„I was, będących martwymi w upadkach i w nieobrzezaniu waszego ciała, razem z Nim ożywił, darując wam wszystkie upadki,”

Biblia Przekład Toruński: List do Kolosan 2,13

King James Version
Księga Jeremiasza 41:9

Tytuł oryginalny
1 Now it came to pass in the seventhH7637 month,H2320 that IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of NethaniahH5418 the sonH1121 of Elishama,H476 of the seedH2233 royal,H4410 and the princesH7227 of the king,H4428 even tenH6235 menH582 with him, cameH935 unto GedaliahH1436 the sonH1121 of AhikamH296 to Mizpah;H4709 and there they did eatH398 breadH3899 togetherH3162 in Mizpah.H4708 2 Then aroseH6965 IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of Nethaniah,H5418 and the tenH6235 menH582 that were with him, and smoteH5221 GedaliahH1436 the sonH1121 of AhikamH296 the sonH1121 of ShaphanH8227 with the sword,H2719 and slewH4191 him, whom the kingH4428 of BabylonH894 had made governorH6485 over the land.H776 3 IshmaelH3458 also slewH5221 all the JewsH3064 that were with him, even with Gedaliah,H1436 at Mizpah,H4709 and the ChaldeansH3778 that were foundH4672 there, and the menH582 of war.H4421 4 And it came to pass the secondH8145 dayH3117 after he had slainH4191 Gedaliah,H1436 and no manH376 knewH3045 it, 5 That there cameH935 certainH582 from Shechem,H7927 from Shiloh,H7887 and from Samaria,H8111 even fourscoreH8084 men,H376 having their beardsH2206 shaven,H1548 and their clothesH899 rent,H7167 and having cutH1413 themselves, with offeringsH4503 and incenseH3828 in their hand,H3027 to bringH935 them to the houseH1004 of the LORD.H3068 6 And IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of NethaniahH5418 went forthH3318 from MizpahH4709 to meetH7125 them, weepingH1058 all alongH1980 as he went:H1980 and it came to pass, as he metH6298 them, he saidH559 unto them, ComeH935 to GedaliahH1436 the sonH1121 of Ahikam.H296 7 And it was so, when they cameH935 into the midstH8432 of the city,H5892 that IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of NethaniahH5418 slewH7819 them, and cast them into the midstH8432 of the pit,H953 he, and the menH582 that were with him. 8 But tenH6235 menH582 were foundH4672 among them that saidH559 unto Ishmael,H3458 SlayH4191 us not: for we haveH3426 treasuresH4301 in the field,H7704 of wheat,H2406 and of barley,H8184 and of oil,H8081 and of honey.H1706 So he forbare,H2308 and slewH4191 them not amongH8432 their brethren.H251 9 Now the pitH953 wherein IshmaelH3458 had castH7993 all the dead bodiesH6297 of the men,H582 whom he had slainH5221 becauseH3027 of Gedaliah,H1436 was it which AsaH609 the kingH4428 had madeH6213 for fearH6440 of BaashaH1201 kingH4428 of Israel:H3478 and IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of NethaniahH5418 filledH4390 it with them that were slain.H2491 10 Then IshmaelH3458 carried away captiveH7617 all the residueH7611 of the peopleH5971 that were in Mizpah,H4709 even the king'sH4428 daughters,H1323 and all the peopleH5971 that remainedH7604 in Mizpah,H4709 whom NebuzaradanH5018 the captainH7227 of the guardH2876 had committedH6485 to GedaliahH1436 the sonH1121 of Ahikam:H296 and IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of NethaniahH5418 carried them away captive,H7617 and departedH3212 to go overH5674 to the AmmonitesH5983, H1121. 11 But when JohananH3110 the sonH1121 of Kareah,H7143 and all the captainsH8269 of the forcesH2428 that were with him, heardH8085 of all the evilH7451 that IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of NethaniahH5418 had done,H6213 12 Then they tookH3947 all the men,H582 and wentH3212 to fightH3898 with IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of Nethaniah,H5418 and foundH4672 him by the greatH7227 watersH4325 that are in Gibeon.H1391 13 Now it came to pass, that when all the peopleH5971 which were with IshmaelH3458 sawH7200 JohananH3110 the sonH1121 of Kareah,H7143 and all the captainsH8269 of the forcesH2428 that were with him, then they were glad.H8055 14 So all the peopleH5971 that IshmaelH3458 had carried away captiveH7617 from MizpahH4709 cast aboutH5437 and returned,H7725 and wentH3212 unto JohananH3110 the sonH1121 of Kareah.H7143 15 But IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of NethaniahH5418 escapedH4422 fromH6440 JohananH3110 with eightH8083 men,H582 and wentH3212 to the AmmonitesH5983, H1121. 16 Then tookH3947 JohananH3110 the sonH1121 of Kareah,H7143 and all the captainsH8269 of the forcesH2428 that were with him, all the remnantH7611 of the peopleH5971 whom he had recoveredH7725 from IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of Nethaniah,H5418 from Mizpah,H4709 afterH310 that he had slainH5221 GedaliahH1436 the sonH1121 of Ahikam,H296 even mightyH1397 menH582 of war,H4421 and the women,H802 and the children,H2945 and the eunuchs,H5631 whom he had brought againH7725 from Gibeon:H1391 17 And they departed,H3212 and dwelt inH3427 the habitationH1628 of Chimham,H3643 which is byH681 Bethlehem,H1035 to goH3212 to enterH935 into Egypt,H4714 18 BecauseH6440 of the Chaldeans:H3778 for they were afraidH3372 of them, because IshmaelH3458 the sonH1121 of NethaniahH5418 had slainH5221 GedaliahH1436 the sonH1121 of Ahikam,H296 whom the kingH4428 of BabylonH894 made governorH6485 in the land.H776


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Nie bój się, bo już nie doznasz zawstydzenia, i nie zrażaj się, bo już nie zostaniesz zhańbiona, gdyż zapomnisz o hańbie swojej młodości i nie będziesz pamiętać opłakanego stanu twojego wdowieństwa.
Iz 54:4

W Chrystusie

I macie pełnię w nim; On jest głową wszelkiej nadziemskiej władzy i zwierzchności,
Kol 2:10

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Abraham wybudował więcej ołtarzy niż jakakolwiek inna osoba w całej Biblii (I Mojż 12:7, I Mojż 12:8, I Mojż 13:18, I Mojż 22:9-14).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Miłuję tych, którzy mnie miłują, a którzy mnie gorliwie szukają, znajdują mnie.
Przyp 8:17

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Pozostaw to pole puste aby wyświetlić wszystkie wypowiedzi tej lub do tej osoby.


Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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