„Przeto tedy, bracia! Bądźcie stateczni, a trzymajcie podaną naukę, którejeście się nauczyli, choć przez powieść, choć przez list nasz.”

Biblia Brzeska: 2 List św. Pawła do Tesaloniczan 2,15


King James Version
Księga: 2 Księga Samuela 13:4

Tytuł oryginalny
2 Samuel
1 And it came to pass afterH310 this, that AbsalomH53 the sonH1121 of DavidH1732 had a fairH3303 sister,H269 whose nameH8034 was Tamar;H8559 and AmnonH550 the sonH1121 of DavidH1732 lovedH157 her. 2 And AmnonH550 was so vexed,H3334 that he fell sickH2470 for his sisterH269 Tamar;H8559 for she was a virgin;H1330 and AmnonH550 thoughtH5869 it hardH6381 for him to doH6213 any thingH3972 to her. 3 But AmnonH550 had a friend,H7453 whose nameH8034 was Jonadab,H3122 the sonH1121 of ShimeahH8093 David'sH1732 brother:H251 and JonadabH3122 was a veryH3966 subtilH2450 man.H376 4 And he saidH559 unto him, Why art thou, being the king'sH4428 son,H1121 leanH1800 from dayH1242 to day?H1242 wilt thou not tellH5046 me? And AmnonH550 saidH559 unto him, I loveH157 Tamar,H8559 my brotherH251 Absalom'sH53 sister.H269 5 And JonadabH3082 saidH559 unto him, Lay thee downH7901 on thy bed,H4904 and make thyself sick:H2470 and when thy fatherH1 comethH935 to seeH7200 thee, sayH559 unto him, I pray thee, let my sisterH269 TamarH8559 come,H935 and giveH1262 me meat,H3899 and dressH6213 the meatH1279 in my sight,H5869 that I may seeH7200 it, and eatH398 it at her hand.H3027 6 So AmnonH550 lay down,H7901 and made himself sick:H2470 and when the kingH4428 was comeH935 to seeH7200 him, AmnonH550 saidH559 unto the king,H4428 I pray thee, let TamarH8559 my sisterH269 come,H935 and makeH3823 me a coupleH8147 of cakesH3834 in my sight,H5869 that I may eatH1262 at her hand.H3027 7 Then DavidH1732 sentH7971 homeH1004 to Tamar,H8559 saying,H559 GoH3212 now to thy brotherH251 Amnon'sH550 house,H1004 and dressH6213 him meat.H1279 8 So TamarH8559 wentH3212 to her brotherH251 Amnon'sH550 house;H1004 and he was laid down.H7901 And she tookH3947 flour,H1217 and kneadedH3888 it, and made cakesH3823 in his sight,H5869 and did bakeH1310 the cakes.H3834 9 And she tookH3947 a pan,H4958 and poured them outH3332 beforeH6440 him; but he refusedH3985 to eat.H398 And AmnonH550 said,H559 Have outH3318 all menH376 from me. And they went outH3318 every manH376 from him. 10 And AmnonH550 saidH559 unto Tamar,H8559 BringH935 the meatH1279 into the chamber,H2315 that I may eatH1262 of thine hand.H3027 And TamarH8559 tookH3947 the cakesH3834 which she had made,H6213 and broughtH935 them into the chamberH2315 to AmnonH550 her brother.H251 11 And when she had broughtH5066 them unto him to eat,H398 he took holdH2388 of her, and saidH559 unto her, ComeH935 lieH7901 with me, my sister.H269 12 And she answeredH559 him, Nay, my brother,H251 do not forceH6031 me; for no such thing oughtH3651 to be doneH6213 in Israel:H3478 doH6213 not thou this folly.H5039 13 And I, whither shall I cause my shameH2781 to go?H3212 and as for thee, thou shalt be as oneH259 of the foolsH5036 in Israel.H3478 Now therefore, I pray thee, speakH1696 unto the king;H4428 for he will not withholdH4513 me from thee. 14 Howbeit he wouldH14 not hearkenH8085 unto her voice:H6963 but, being strongerH2388 than she, forcedH6031 her, and layH7901 with her. 15 Then AmnonH550 hatedH8130 her exceedinglyH1419, H3966; so that the hatredH8135 wherewith he hatedH8130 her was greaterH1419 than the loveH160 wherewith he had lovedH157 her. And AmnonH550 saidH559 unto her, Arise,H6965 be gone.H3212 16 And she saidH559 unto him, There is no cause:H182 this evilH7451 in sending me awayH7971 is greaterH1419 than the otherH312 that thou didstH6213 unto me. But he wouldH14 not hearkenH8085 unto her. 17 Then he calledH7121 his servantH5288 that ministeredH8334 unto him, and said,H559 PutH7971 now this woman outH2351 from me, and boltH5274 the doorH1817 afterH310 her. 18 And she had a garmentH3801 of divers coloursH6446 upon her: for with such robesH4598 were the king'sH4428 daughtersH1323 that were virginsH1330 apparelled.H3847 Then his servantH8334 broughtH3318 her out,H2351 and boltedH5274 the doorH1817 afterH310 her. 19 And TamarH8559 putH3947 ashesH665 on her head,H7218 and rentH7167 her garmentH3801 of divers coloursH6446 that was on her, and laidH7760 her handH3027 on her head,H7218 and wentH3212 onH1980 crying.H2199 20 And AbsalomH53 her brotherH251 saidH559 unto her, Hath AmnonH550 thy brotherH251 been with thee? but hold now thy peace,H2790 my sister:H269 he is thy brother;H251 regardH7896, H3820 not this thing.H1697 So TamarH8559 remainedH3427 desolateH8074 in her brotherH251 Absalom'sH53 house.H1004 21 But when kingH4428 DavidH1732 heardH8085 of all these things,H1697 he was veryH3966 wroth.H2734 22 And AbsalomH53 spakeH1696 unto his brother AmnonH550 neither goodH2896 nor bad:H7451 for AbsalomH53 hatedH8130 Amnon,H550 becauseH1697 he had forcedH6031 his sisterH269 Tamar.H8559 23 And it came to pass after two fullH3117 years,H8141 that AbsalomH53 had sheepshearersH1494 in Baalhazor,H1178 which is beside Ephraim:H669 and AbsalomH53 invitedH7121 all the king'sH4428 sons.H1121 24 And AbsalomH53 cameH935 to the king,H4428 and said,H559 Behold now, thy servantH5650 hath sheepshearers;H1494 letH3212 the king,H4428 I beseech thee, and his servantsH5650 goH3212 with thy servant.H5650 25 And the kingH4428 saidH559 to Absalom,H53 Nay, my son,H1121 let us not all now go,H3212 lest we be chargeableH3513 unto thee. And he pressedH6555 him: howbeit he wouldH14 not go,H3212 but blessedH1288 him. 26 Then saidH559 Absalom,H53 If not, I pray thee, let my brotherH251 AmnonH550 goH3212 with us. And the kingH4428 saidH559 unto him, Why should he goH3212 with thee? 27 But AbsalomH53 pressedH6555 him, that he let AmnonH550 and all the king'sH4428 sonsH1121 goH7971 with him. 28 Now AbsalomH53 had commandedH6680 his servants,H5288 saying,H559 MarkH7200 ye now when Amnon'sH550 heartH3820 is merryH2896 with wine,H3196 and when I sayH559 unto you, SmiteH5221 Amnon;H550 then killH4191 him, fearH3372 not: have not I commandedH6680 you? be courageous,H2388 and be valiantH2428, H1121. 29 And the servantsH5288 of AbsalomH53 didH6213 unto AmnonH550 as AbsalomH53 had commanded.H6680 Then all the king'sH4428 sonsH1121 arose,H6965 and every manH376 gat him upH7392 upon his mule,H6505 and fled.H5127 30 And it came to pass, while they were in the way,H1870 that tidingsH8052 cameH935 to David,H1732 saying,H559 AbsalomH53 hath slainH5221 all the king'sH4428 sons,H1121 and there is not oneH259 of them left.H3498 31 Then the kingH4428 arose,H6965 and tareH7167 his garments,H899 and layH7901 on the earth;H776 and all his servantsH5650 stoodH5324 by with their clothesH899 rent.H7167 32 And Jonadab,H3122 the sonH1121 of ShimeahH8093 David'sH1732 brother,H251 answeredH6030 and said,H559 Let not my lordH113 supposeH559 that they have slainH4191 all the young menH5288 the king'sH4428 sons;H1121 for AmnonH550 only is dead:H4191 for by the appointmentH6310 of AbsalomH53 this hath been determinedH7760 from the dayH3117 that he forcedH6031 his sisterH269 Tamar.H8559 33 Now therefore let not my lordH113 the kingH4428 takeH7760 the thingH1697 to his heart,H3820 to thinkH559 that all the king'sH4428 sonsH1121 are dead:H4191 for AmnonH550 only is dead.H4191 34 But AbsalomH53 fled.H1272 And the young manH5288 that kept the watchH6822 lifted upH5375 his eyes,H5869 and looked,H7200 and, behold, there cameH1980 muchH7227 peopleH5971 by the wayH1870 of the hillH2022 sideH6654 behindH310 him. 35 And JonadabH3122 saidH559 unto the king,H4428 Behold, the king'sH4428 sonsH1121 come:H935 as thy servantH5650 said,H1697 so it is. 36 And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an endH3615 of speaking,H1696 that, behold, the king'sH4428 sonsH1121 came,H935 and lifted upH5375 their voiceH6963 and wept:H1058 and the kingH4428 also and all his servantsH5650 weptH1058 veryH3966 soreH1419, H1065. 37 But AbsalomH53 fled,H1272 and wentH3212 to Talmai,H8526 the sonH1121 of AmmihudH5991, H5989, kingH4428 of Geshur.H1650 And David mournedH56 for his sonH1121 every day.H3117 38 So AbsalomH53 fled,H1272 and wentH3212 to Geshur,H1650 and was there threeH7969 years.H8141 39 And the soul of kingH4428 DavidH1732 longedH3615 to go forthH3318 unto Absalom:H53 for he was comfortedH5162 concerning Amnon,H550 seeing he was dead.H4191


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Iz 35:4

W Chrystusie

Ale weźmiecie moc Ducha Świętego, kiedy zstąpi na was, i będziecie mi świadkami w Jerozolimie i w całej Judei, i w Samarii, i aż po krańce ziemi.
Dz 1:8

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Słowo "wiara" jest użyte w Nowym Testamencie 245 razy ale tylko 2 razy zostało użyte w Starym Testamencie.

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Obietnice Boże

Pan ma upodobanie w tych, którzy się go boją, Którzy ufają łasce jego.
Ps 147:11

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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