„Trwajcie gorliwie na modlitwie, czuwając na niej wśród dziękczynienia.”

Biblia Tysiąclecia: List do Kolosan 4,2


King James Version
Księga Sędziów 13:5

Tytuł oryginalny
1 And the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 didH6213 evilH7451 againH3254 in the sightH5869 of the LORD;H3068 and the LORDH3068 deliveredH5414 them into the handH3027 of the PhilistinesH6430 fortyH705 years.H8141 2 And there was a certainH259 manH376 of Zorah,H6881 of the familyH4940 of the Danites,H1839 whose nameH8034 was Manoah;H4495 and his wifeH802 was barren,H6135 and bareH3205 not. 3 And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 appearedH7200 unto the woman,H802 and saidH559 unto her, Behold now, thou art barren,H6135 and bearestH3205 not: but thou shalt conceive,H2029 and bearH3205 a son.H1121 4 Now therefore beware,H8104 I pray thee, and drinkH8354 not wineH3196 nor strong drink,H7941 and eatH398 not any uncleanH2931 thing: 5 For, lo, thou shalt conceive,H2030 and bearH3205 a son;H1121 and no razorH4177 shall comeH5927 on his head:H7218 for the childH5288 shall be a NazariteH5139 unto GodH430 from the womb:H990 and he shall beginH2490 to deliverH3467 IsraelH3478 out of the handH3027 of the Philistines.H6430 6 Then the womanH802 cameH935 and toldH559 her husband,H376 saying,H559 A manH376 of GodH430 cameH935 unto me, and his countenanceH4758 was like the countenanceH4758 of an angelH4397 of God,H430 veryH3966 terrible:H3372 but I askedH7592 him not whence he was, neither toldH5046 he me his name:H8034 7 But he saidH559 unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceive,H2030 and bearH3205 a son;H1121 and now drinkH7941 no wineH3196 nor strong drink,H8354 neither eatH398 any uncleanH2932 thing: for the childH5288 shall be a NazariteH5139 to GodH430 from the wombH990 to the dayH3117 of his death.H4194 8 Then ManoahH4495 intreatedH6279 the LORD,H3068 and said,H559 OH994 my Lord,H136 letH4994 the manH376 of GodH430 which thou didst sendH7971 come againH935 unto us, and teachH3384 us what we shall doH6213 unto the childH5288 that shall be born.H3205 9 And GodH430 hearkenedH8085 to the voiceH6963 of Manoah;H4495 and the angelH4397 of GodH430 came againH935 unto the womanH802 as she satH3427 in the field:H7704 but ManoahH4495 her husbandH376 was not with her. 10 And the womanH802 made haste,H4116 and ran,H7323 and shewedH5046 her husband,H376 and saidH559 unto him, Behold, the manH376 hath appearedH7200 unto me, that cameH935 unto me the other day.H3117 11 And ManoahH4495 arose,H6965 and wentH3212 afterH310 his wife,H802 and cameH935 to the man,H376 and saidH559 unto him, Art thou the manH376 that spakestH1696 unto the woman?H802 And he said,H559 I am. 12 And ManoahH4495 said,H559 Now let thy wordsH1697 come to pass.H935 How shall we orderH4941 the child,H5288 and how shall we doH4639 unto him? 13 And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto Manoah,H4495 Of all that I saidH559 unto the womanH802 let her beware.H8104 14 She may not eatH398 of any thing that comethH3318 of the vine,H1612 neither let her drinkH8354 wineH3196 or strong drink,H7941 nor eatH398 any uncleanH2932 thing: all that I commandedH6680 her let her observe.H8104 15 And ManoahH4495 saidH559 unto the angelH4397 of the LORD,H3068 I pray thee, let us detainH6113 thee, until we shall have made readyH6213 a kidH5795, H1423 forH6440 thee. 16 And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto Manoah,H4495 Though thou detainH6113 me, I will not eatH398 of thy bread:H3899 and ifH518 thou wilt offerH6213 a burnt offering,H5930 thou must offerH5927 it unto the LORD.H3068 For ManoahH4495 knewH3045 not that he was an angelH4397 of the LORD.H3068 17 And ManoahH4495 saidH559 unto the angelH4397 of the LORD,H3068 What is thy name,H8034 that when thy sayingsH1697 come to passH935 we may do thee honour?H3513 18 And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto him, Why askestH7592 thou thus after my name,H8034 seeing it is secretH6383, H6383? 19 So ManoahH4495 tookH3947 a kidH5795 withH1423 a meat offering,H4503 and offeredH5927 it upon a rockH6697 unto the LORD:H3068 and the angel didH6213 wondrously;H6381 and ManoahH4495 and his wifeH802 looked on.H7200 20 For it came to pass, when the flameH3851 went upH5927 toward heavenH8064 from off the altar,H4196 that the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 ascendedH5927 in the flameH3851 of the altar.H4196 And ManoahH4495 and his wifeH802 looked onH7200 it, and fell onH5307 their facesH6440 to the ground.H776 21 But the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 did no moreH3254 appearH7200 to ManoahH4495 and to his wife.H802 Then ManoahH4495 knewH3045 that he was an angelH4397 of the LORD.H3068 22 And ManoahH4495 saidH559 unto his wife,H802 We shall surelyH4191 die,H4191 because we have seenH7200 God.H430 23 But his wifeH802 saidH559 unto him, IfH3863 the LORDH3068 were pleasedH2654 to killH4191 us, he would not have receivedH3947 a burnt offeringH5930 and a meat offeringH4503 at our hands,H3027 neither would he have shewedH7200 us all these things, nor would as at this timeH6256 have toldH8085 us such things as these.H2063 24 And the womanH802 bareH3205 a son,H1121 and calledH7121 his nameH8034 Samson:H8123 and the childH5288 grew,H1431 and the LORDH3068 blessedH1288 him. 25 And the SpiritH7307 of the LORDH3068 beganH2490 to move him at timesH6470 in the campH4264 of DanH1835 between ZorahH6881 and Eshtaol.H847


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Nie bój się, bo Ja jestem z tobą. Ze Wschodu przywiodę twoje potomstwo i z Zachodu zgromadzę cię.
Iz 43:5

W Chrystusie

Przystąpmy tedy z ufną odwagą do tronu łaski, abyśmy dostąpili miłosierdzia i znaleźli łaskę ku pomocy w stosownej porze.
Hebr 4:16

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Niektórzy ludzie twierdzą absurdalnie że nie wierzą w Stary Testament tylko w Nowy Testament.
W ewangelii Mateusza znajduje się ponad 100 cytatów z 20 ksiąg Starego Testamentu. W ewangelii Marka 15 cytatów pochodzi z 13 ksiąg Starego Testamentu. W ewangelii Łukasza są 34 cytaty z 13 ksiąg. W ewangelii Jana znajduje się 11 cytatów z 6 ksiąg. W samych czterech Ewangeliach znajduje się ponad 160 cytatów ze Starego Testamentu.

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Jak niezgłębione są dla mnie myśli twe, Boże, Jak wielka jest ich liczba! Gdybym je chciał zliczyć, Byłoby ich więcej niż piasku; Gdybym skończył, Jeszcze byłbym z tobą.
Ps 139:17-18

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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