King James Version
Księga: Ewangelia Marka 12:20

AndG2532 he beganG756 to speakG3004 unto themG846 byG1722 parables.G3850 A certain manG444 plantedG5452 a vineyard,G290 andG2532 setG4060 an hedge aboutG5418 it, andG2532 diggedG3736 a place for the winefat,G5276 andG2532 builtG3618 a tower,G4444 andG2532 letG1554 itG846 outG1554 to husbandmen,G1092 andG2532 went into a far country.G589
AndG2532 at the seasonG2540 he sentG649 toG4314 the husbandmenG1092 a servant,G1401 thatG2443 he might receiveG2983 fromG3844 the husbandmenG1092 ofG575 the fruitG2590 of the vineyard.G290
AndG2532 againG3825 he sentG649 untoG4314 themG846 anotherG243 servant;G1401 and at himG2548 they cast stones,G3036 and wounded him in the head,G2775 andG2532 sent him awayG649 shamefully handled.G821
AndG2532 againG3825 he sentG649 another;G243 and himG2548 they killed,G615 andG2532 manyG4183 othersG243, G3303; beating some,G1194 andG1161 killing some.G615
HavingG2192 yetG2089 thereforeG3767 oneG1520 son,G5207 hisG846 wellbeloved,G27 he sentG649 himG846 alsoG2532 lastG2078 untoG4314 them,G846 sayingG3004, G3754, They will reverenceG1788 myG3450 son.G5207
ButG1161 thoseG1565 husbandmenG1092 saidG2036 amongG4314 themselves,G1438 ThisG3778, G3754 isG2076 the heir;G2818 come,G1205 let us killG615 him,G846 andG2532 the inheritanceG2817 shall beG2071 ours.G2257
AndG2532 they tookG2983 him,G846 and killedG615 him, andG2532 castG1544 him out ofG1854 the vineyard.G290
WhatG5101 shallG4160 thereforeG3767 the lordG2962 of the vineyardG290 do?G4160 he will comeG2064 andG2532 destroyG622 the husbandmen,G1092 andG2532 will giveG1325 the vineyardG290 unto others.G243
And have yeG314 notG3761 readG314 thisG5026 scripture;G1124 The stoneG3037 whichG3739 the buildersG3618 rejectedG593 isG1096, G3778 becomeG1519 the headG2776 of the corner:G1137
ThisG3778 wasG1096 the Lord'sG2962 doingG1096, G3844, andG2532 it isG2076 marvellousG2298 inG1722 ourG2257 eyes?G3788
AndG2532 they soughtG2212 to lay holdG2902 on him,G846 butG2532 fearedG5399 the people:G3793 forG1063 they knewG1097 thatG3754 he had spokenG2036 the parableG3850 againstG4314 them:G846 andG2532 they leftG863 him,G846 and went their way.G565
AndG2532 they sendG649 untoG4314 himG846 certainG5100 of the PhariseesG5330 andG2532 of the Herodians,G2265 toG2443 catchG64 himG846 in his words.G3056
AndG1161 when they were come,G2064 they sayG3004 unto him,G846 Master,G1320 we knowG1492 thatG3754 thou artG1488 true,G227 andG4671, G2532 carestG3199, G3756 forG4012 no man:G3762 forG1063 thou regardestG991 notG3756 the personG4383 ofG1519 men,G444 butG235 teachestG1321 the wayG3598 of GodG2316 inG1909 truth:G225 Is it lawfulG1832 to giveG1325 tributeG2778 to Caesar,G2541 orG2228 not?G3756
Shall we give,G1325 orG2228 shall we notG3361 give?G1325 ButG1161 he, knowingG1492 theirG846 hypocrisy,G5272 saidG2036 unto them,G846 WhyG5101 tempt yeG3985 me?G3165 bringG5342 meG3427 a penny,G1220 thatG2443 I may seeG1492 it.
AndG1161 they broughtG5342 it. AndG2532 he saithG3004 unto them,G846 WhoseG5101 is thisG3778 imageG1504 andG2532 superscription?G1923 AndG1161 they saidG2036 unto him,G846 Caesar's.G2541
AndG2532 JesusG2424 answeringG611 saidG2036 unto them,G846 RenderG591 to CaesarG2541 the things that areG3588 Caesar's,G2541 andG2532 to GodG2316 the things that areG3588 God's.G2316 AndG2532 they marvelledG2296 atG1909 him.G846
ThenG2532 comeG2064 untoG4314 himG846 the Sadducees,G4523 whichG3748 sayG3004 there isG1511 noG3361 resurrection;G386 andG2532 they askedG1905 him,G846 saying,G3004
Master,G1320 MosesG3475 wroteG1125 unto us,G2254 IfG1437 aG3754 man'sG5100 brotherG80 die,G599 andG2532 leaveG2641 his wifeG1135 behind him, andG2532 leaveG863 noG3361 children,G5043 thatG2443 hisG846 brotherG80 should takeG2983 hisG846 wife,G1135 andG2532 raise upG1817 seedG4690 unto hisG846 brother.G80
Now there wereG2258 sevenG2033 brethren:G80 andG2532 the firstG4413 tookG2983 a wife,G1135 andG2532 dyingG599 leftG863 noG3756 seed.G4690
AndG2532 the secondG1208 tookG2983 her,G846 andG2532 diedG599, G2532, neitherG3761 leftG863 heG846 any seed:G4690 andG2532 the thirdG5154 likewise.G5615
AndG2532 the sevenG2033 hadG2983 her,G846 andG2532 leftG863 noG3756 seed:G4690 lastG2078 of allG3956 the womanG1135 diedG599 also.G2532
InG1722 the resurrectionG386 therefore,G3767 whenG3752 they shall rise,G450 whoseG5101 wifeG1135 shall she beG2071 of them?G846 forG1063 the sevenG2033 hadG2192 herG846 to wife.G1135
AndG2532 JesusG2424 answeringG611 saidG2036 unto them,G846 Do yeG4105 notG3756 thereforeG5124, G1223 err,G4105 because ye knowG1492 notG3361 the scriptures,G1124 neitherG3366 the powerG1411 of God?G2316
ForG1063 whenG3752 they shall riseG450 fromG1537 the dead,G3498 they neitherG3777 marry,G1060 norG3777 are given in marriage;G1061 butG235 areG1526 asG5613 the angelsG32 whichG3588 are inG1722 heaven.G3772
AndG1161 as touchingG4012 the dead,G3498 thatG3754 they rise:G1453 have yeG314 notG3756 readG314 inG1722 the bookG976 of Moses,G3475 howG5613 inG1909 the bushG942 GodG2316 spakeG2036 unto him,G846 saying,G3004 IG1473 am the GodG2316 of Abraham,G11 andG2532 the GodG2316 of Isaac,G2464 andG2532 the GodG2316 of Jacob?G2384
He isG2076 notG3756 the GodG2316 of the dead,G3498 butG235 the GodG2316 of the living:G2198 yeG5210 thereforeG3767 doG4105 greatlyG4183 err.G4105
AndG2532 oneG1520 of the scribesG1122 came,G4334 and having heardG191 themG846 reasoning together,G4802 and perceivingG1492 thatG3754 he had answeredG611 themG846 well,G2573 askedG1905 him,G846 WhichG4169 isG2076 the firstG4413 commandmentG1785 of all?G3956
AndG1161 JesusG2424 answeredG611 him,G846 TheG3754 firstG4413 of allG3956 the commandmentsG1785 is, Hear,G191 O Israel;G2474 The LordG2962 ourG2257 GodG2316 isG2076 oneG1520 Lord:G2962
AndG2532 thou shalt loveG25 the LordG2962 thyG4675 GodG2316 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 heart,G2588 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 soul,G5590 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 mind,G1271 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 strength:G2479 thisG3778 is the firstG4413 commandment.G1785
AndG2532 the secondG1208 is like,G3664 namely thisG3778, G846, Thou shalt loveG25 thyG4675 neighbourG4139 asG5613 thyself.G4572 There isG2076 noneG3756 otherG243 commandmentG1785 greaterG3187 than these.G5130
AndG2532 the scribeG1122 saidG2036 unto him,G846 Well,G2573 Master,G1320 thou hast saidG2036 theG1909 truth:G225 forG3754 there isG2076 oneG1520 God;G2316 andG2532 there isG2076 noneG3756 otherG243 butG4133 he:G846
AndG2532 to loveG25 himG846 withG1537 allG3650 the heart,G2588 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 the understanding,G4907 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 the soul,G5590 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 the strength,G2479 andG2532 to loveG25 his neighbourG4139 asG5613 himself,G1438 isG2076 moreG4119 than allG3956 whole burnt offeringsG3646 andG2532 sacrifices.G2378
AndG2532 when JesusG2424 sawG1492 thatG3754 heG846 answeredG611 discreetly,G3562 he saidG2036 unto him,G846 Thou artG1488 notG3756 farG3112 fromG575 the kingdomG932 of God.G2316 AndG2532 no manG3762 after thatG3765 durstG5111 askG1905 himG846 any question.
AndG2532 JesusG2424 answeredG611 and said,G3004 while he taughtG1321 inG1722 the temple,G2411 HowG4459 sayG3004 the scribesG1122 thatG3754 ChristG5547 isG2076 the SonG5207 of David?G1138
ForG1063 DavidG1138 himselfG846 saidG2036 byG1722 the HolyG40 Ghost,G4151 The LORDG2962 saidG2036 to myG3450 Lord,G2962 Sit thouG2521 onG1537 myG3450 right hand,G1188 tillG302 IG2193 makeG5087 thineG4675 enemiesG2190 thyG4675 footstoolG4228, G5286.
DavidG1138 thereforeG3767 himselfG846 callethG3004 himG846 Lord;G2962 andG2532 whenceG4159 is heG2076 then hisG846 son?G5207 AndG2532 the commonG4183 peopleG3793 heardG191 himG846 gladly.G2234
AndG2532 he saidG3004 unto themG846 inG1722 hisG846 doctrine,G1322 BewareG991 ofG575 the scribes,G1122 whichG3588 loveG2309 to goG4043 inG1722 long clothing,G4749 andG2532 love salutationsG783 inG1722 the marketplaces,G58
AndG2532 the chief seatsG4410 inG1722 the synagogues,G4864 andG2532 the uppermost roomsG4411 atG1722 feasts:G1173
Which devourG2719 widows'G5503 houses,G3614 andG2532 for a pretenceG4392 makeG4336 longG3117 prayers:G4336 theseG3778 shall receiveG2983 greaterG4055 damnation.G2917
AndG2532 JesusG2424 satG2523 over againstG2713 the treasury,G1049 and beheldG2334 howG4459 the peopleG3793 castG906 moneyG5475 intoG1519 the treasury:G1049 andG2532 manyG4183 that were richG4145 cast inG906 much.G4183
AndG2532 there cameG2064 a certainG3391 poorG4434 widow,G5503 and she threw inG906 twoG1417 mites,G3016 which makeG3603 a farthing.G2835
AndG2532 he calledG4341 unto him hisG846 disciples,G3101 and saithG3004 unto them,G846 VerilyG281 I sayG3004 unto you,G5213 ThatG3754 thisG3778 poorG4434 widowG5503 hath castG906 moreG4119 in,G906 than allG3956 they which have castG906 intoG1519 the treasury:G1049
ForG1063 allG3956 they did cast inG906 ofG1537 theirG846 abundance;G4052 butG1161 sheG3778, G846 ofG1537 herG846 wantG5304 did cast inG906 allG3956 thatG3745 she had,G2192 even allG3650 herG846 living.G979