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Biblia Warszawska - Księga Psalmów 85,8
Biblia Jakuba Wujka
Okaż nam, PANIE, miłosierdzie twoje a daj nam zbawienie twoje.Księga Psalmów 85,8
Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska
Posłucham, co będzie mówił Bóg, PAN; zaprawdę, ogłosi pokój swojemu ludowi i swoim świętym, aby tylko nie wracali do swojej głupoty.Księga Psalmów 85,8
American Standard Version
I will hear what God Jehovah will speak; For he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: But let them not turn again to folly.Księga Psalmów 85,8
Clementine Vulgate
Non est similis tui in diis, Domine,et non est secundum opera tua.Księga Psalmów 85,8
King James Version
I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.Księga Psalmów 85,8
Young's Literal Translation
I hear what God Jehovah speaketh, For He speaketh peace unto His people, And unto His saints, and they turn not back to folly.Księga Psalmów 85,8
World English Bible
I will hear what God, Yahweh, will speak, For he will speak peace to his people, his saints; But let them not turn again to folly.Księga Psalmów 85,8