King James Version
Księga Daniela 9:11

In the firstH259 yearH8141 of DariusH1867 the sonH1121 of Ahasuerus,H325 of the seedH2233 of the Medes,H4074 which was made kingH4427 over the realmH4438 of the Chaldeans;H3778
In the firstH259 yearH8141 of his reignH4427 I DanielH1840 understoodH995 by booksH5612 the numberH4557 of the years,H8141 whereof the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 came to JeremiahH3414 the prophet,H5030 that he would accomplishH4390 seventyH7657 yearsH8141 in the desolationsH2723 of Jerusalem.H3389
And I setH5414 my faceH6440 unto the LordH136 God,H430 to seekH1245 by prayerH8605 and supplications,H8469 with fasting,H6685 and sackcloth,H8242 and ashes:H665
And I prayedH6419 unto the LORDH3068 my God,H430 and made my confession,H3034 and said,H559 OH577 Lord,H136 the greatH1419 and dreadfulH3372 God,H410 keepingH8104 the covenantH1285 and mercyH2617 to them that loveH157 him, and to them that keepH8104 his commandments;H4687
We have sinned,H2398 and have committed iniquity,H5753 and have done wickedly,H7561 and have rebelled,H4775 even by departingH5493 from thy preceptsH4687 and from thy judgments:H4941
Neither have we hearkenedH8085 unto thy servantsH5650 the prophets,H5030 which spakeH1696 in thy nameH8034 to our kings,H4428 our princes,H8269 and our fathers,H1 and to all the peopleH5971 of the land.H776
O Lord,H136 righteousnessH6666 belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusionH1322 of faces,H6440 as at this day;H3117 to the menH376 of Judah,H3063 and to the inhabitantsH3427 of Jerusalem,H3389 and unto all Israel,H3478 that are near,H7138 and that are far off,H7350 through all the countriesH776 whither thou hast drivenH5080 them, because of their trespassH4604 that they have trespassedH4603 against thee.
O Lord,H136 to us belongeth confusionH1322 of face,H6440 to our kings,H4428 to our princes,H8269 and to our fathers,H1 because we have sinnedH2398 against thee.
To the LordH136 our GodH430 belong merciesH7356 and forgivenesses,H5547 though we have rebelledH4775 against him;
Neither have we obeyedH8085 the voiceH6963 of the LORDH3068 our God,H430 to walkH3212 in his laws,H8451 which he setH5414 beforeH6440 us byH3027 his servantsH5650 the prophets.H5030
Yea, all IsraelH3478 have transgressedH5674 thy law,H8451 even by departing,H5493 that they might not obeyH8085 thy voice;H6963 therefore the curseH423 is pouredH5413 upon us, and the oathH7621 that is writtenH3789 in the lawH8451 of MosesH4872 the servantH5650 of God,H430 because we have sinnedH2398 against him.
And he hath confirmedH6965 his words,H1697 which he spakeH1696 against us, and against our judgesH8199 that judgedH8199 us, by bringingH935 upon us a greatH1419 evil:H7451 for under the whole heavenH8064 hath not been doneH6213 as hath been doneH6213 upon Jerusalem.H3389
As it is writtenH3789 in the lawH8451 of Moses,H4872 all this evilH7451 is comeH935 upon us: yet made we not our prayerH2470 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 our God,H430 that we might turnH7725 from our iniquities,H5771 and understandH7919 thy truth.H571
Therefore hath the LORDH3068 watchedH8245 upon the evil,H7451 and broughtH935 it upon us: for the LORDH3068 our GodH430 is righteousH6662 in all his worksH4639 which he doeth:H6213 for we obeyedH8085 not his voice.H6963
And now, O LordH136 our God,H430 that hast broughtH3318 thy peopleH5971 forthH3318 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714 with a mightyH2389 hand,H3027 and hast gottenH6213 thee renown,H8034 as at this day;H3117 we have sinned,H2398 we have done wickedly.H7561
O Lord,H136 according to all thy righteousness,H6666 I beseech thee, let thine angerH639 and thy furyH2534 be turned awayH7725 from thy cityH5892 Jerusalem,H3389 thy holyH6944 mountain:H2022 because for our sins,H2399 and for the iniquitiesH5771 of our fathers,H1 JerusalemH3389 and thy peopleH5971 are become a reproachH2781 to all that are aboutH5439 us.
Now therefore, O our God,H430 hearH8085 the prayerH8605 of thy servant,H5650 and his supplications,H8469 and cause thy faceH6440 to shineH215 upon thy sanctuaryH4720 that is desolate,H8076 for the Lord'sH136 sake.
O my God,H430 inclineH5186 thine ear,H241 and hear;H8085 openH6491 thine eyes,H5869 and beholdH7200 our desolations,H8074 and the cityH5892 which is calledH7121 by thy name:H8034 for we do not presentH5307 our supplicationsH8469 beforeH6440 thee for our righteousnesses,H6666 but for thy greatH7227 mercies.H7356
O Lord,H136 hear;H8085 O Lord,H136 forgive;H5545 O Lord,H136 hearkenH7181 and do;H6213 deferH309 not,H408 for thine own sake, O my God:H430 for thy cityH5892 and thy peopleH5971 are calledH7121 by thy name.H8034
And whiles I was speaking,H1696 and praying,H6419 and confessingH3034 my sinH2403 and the sinH2403 of my peopleH5971 Israel,H3478 and presentingH5307 my supplicationH8467 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 my GodH430 for the holyH6944 mountainH2022 of my God;H430
Yea, whiles I was speakingH1696 in prayer,H8605 even the manH376 Gabriel,H1403 whom I had seenH7200 in the visionH2377 at the beginning,H8462 being caused to flyH3286 swiftly,H3288 touchedH5060 me about the timeH6256 of the eveningH6153 oblation.H4503
And he informedH995 me, and talkedH1696 with me, and said,H559 O Daniel,H1840 I am now come forthH3318 to give thee skillH7919 and understanding.H998
At the beginningH8462 of thy supplicationsH8469 the commandmentH1697 came forth,H3318 and I am comeH935 to shewH5046 thee; for thou art greatly beloved:H2532 therefore understandH995 the matter,H1697 and considerH995 the vision.H4758
SeventyH7657 weeksH7620 are determinedH2852 upon thy peopleH5971 and upon thy holyH6944 city,H5892 to finishH3607 the transgression,H6588 and to make an endH8552, H2856 of sins,H2403 and to make reconciliationH3722 for iniquity,H5771 and to bring inH935 everlastingH5769 righteousness,H6664 and to seal upH2856 the visionH2377 and prophecy,H5030 and to anointH4886 the mostH6944 Holy.H6944
KnowH3045 therefore and understand,H7919 that from the going forthH4161 of the commandmentH1697 to restoreH7725 and to buildH1129 JerusalemH3389 unto the MessiahH4899 the PrinceH5057 shall be sevenH7651 weeks,H7620 and threescoreH8346 and twoH8147 weeks:H7620 the streetH7339 shall be builtH1129 again,H7725 and the wall,H2742 even in troublousH6695 times.H6256
And afterH310 threescoreH8346 and twoH8147 weeksH7620 shall MessiahH4899 be cut off,H3772 but not for himself: and the peopleH5971 of the princeH5057 that shall comeH935 shall destroyH7843 the cityH5892 and the sanctuary;H6944 and the endH7093 thereof shall be with a flood,H7858 and unto the endH7093 of the warH4421 desolationsH8074 are determined.H2782
And he shall confirmH1396 the covenantH1285 with manyH7227 for oneH259 week:H7620 and in the midstH2677 of the weekH7620 he shall cause the sacrificeH2077 and the oblationH4503 to cease,H7673 and for the overspreadingH3671 of abominationsH8251 he shall make it desolate,H8074 even until the consummation,H3617 and that determinedH2782 shall be pouredH5413 upon the desolate.H8074