„Ten przy sobie chował Hadaszę, którą też zwano Ester, córkę stryja swego, gdyż ani ojca ani matki nie miała, a była panienka nadobna i kształtowna i piękna na wejrzeniu, którą był Mardocheusz wziął za swą własną córkę po śmierci ojca i matki jej.”

Biblia Brzeska: Księga Estery 2,7

King James Version
Księga Izajasza 26:14

Tytuł oryginalny
1 In that dayH3117 shall this songH7892 be sungH7891 in the landH776 of Judah;H3063 We have a strongH5797 city;H5892 salvationH3444 will God appointH7896 for wallsH2346 and bulwarks.H2426 2 OpenH6605 ye the gates,H8179 that the righteousH6662 nationH1471 which keepethH8104 the truthH529 may enter in.H935 3 Thou wilt keepH5341 him in perfectH7965 peace,H7965 whose mindH3336 is stayedH5564 on thee: because he trustethH982 in thee. 4 TrustH982 ye in the LORDH3068 for ever:H5703 for in the LORDH3050 JEHOVAHH3068 is everlastingH5769 strength:H6697 5 For he bringeth downH7817 them that dwellH3427 on high;H4791 the loftyH7682 city,H7151 he layeth it low;H8213 he layeth it low,H8213 even to the ground;H776 he bringethH5060 it even to the dust.H6083 6 The footH7272 shall tread it down,H7429 even the feetH7272 of the poor,H6041 and the stepsH6471 of the needy.H1800 7 The wayH734 of the justH6662 is uprightness:H4339 thou, most upright,H3477 dost weighH6424 the pathH4570 of the just.H6662 8 Yea, in the wayH734 of thy judgments,H4941 O LORD,H3068 have we waitedH6960 for thee; the desireH8378 of our soulH5315 is to thy name,H8034 and to the remembranceH2143 of thee. 9 With my soulH5315 have I desiredH183 thee in the night;H3915 yea, with my spiritH7307 withinH7130 me will I seek thee early:H7836 for when thy judgmentsH4941 are in the earth,H776 the inhabitantsH3427 of the worldH8398 will learnH3925 righteousness.H6664 10 Let favour be shewedH2603 to the wicked,H7563 yet will he notH1077 learnH3925 righteousness:H6664 in the landH776 of uprightnessH5229 will he deal unjustly,H5765 and will notH1077 beholdH7200 the majestyH1348 of the LORD.H3068 11 LORD,H3068 when thy handH3027 is lifted up,H7311 they will not see:H2372 but they shall see,H2372 and be ashamedH954 for their envyH7068 at the people;H5971 yea, the fireH784 of thine enemiesH6862 shall devourH398 them. 12 LORD,H3068 thou wilt ordainH8239 peaceH7965 for us: for thou also hast wroughtH6466 all our worksH4639 in us. 13 O LORDH3068 our God,H430 other lordsH113 besideH2108 thee have had dominionH1166 over us: but by thee only will we make mentionH2142 of thy name.H8034 14 They are dead,H4191 they shall not live;H2421 they are deceased,H7496 they shall not rise:H6965 therefore hast thou visitedH6485 and destroyedH8045 them, and made all their memoryH2143 to perish.H6 15 Thou hast increasedH3254 the nation,H1471 O LORD,H3068 thou hast increasedH3254 the nation:H1471 thou art glorified:H3513 thou hadst removed it farH7368 unto all the endsH7099 of the earth.H776 16 LORD,H3068 in troubleH6862 have they visitedH6485 thee, they poured outH6694 a prayerH3908 when thy chasteningH4148 was upon them. 17 LikeH3644 as a woman with child,H2030 that draweth nearH7126 the time of her delivery,H3205 is in pain,H2342 and crieth outH2199 in her pangs;H2256 so have we been in thy sight,H6440 O LORD.H3068 18 We have been with child,H2029 we have been in pain,H2342 we have as it wereH3644 brought forthH3205 wind;H7307 we have not wroughtH6213 any deliveranceH3444 in the earth;H776 neitherH1077 have the inhabitantsH3427 of the worldH8398 fallen.H5307 19 Thy deadH4191 men shall live,H2421 together with my dead bodyH5038 shall they arise.H6965 AwakeH6974 and sing,H7442 ye that dwellH7931 in dust:H6083 for thy dewH2919 is as the dewH2919 of herbs,H219 and the earthH776 shall cast outH5307 the dead.H7496 20 Come,H3212 my people,H5971 enterH935 thou into thy chambers,H2315 and shutH5462 thy doorsH1817 about thee: hideH2247 thyself as it were for a littleH4592 moment,H7281 until the indignationH2195 be overpast.H5674 21 For, behold, the LORDH3068 cometh outH3318 of his placeH4725 to punishH6485 the inhabitantsH3427 of the earthH776 for their iniquity:H5771 the earthH776 also shall discloseH1540 her blood,H1818 and shall no more coverH3680 her slain.H2026


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Iz 35:4

W Chrystusie

Tajemnicę woli swojej, aby z nastaniem pełni czasów wykonać ją i w Chrystusie połączyć w jedną całość wszystko, i to, co jest na niebiosach, i to, co jest na ziemi w nim...
Efez 1:10

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

W Dziejach Apostolskich najdłuższej księdze w Nowym Testamencie nigdy nie zostało użyte słowo "miłość". Właściwie słowa "miłość" nie użyto nigdy w dwóch księgach Nowego Testamentu, są to księgi: Dzieje Apostolskie i 2 List Piotra.

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Mając tę pewność, że Ten, który rozpoczął w was dobre dzieło, będzie je też pełnił aż do dnia Chrystusa Jezusa.
Fil 1:6

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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