„Teraz bowiem złamię jego jarzmo, aby na tobie nie leżało, a rozerwę twoje więzy.”

Uwspółcześniona Biblia Gdańska: Księga Nahuma 1,13

King James Version
Księga Izajasza 43:14

Tytuł oryginalny
1 But now thus saithH559 the LORDH3068 that createdH1254 thee, O Jacob,H3290 and he that formedH3335 thee, O Israel,H3478 FearH3372 not: for I have redeemedH1350 thee, I have calledH7121 thee by thy name;H8034 thou art mine. 2 When thou passest throughH5674 the waters,H4325 I will be with thee; and through the rivers,H5104 they shall not overflowH7857 thee: when thou walkestH3212 throughH1119 the fire,H784 thou shalt not be burned;H3554 neither shall the flameH3852 kindleH1197 upon thee. 3 For I am the LORDH3068 thy God,H430 the Holy OneH6918 of Israel,H3478 thy Saviour:H3467 I gaveH5414 EgyptH4714 for thy ransom,H3724 EthiopiaH3568 and SebaH5434 for thee. 4 Since thou wast preciousH3365 in my sight,H5869 thou hast been honourable,H3513 and I have lovedH157 thee: therefore will I giveH5414 menH120 for thee, and peopleH3816 for thy life.H5315 5 FearH3372 not: for I am with thee: I will bringH935 thy seedH2233 from the east,H4217 and gatherH6908 thee from the west;H4628 6 I will sayH559 to the north,H6828 Give up;H5414 and to the south,H8486 Keep not back:H3607 bringH935 my sonsH1121 from far,H7350 and my daughtersH1323 from the endsH7097 of the earth;H776 7 Even every oneH3605 that is calledH7121 by my name:H8034 for I have createdH1254 him for my glory,H3519 I have formedH3335 him; yea, I have madeH6213 him. 8 Bring forthH3318 the blindH5787 peopleH5971 that haveH3426 eyes,H5869 and the deafH2795 that have ears.H241 9 Let all the nationsH1471 be gatheredH6908 together,H3162 and let the peopleH3816 be assembled:H622 who among them can declareH5046 this, and shewH8085 us former things?H7223 let them bring forthH5414 their witnesses,H5707 that they may be justified:H6663 or let them hear,H8085 and say,H559 It is truth.H571 10 Ye are my witnesses,H5707 saithH5002 the LORD,H3068 and my servantH5650 whom I have chosen:H977 that ye may knowH3045 and believeH539 me, and understandH995 that I am he: beforeH6440 me there was no GodH410 formed,H3335 neither shall there be afterH310 me. 11 I, even I, am the LORD;H3068 and besideH1107 me there is no saviour.H3467 12 I have declared,H5046 and have saved,H3467 and I have shewed,H8085 when there was no strangeH2114 god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses,H5707 saithH5002 the LORD,H3068 that I am God.H410 13 Yea, before the dayH3117 was I am he; and there is none that can deliverH5337 out of my hand:H3027 I will work,H6466 and who shall letH7725 it? 14 Thus saithH559 the LORD,H3068 your redeemer,H1350 the Holy OneH6918 of Israel;H3478 For your sake I have sentH7971 to Babylon,H894 and have brought downH3381 all their nobles,H1281 and the Chaldeans,H3778 whose cryH7440 is in the ships.H591 15 I am the LORD,H3068 your Holy One,H6918 the creatorH1254 of Israel,H3478 your King.H4428 16 Thus saithH559 the LORD,H3068 which makethH5414 a wayH1870 in the sea,H3220 and a pathH5410 in the mightyH5794 waters;H4325 17 Which bringeth forthH3318 the chariotH7393 and horse,H5483 the armyH2428 and the power;H5808 they shall lie downH7901 together,H3162 they shall not rise:H6965 they are extinct,H1846 they are quenchedH3518 as tow.H6594 18 RememberH2142 ye not the former things,H7223 neither considerH995 the things of old.H6931 19 Behold, I will doH6213 a new thing;H2319 now it shall spring forth;H6779 shall ye not knowH3045 it? I will even makeH7760 a wayH1870 in the wilderness,H4057 and riversH5104 in the desert.H3452 20 The beastH2416 of the fieldH7704 shall honourH3513 me, the dragonsH8577 and the owlsH3284, H1323: because I giveH5414 watersH4325 in the wilderness,H4057 and riversH5104 in the desert,H3452 to give drinkH8248 to my people,H5971 my chosen.H972 21 ThisH2098 peopleH5971 have I formedH3335 for myself; they shall shew forthH5608 my praise.H8416 22 But thou hast not calledH7121 upon me, O Jacob;H3290 but thou hast been wearyH3021 of me, O Israel.H3478 23 Thou hast not broughtH935 me the small cattleH7716 of thy burnt offerings;H5930 neither hast thou honouredH3513 me with thy sacrifices.H2077 I have not caused thee to serveH5647 with an offering,H4503 nor weariedH3021 thee with incense.H3828 24 Thou hast boughtH7069 me no sweet caneH7070 with money,H3701 neither hast thou filledH7301 me with the fatH2459 of thy sacrifices:H2077 but thou hast made me to serveH5647 with thy sins,H2403 thou hast weariedH3021 me with thine iniquities.H5771 25 I, even I, am he that blotteth outH4229 thy transgressionsH6588 for mine own sake, and will not rememberH2142 thy sins.H2403 26 Put me in remembrance:H2142 let us pleadH8199 together:H3162 declareH5608 thou, that thou mayest be justified.H6663 27 Thy firstH7223 fatherH1 hath sinned,H2398 and thy teachersH3887 have transgressedH6586 against me. 28 Therefore I have profanedH2490 the princesH8269 of the sanctuary,H6944 and have givenH5414 JacobH3290 to the curse,H2764 and IsraelH3478 to reproaches.H1421


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Iz 35:4

W Chrystusie

Ku uwielbieniu chwalebnej łaski swojej, którą nas obdarzył w Umiłowanym.
Efez 1:6

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Każda ofiara z pokarmów (zboża) musiała zostać posolona (III Mojż 2:13).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Wysłuchał Pan błaganie moje, Przyjął Pan modlitwę moją.
Ps 6:10

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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