„Mężowie, miłujcie swoje żony i nie bądźcie wobec nich zgorzkniali.”

Biblia Przekład Toruński: List do Kolosan 3,19


King James Version
Księga: Ewangelia Jana 2:16

Tytuł oryginalny
1 AndG2532 the thirdG5154 dayG2250 there wasG1096 a marriageG1062 inG1722 CanaG2580 of Galilee;G1056 andG2532 the motherG3384 of JesusG2424 wasG2258 there:G1563 2 AndG1161 bothG2532 JesusG2424 was called,G2564 andG2532 hisG846 disciples,G3101 toG1519 the marriage.G1062 3 AndG2532 when they wantedG5302 wine,G3631 the motherG3384 of JesusG2424 saithG3004 untoG4314 him,G846 They haveG2192 noG3756 wine.G3631 4 JesusG2424 saithG3004 unto her,G846 Woman,G1135 whatG5101 have IG1698 to do withG2532 thee?G4671 mineG3450 hourG5610 isG2240 not yetG3768 come.G2240 5 HisG846 motherG3384 saithG3004 unto the servants,G1249 WhatsoeverG302 heG3748 saithG3004 unto you,G5213 doG4160 it. 6 AndG1161 there wereG2258 setG2749 thereG1563 sixG1803 waterpotsG5201 of stone,G3035 afterG2596 the manner of the purifyingG2512 of the Jews,G2453 containingG5562 twoG1417 orG2228 threeG5140 firkinsG3355 apiece.G303 7 JesusG2424 saithG3004 unto them,G846 FillG1072 the waterpotsG5201 with water.G5204 AndG2532 they filledG1072 themG846 upG1072 toG2193 the brim.G507 8 AndG2532 he saithG3004 unto them,G846 Draw outG501 now,G3568 andG2532 bearG5342 unto the governor of the feast.G755 AndG2532 they bareG5342 it. 9 WhenG5613 the ruler of the feastG755 had tastedG1089 the waterG5204 that was madeG1096 wine,G3631 andG2532 knewG1492 notG3756 whenceG4159 it was:G2076 (butG1161 the servantsG1249 whichG3588 drewG501 the waterG5204 knew;G1492) the governor of the feastG755 calledG5455 the bridegroom,G3566 10 AndG2532 saithG3004 unto him,G846 EveryG3956 manG444 at the beginningG4412 doth set forthG5087 goodG2570 wine;G3631 andG2532 whenG3752 men have well drunk,G3184 thenG5119 that which is worse:G1640 but thouG4771 hast keptG5083 the goodG2570 wineG3631 untilG2193 now.G737 11 ThisG5026 beginningG746 of miraclesG4592 didG4160 JesusG2424 inG1722 CanaG2580 of Galilee,G1056 andG2532 manifested forthG5319 hisG846 glory;G1391 andG2532 hisG846 disciplesG3101 believedG4100 onG1519 him.G846 12 AfterG3326 thisG5124 he went downG2597 toG1519 Capernaum,G2584 he,G846 andG2532 hisG846 mother,G3384 andG2532 hisG846 brethren,G80 andG2532 hisG846 disciples:G3101 andG2532 they continuedG3306 thereG1563 notG3756 manyG4183 days.G2250 13 AndG2532 the Jews'G2453 passoverG3957 wasG2258 at hand,G1451 andG2532 JesusG2424 went upG305 toG1519 Jerusalem,G2414 14 AndG2532 foundG2147 inG1722 the templeG2411 those that soldG4453 oxenG1016 andG2532 sheepG4263 andG2532 doves,G4058 andG2532 the changers of moneyG2773 sitting:G2521 15 AndG2532 when he had madeG4160 a scourgeG5416 ofG1537 small cords,G4979 he droveG1544 them allG3956 out ofG1537 the temple,G2411 andG5037 the sheep,G4263 andG2532 the oxen;G1016 andG2532 poured outG1632 the changers'G2855 money,G2772 andG2532 overthrewG390 the tables;G5132 16 AndG2532 saidG2036 unto them that soldG4453 doves,G4058 TakeG142 these thingsG5023 hence;G1782 makeG4160 notG3361 myG3450 Father'sG3962 houseG3624 an houseG3624 of merchandise.G1712 17 AndG1161 hisG846 disciplesG3101 rememberedG3415 thatG3754 it wasG2076 written,G1125 The zealG2205 of thineG4675 houseG3624 hath eatenG2719 meG3165 up.G2719 18 ThenG3767 answeredG611 the JewsG2453 andG2532 saidG2036 unto him,G846 WhatG5101 signG4592 shewest thouG1166 unto us,G2254 seeing thatG3754 thou doestG4160 these things?G5023 19 JesusG2424 answeredG611 andG2532 saidG2036 unto them,G846 DestroyG3089 thisG5126 temple,G3485 andG2532 inG1722 threeG5140 daysG2250 I will raiseG1453 itG846 up.G1453 20 ThenG3767 saidG2036 the Jews,G2453 FortyG5062 andG2532 sixG1803 yearsG2094 wasG3618 thisG3778 templeG3485 in building,G3618 andG2532 wiltG1453 thouG4771 rearG1453 itG846 upG1453 inG1722 threeG5140 days?G2250 21 ButG1161 heG1565 spakeG3004 ofG4012 the templeG3485 of hisG846 body.G4983 22 WhenG3753 thereforeG3767 he was risenG1453 fromG1537 the dead,G3498 hisG846 disciplesG3101 rememberedG3415 thatG3754 he had saidG3004 thisG5124 unto them;G846 andG2532 they believedG4100 the scripture,G1124 andG2532 the wordG3056 whichG3739 JesusG2424 had said.G2036 23 NowG1161 whenG5613 he wasG2258 inG1722 JerusalemG2414 atG1722 the passover,G3957 inG1722 the feastG1859 day, manyG4183 believedG4100 inG1519 hisG846 name,G3686 when they sawG2334 the miraclesG4592, G846 whichG3739 he did.G4160 24 ButG1161 JesusG846, G2424 didG4100 notG3756 commitG4100 himselfG1438 unto them,G846 becauseG1223 heG846 knewG1097 allG3956 men, 25 AndG3754, G2532 neededG2192, G5532 notG3756 thatG2443 anyG5100 should testifyG3140 ofG4012 man:G444 forG1063 heG846 knewG1097 whatG5101 wasG2258 inG1722 man.G444


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Słuchajcie mnie, wy, którzy znacie sprawiedliwość, ty, ludu, w którego sercu jest zakon! Nie bójcie się lżenia ludzi i nie lękajcie się ich pośmiewiska,
Iz 51:7

W Chrystusie

Gdyż sam Pan na dany rozkaz, na głos archanioła i trąby Bożej zstąpi z nieba; wtedy najpierw powstaną ci, którzy umarli w Chrystusie...
I Tes 4:16

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Król Saul był bardzo wysokim mężczyzną (I Sam 9:2, I Sam 10:23).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Lecz jak wysoko jest niebo nad ziemią, Tak wielka jest dobroć jego dla tych, którzy się go boją. Jak daleko jest wschód od zachodu, Tak oddalił od nas występki nasze. Jak się lituje ojciec nad dziećmi, Tak się lituje Pan nad tymi, którzy się go boją,
Ps 103:11-13

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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