„Będziecie też sprawować ofiarę paloną ku wdzięcznej wonności Panu: cielca jednego, skopu jednego, siedm baranów rocznych zdrowych.”

Biblia Brzeska: 4 Księga Mojżeszowa 29,2

King James Version
Księga Izajasza 11:3

Tytuł oryginalny
1 And there shall come forthH3318 a rodH2415 out of the stemH1503 of Jesse,H3448 and a BranchH5342 shall growH6509 out of his roots:H8328 2 And the spiritH7307 of the LORDH3068 shall restH5117 upon him, the spiritH7307 of wisdomH2451 and understanding,H998 the spiritH7307 of counselH6098 and might,H1369 the spiritH7307 of knowledgeH1847 and of the fearH3374 of the LORD;H3068 3 And shall make him of quick understandingH7306 in the fearH3374 of the LORD:H3068 and he shall not judgeH8199 after the sightH4758 of his eyes,H5869 neither reproveH3198 after the hearingH4926 of his ears:H241 4 But with righteousnessH6664 shall he judgeH8199 the poor,H1800 and reproveH3198 with equityH4334 for the meekH6035 of the earth:H776 and he shall smiteH5221 the earthH776 with the rodH7626 of his mouth,H6310 and with the breathH7307 of his lipsH8193 shall he slayH4191 the wicked.H7563 5 And righteousnessH6664 shall be the girdleH232 of his loins,H4975 and faithfulnessH530 the girdleH232 of his reins.H2504 6 The wolfH2061 also shall dwellH1481 with the lamb,H3532 and the leopardH5246 shall lie downH7257 with the kid;H1423 and the calfH5695 and the young lionH3715 and the fatlingH4806 together;H3162 and a littleH6996 childH5288 shall leadH5090 them. 7 And the cowH6510 and the bearH1677 shall feed;H7462 their young onesH3206 shall lie downH7257 together:H3162 and the lionH738 shall eatH398 strawH8401 like the ox.H1241 8 And the sucking childH3243 shall playH8173 on the holeH2352 of the asp,H6620 and the weaned childH1580 shall putH1911 his handH3027 on the cockatrice'H6848 den.H3975 9 They shall not hurtH7489 nor destroyH7843 in all my holyH6944 mountain:H2022 for the earthH776 shall be fullH4390 of the knowledgeH1844 of the LORD,H3068 as the watersH4325 coverH3680 the sea.H3220 10 And in that dayH3117 there shall be a rootH8328 of Jesse,H3448 which shall standH5975 for an ensignH5251 of the people;H5971 to it shall the GentilesH1471 seek:H1875 and his restH4496 shall be glorious.H3519 11 And it shall come to pass in that day,H3117 that the LordH136 shall setH3254 his handH3027 againH3254 the second timeH8145 to recoverH7069 the remnantH7605 of his people,H5971 which shall be left,H7604 from Assyria,H804 and from Egypt,H4714 and from Pathros,H6624 and from Cush,H3568 and from Elam,H5867 and from Shinar,H8152 and from Hamath,H2574 and from the islandsH339 of the sea.H3220 12 And he shall set upH5375 an ensignH5251 for the nations,H1471 and shall assembleH622 the outcastsH1760 of Israel,H3478 and gather togetherH6908 the dispersedH5310 of JudahH3063 from the fourH702 cornersH3671 of the earth.H776 13 The envyH7068 also of EphraimH669 shall depart,H5493 and the adversariesH6887 of JudahH3063 shall be cut off:H3772 EphraimH669 shall not envyH7065 Judah,H3063 and JudahH3063 shall not vexH6887 Ephraim.H669 14 But they shall flyH5774 upon the shouldersH3802 of the PhilistinesH6430 toward the west;H3220 they shall spoilH962 themH1121 of the eastH6924 together:H3162 they shall layH4916 their handH3027 upon EdomH123 and Moab;H4124 and the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 shall obeyH4928 them. 15 And the LORDH3068 shall utterly destroyH2763 the tongueH3956 of the EgyptianH4714 sea;H3220 and with his mightyH5868 windH7307 shall he shakeH5130 his handH3027 over the river,H5104 and shall smiteH5221 it in the sevenH7651 streams,H5158 and make men go overH1869 dryshod.H5275 16 And there shall be an highwayH4546 for the remnantH7605 of his people,H5971 whichH834 shall be left,H7604 from Assyria;H804 like as it was to IsraelH3478 in the dayH3117 that he came upH5927 out of the landH776 of Egypt.H4714


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Jest on jak drzewo zasadzone nad wodą, które nad potok zapuszcza swoje korzenie, nie boi się, gdy upał nadchodzi, lecz jego liść pozostaje zielony, i w roku posuchy się nie frasuje i nie przestaje wydawać owocu.
Jer 17:8

W Chrystusie

Usprawiedliwieni tedy z wiary, pokój mamy z Bogiem przez Pana naszego, Jezusa Chrystusa,
Rzym 5:1

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Król Manasses został pochowany w ogrodzie (II Król 21:18).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

I będziecie tam szukać Pana, swego Boga. Znajdziesz go, jeżeli będziesz go szukał całym swoim sercem i całą swoją duszą.
V Mojż 4:29

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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