 was fiveH2568 cubits,H520 and the heightH6967 of the otherH8145 chapiterH3805 was fiveH2568 cubits:H520
And netsH7638 of checkerH7639 work,H4639 and wreathsH1434 of chainH8333 work,H4639 for the chapitersH3805 which were upon the topH7218 of the pillars;H5982 sevenH7651 for the oneH259 chapiter,H3805 and sevenH7651 for the otherH8145 chapiter.H3805
And he madeH6213 the pillars,H5982 and twoH8147 rowsH2905 round aboutH5439 upon the oneH259 network,H7639 to coverH3680 the chapitersH3805 that were upon the top,H7218 with pomegranates:H7416 and so didH6213 he for the otherH8145 chapiter.H3805
And the chapitersH3805 that were upon the topH7218 of the pillarsH5982 were of lilyH7799 workH4639 in the porch,H197 fourH702 cubits.H520
And the chapitersH3805 upon the twoH8147 pillarsH5982 had pomegranates also above,H4605 over againstH5980 the bellyH990 which was byH5676 the network:H7639 and the pomegranatesH7416 were two hundredH3967 in rowsH2905 round aboutH5439 upon the otherH8145 chapiter.H3805
And he set upH6965 the pillarsH5982 in the porchH197 of the temple:H1964 and he set upH6965 the rightH3233 pillar,H5982 and calledH7121 the nameH8034 thereof Jachin:H3199 and he set upH6965 the leftH8042 pillar,H5982 and calledH7121 the nameH8034 thereof Boaz.H1162
And upon the topH7218 of the pillarsH5982 was lilyH7799 work:H4639 so was the workH4399 of the pillarsH5982 finished.H8552
And he madeH6213 a moltenH3332 sea,H3220 tenH6235 cubitsH520 from the one brimH8193 to the other:H8193 it was roundH5696 all about,H5439 and his heightH6967 was fiveH2568 cubits:H520 and a lineH6957, H6961 of thirtyH7970 cubitsH520 did compassH5437 it round about.H5439
And under the brimH8193 of it round aboutH5439 there were knopsH6497 compassingH5437 it, tenH6235 in a cubit,H520 compassingH5362 the seaH3220 round about:H5439 the knopsH6497 were castH3333 in twoH8147 rows,H2905 when it was cast.H3332
It stoodH5975 upon twelveH6240, H8147 oxen,H1241 threeH7969 lookingH6437 toward the north,H6828 and threeH7969 lookingH6437 toward the west,H3220 and threeH7969 lookingH6437 toward the south,H5045 and threeH7969 lookingH6437 toward the east:H4217 and the seaH3220 was set aboveH4605 upon them, and all their hinder partsH268 were inward.H1004
And it was an hand breadthH2947 thick,H5672 and the brimH8193 thereof was wroughtH4639 like the brimH8193 of a cup,H3563 with flowersH6525 of lilies:H7799 it containedH3557 two thousandH505 baths.H1324
And he madeH6213 tenH6235 basesH4350 of brass;H5178 fourH702 cubitsH520 was the lengthH753 of oneH259 base,H4350 and fourH702 cubitsH520 the breadthH7341 thereof, and threeH7969 cubitsH520 the heightH6967 of it.
And the workH4639 of the basesH4350 was on this manner: they had borders,H4526 and the bordersH4526 were between the ledges:H7948
And on the bordersH4526 that were between the ledgesH7948 were lions,H738 oxen,H1241 and cherubims:H3742 and upon the ledgesH7948 there was a baseH3653 above:H4605 and beneath the lionsH738 and oxenH1241 were certain additionsH3914 made of thinH4174 work.H4639
And everyH259 baseH4350 had fourH702 brasenH5178 wheels,H212 and platesH5633 of brass:H5178 and the fourH702 cornersH6471 thereof had undersetters:H3802 under the laverH3595 were undersettersH3802 molten,H3332 at the sideH5676 of everyH376 addition.H3914
And the mouthH6310 of it withinH1004 the chapiterH3805 and aboveH4605 was a cubit:H520 but the mouthH6310 thereof was roundH5696 after the workH4639 of the base,H3653 a cubitH520 and an half:H2677 and also upon the mouthH6310 of it were gravingsH4734 with their borders,H4526 foursquare,H7251 not round.H5696
And underH8478 the bordersH4526 were fourH702 wheels;H212 and the axletreesH3027 of the wheelsH212 were joined to the base:H4350 and the heightH6967 of aH259 wheelH212 was a cubitH520 and halfH2677 a cubit.H520
And the workH4639 of the wheelsH212 was like the workH4639 of a chariotH4818 wheel:H212 their axletrees,H3027 and their naves,H1354 and their felloes,H2839 and their spokes,H2840 were all molten.H3332
And there were fourH702 undersettersH3802 to the fourH702 cornersH6438 of oneH259 base:H4350 and the undersettersH3802 were of the very baseH4350 itself.
And in the topH7218 of the baseH4350 was there a roundH5696 compassH5439 of halfH2677 a cubitH520 high:H6967 and on the topH7218 of the baseH4350 the ledgesH3027 thereof and the bordersH4526 thereof were of the same.
For on the platesH3871 of the ledgesH3027 thereof, and on the bordersH4526 thereof, he gravedH6605 cherubims,H3742 lions,H738 and palm trees,H8561 according to the proportionH4626 of every one,H376 and additionsH3914 round about.H5439
After this manner he madeH6213 the tenH6235 bases:H4350 all of them had oneH259 casting,H4165 oneH259 measure,H4060 and oneH259 size.H7095
Then madeH6213 he tenH6235 laversH3595 of brass:H5178 oneH259 laverH3595 containedH3557 fortyH705 baths:H1324 and everyH259 laverH3595 was fourH702 cubits:H520 and upon every oneH259 of the tenH6235 basesH4350 oneH259 laver.H3595
And he putH5414 fiveH2568 basesH4350 on the rightH3225 sideH3802 of the house,H1004 and fiveH2568 on the leftH8040 sideH3802 of the house:H1004 and he setH5414 the seaH3220 on the rightH3233 sideH3802 of the houseH1004 eastwardH6924 over againstH4136 the south.H5045
And HiramH2438 madeH6213 the lavers,H3595 and the shovels,H3257 and the basons.H4219 So HiramH2438 madeH3615 an end of doingH6213 all the workH4399 that he madeH6213 kingH4428 SolomonH8010 for the houseH1004 of the LORD:H3068
The twoH8147 pillars,H5982 and the two bowlsH1543 of the chapitersH3805 that were on the topH7218 of the twoH8147 pillars;H5982 and the twoH8147 networks,H7639 to coverH3680 the twoH8147 bowlsH1543 of the chapitersH3805 which were upon the topH7218 of the pillars;H5982
And fourH702 hundredH3967 pomegranatesH7416 for the twoH8147 networks,H7639 even twoH8147 rowsH2905 of pomegranatesH7416 for oneH259 network,H7639 to coverH3680 the twoH8147 bowlsH1543 of the chapitersH3805 that were uponH6440 the pillars;H5982
And the tenH6235 bases,H4350 and tenH6235 laversH3595 on the bases;H4350
And oneH259 sea,H3220 and twelveH6240, H8147 oxenH1241 under the sea;H3220
And the pots,H5518 and the shovels,H3257 and the basons:H4219 and all these vessels,H3627 which HiramH2438 madeH6213 to kingH4428 SolomonH8010 for the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 were of brightH4178 brass.H5178
In the plainH3603 of JordanH3383 did the kingH4428 castH3332 them, in the clayH4568 groundH127 between SuccothH5523 and Zarthan.H6891
And SolomonH8010 leftH3240 all the vesselsH3627 unweighed, because they were exceedingH3966, H3966 many:H7230 neither was the weightH4948 of the brassH5178 found out.H2713
And SolomonH8010 madeH6213 all the vesselsH3627 that pertained unto the houseH1004 of the LORD:H3068 the altarH4196 of gold,H2091 and the tableH7979 of gold,H2091 whereupon the shewbreadH6440 was,H3899
And the candlesticksH4501 of pureH5462 gold,H2091 fiveH2568 on the rightH3225 side, and fiveH2568 on the left,H8040 beforeH6440 the oracle,H1687 with the flowers,H6525 and the lamps,H5216 and the tongsH4457 of gold,H2091
And the bowls,H5592 and the snuffers,H4212 and the basons,H4219 and the spoons,H3709 and the censersH4289 of pureH5462 gold;H2091 and the hingesH6596 of gold,H2091 both for the doorsH1817 of the innerH6442 house,H1004 the mostH6944 holyH6944 place, and for the doorsH1817 of the house,H1004 to wit, of the temple.H1964
So was endedH7999 all the workH4399 that kingH4428 SolomonH8010 madeH6213 for the houseH1004 of the LORD.H3068 And SolomonH8010 brought inH935 the things which DavidH1732 his fatherH1 had dedicated;H6944 even the silver,H3701 and the gold,H2091 and the vessels,H3627 did he putH5414 among the treasuresH214 of the houseH1004 of the LORD.H3068


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Nie bój się, bo już nie doznasz zawstydzenia, i nie zrażaj się, bo już nie zostaniesz zhańbiona, gdyż zapomnisz o hańbie swojej młodości i nie będziesz pamiętać opłakanego stanu twojego wdowieństwa.
Iz 54:4

W Chrystusie

W nim bowiem wybrał nas przed założeniem świata, abyśmy byli święci i nienaganni przed obliczem jego; w miłości
Efez 1:4

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Po brutalnym zamordowaniu 70 mężczyzn w Mispa, ciała ich wrzucono do cysterny którą około 300 lat wcześniej zbudował Król Asa (Jer 41:4-9, I Król 15:16-22).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Oto nie drzemie Ani nie zasypia stróż Izraela.
Ps 121:4

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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