„Wyszedłeś na zbawienie ludu twego, na zbawienie z Chrystusem twoim. Zbiłeś głowę z domu niezbożnego, obnażyłeś grunt jego aż do szyje.”

Biblia Jakuba Wujka: Księga Habakuka 3,13

King James Version
Księga Izajasza 41:2

Tytuł oryginalny
1 Keep silenceH2790 before me, O islands;H339 and let the peopleH3816 renewH2498 their strength:H3581 let them come near;H5066 then let them speak:H1696 let us come nearH7126 togetherH3162 to judgment.H4941 2 Who raised upH5782 the righteousH6664 man from the east,H4217 calledH7121 him to his foot,H7272 gaveH5414 the nationsH1471 beforeH6440 him, and made him ruleH7287 over kings?H4428 he gaveH5414 them as the dustH6083 to his sword,H2719 and as drivenH5086 stubbleH7179 to his bow.H7198 3 He pursuedH7291 them, and passedH5674 safely;H7965 even by the wayH734 that he had not goneH935 with his feet.H7272 4 Who hath wroughtH6466 and doneH6213 it, callingH7121 the generationsH1755 from the beginning?H7218 I the LORD,H3068 the first,H7223 and with the last;H314 I am he. 5 The islesH339 sawH7200 it, and feared;H3372 the endsH7098 of the earthH776 were afraid,H2729 drew near,H7126 and came.H857 6 They helpedH5826 every oneH376 his neighbour;H7453 and every one saidH559 to his brother,H251 Be of good courage.H2388 7 So the carpenterH2796 encouragedH2388 the goldsmith,H6884 and he that smoothethH2505 with the hammerH6360 him that smoteH1986 the anvil,H6471 saying,H559 It is readyH2896 for the sodering:H1694 and he fastenedH2388 it with nails,H4548 that it should not be moved.H4131 8 But thou, Israel,H3478 art my servant,H5650 JacobH3290 whom I have chosen,H977 the seedH2233 of AbrahamH85 my friend.H157 9 Thou whom I have takenH2388 from the endsH7098 of the earth,H776 and calledH7121 thee from the chief menH678 thereof, and saidH559 unto thee, Thou art my servant;H5650 I have chosenH977 thee, and not cast thee away.H3988 10 FearH3372 thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed;H8159 for I am thy God:H430 I will strengthenH553 thee; yea, I will helpH5826 thee; yea, I will upholdH8551 thee with the right handH3225 of my righteousness.H6664 11 Behold, all they that were incensedH2734 against thee shall be ashamedH954 and confounded:H3637 they shall be as nothing; and theyH582 that striveH7379 with thee shall perish.H6 12 Thou shalt seekH1245 them, and shalt not findH4672 them, even themH582 that contendedH4695 with thee: they that warH4421 against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought.H657 13 For I the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 will holdH2388 thy right hand,H3225 sayingH559 unto thee, FearH3372 not; I will helpH5826 thee. 14 FearH3372 not, thou wormH8438 Jacob,H3290 and ye menH4962 of Israel;H3478 I will helpH5826 thee, saithH5002 the LORD,H3068 and thy redeemer,H1350 the Holy OneH6918 of Israel.H3478 15 Behold, I will makeH7760 thee a newH2319 sharpH2742 threshingH4173 instrument havingH1167 teeth:H6374 thou shalt threshH1758 the mountains,H2022 and beat them small,H1854 and shalt makeH7760 the hillsH1389 as chaff.H4671 16 Thou shalt fanH2219 them, and the windH7307 shall carry them away,H5375 and the whirlwindH5591 shall scatterH6327 them: and thou shalt rejoiceH1523 in the LORD,H3068 and shalt gloryH1984 in the Holy OneH6918 of Israel.H3478 17 When the poorH6041 and needyH34 seekH1245 water,H4325 and there is none, and their tongueH3956 failethH5405 for thirst,H6772 I the LORDH3068 will hearH6030 them, I the GodH430 of IsraelH3478 will not forsakeH5800 them. 18 I will openH6605 riversH5104 in high places,H8205 and fountainsH4599 in the midstH8432 of the valleys:H1237 I will makeH7760 the wildernessH4057 a poolH98 of water,H4325 and the dryH6723 landH776 springsH4161 of water.H4325 19 I will plantH5414 in the wildernessH4057 the cedar,H730 the shittah tree,H7848 and the myrtle,H1918 and the oilH8081 tree;H6086 I will setH7760 in the desertH6160 the fir tree,H1265 and the pine,H8410 and the box treeH8391 together:H3162 20 That they may see,H7200 and know,H3045 and consider,H7760 and understandH7919 together,H3162 that the handH3027 of the LORDH3068 hath doneH6213 this, and the Holy OneH6918 of IsraelH3478 hath createdH1254 it. 21 ProduceH7126 your cause,H7379 saithH559 the LORD;H3068 bring forthH5066 your strongH6110 reasons, saithH559 the KingH4428 of Jacob.H3290 22 Let them bring them forth,H5066 and shewH5046 us what shall happen:H7136 let them shewH5046 the former things,H7223 what they be, that we may considerH7760, H3820 them, and knowH3045 the latter endH319 of them; or declareH8085 us things for to come.H935 23 ShewH5046 the things that are to comeH857 hereafter,H268 that we may knowH3045 that ye are gods:H430 yea, do good,H3190 or do evil,H7489 that we may be dismayed,H8159 and beholdH7200 it together.H3162 24 Behold, ye are of nothing,H369 and your workH6467 of nought:H659 an abominationH8441 is he that choosethH977 you. 25 I have raised upH5782 one from the north,H6828 and he shall come:H857 from the risingH4217 of the sunH8121 shall he callH7121 upon my name:H8034 and he shall comeH935 upon princesH5461 as upon morter,H2563 and as the potterH3335 treadethH7429 clay.H2916 26 Who hath declaredH5046 from the beginning,H7218 that we may know?H3045 and beforetime,H6440 that we may say,H559 He is righteous?H6662 yea, there is none that sheweth,H5046 yea, there is none that declareth,H8085 yea, there is none that hearethH8085 your words.H561 27 The firstH7223 shall say to Zion,H6726 Behold,H2009 beholdH2009 them: and I will giveH5414 to JerusalemH3389 one that bringeth good tidings.H1319 28 For I beheld,H7200 and there was no man;H376 even among them, and there was no counsellor,H3289 that, when I askedH7592 of them, could answerH7725 a word.H1697 29 Behold, they are all vanity;H205 their worksH4639 are nothing:H657 their molten imagesH5262 are windH7307 and confusion.H8414


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Słuchajcie mnie, wy, którzy znacie sprawiedliwość, ty, ludu, w którego sercu jest zakon! Nie bójcie się lżenia ludzi i nie lękajcie się ich pośmiewiska,
Iz 51:7

W Chrystusie

Którego nie widziawszy, miłujecie, którego teraz nie widząc, wszakże weń wierząc, weselicie się radością niewymowną i chwalebną ...
BG I Piotr 1:8

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Paweł wysyłał Tychikusa którego nazywał "ukochanym bratem i wiernym sługą" na różne misję 5 razy (Dz 20:4, Efez 6:21, Kol 4:7, II Tym 4:12, Tyt 3:12).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Przeto i my, mając około siebie tak wielki obłok świadków, złożywszy z siebie wszelki ciężar i grzech, który nas usidla, biegnijmy wytrwale w wyścigu, który jest przed nami, Patrząc na Jezusa, sprawcę i dokończyciela wiary, który zamiast doznać należytej mu radości, wycierpiał krzyż, nie bacząc na jego hańbę, i usiadł na prawicy tronu Bożego.
Hebr 12:1-2

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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