„I będę mieszkał w pośrodku synów Izraelskich, i będę im za Boga.”

Biblia Gdańska (1632): 2 Mojżeszowa 29,45


King James Version
Księga Ezdrasza 7:17

Tytuł oryginalny
Now afterH310 these things,H1697 in the reignH4438 of ArtaxerxesH783 kingH4428 of Persia,H6539 EzraH5830 the sonH1121 of Seraiah,H8304 the sonH1121 of Azariah,H5838 the sonH1121 of Hilkiah,H2518
The sonH1121 of Shallum,H7967 the sonH1121 of Zadok,H6659 the sonH1121 of Ahitub,H285
The sonH1121 of Amariah,H568 the sonH1121 of Azariah,H5838 the sonH1121 of Meraioth,H4812
The sonH1121 of Zerahiah,H2228 the sonH1121 of Uzzi,H5813 the sonH1121 of Bukki,H1231
The sonH1121 of Abishua,H50 the sonH1121 of Phinehas,H6372 the sonH1121 of Eleazar,H499 the sonH1121 of AaronH175 the chiefH7218 priest:H3548
This EzraH5830 went upH5927 from Babylon;H894 and he was a readyH4106 scribeH5608 in the lawH8451 of Moses,H4872 which the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478 had given:H5414 and the kingH4428 grantedH5414 him all his request,H1246 according to the handH3027 of the LORDH3068 his GodH430 upon him.
And there went upH5927 some of the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 and of the priests,H3548 and the Levites,H3881 and the singers,H7891 and the porters,H7778 and the Nethinims,H5411 unto Jerusalem,H3389 in the seventhH7651 yearH8141 of ArtaxerxesH783 the king.H4428
And he cameH935 to JerusalemH3389 in the fifthH2549 month,H2320 which was in the seventhH7637 yearH8141 of the king.H4428
For upon the firstH259 day of the firstH7223 monthH2320 beganH3246 he to go upH4609 from Babylon,H894 and on the firstH259 day of the fifthH2549 monthH2320 cameH935 he to Jerusalem,H3389 according to the goodH2896 handH3027 of his GodH430 upon him.
For EzraH5830 had preparedH3559 his heartH3824 to seekH1875 the lawH8451 of the LORD,H3068 and to doH6213 it, and to teachH3925 in IsraelH3478 statutesH2706 and judgments.H4941
Now this is the copyH6572 of the letterH5406 that the kingH4428 ArtaxerxesH783 gaveH5414 unto EzraH5830 the priest,H3548 the scribe,H5608 even a scribeH5608 of the wordsH1697 of the commandmentsH4687 of the LORD,H3068 and of his statutesH2706 to Israel.H3478
Artaxerxes,H783 kingH4430 of kings,H4430 unto EzraH5831 the priest,H3549 a scribeH5613 of the lawH1882 of the GodH426 of heaven,H8065 perfectH1585 peace, and at such a time.H3706
IH4481 makeH7761 a decree,H2942 that allH3606 they ofH4481 the peopleH5972 of Israel,H3479 and of his priestsH3549 and Levites,H3879 in my realm,H4437 which are minded of their own freewillH5069 to go upH1946 to Jerusalem,H3390 goH1946 with thee.H5974
ForasmuchH6903, H1768 asH3606 thou art sentH7972 ofH6925 theH4481 king,H4430 and of his sevenH7655 counsellors,H3272 to enquireH1240 concerningH5922 JudahH3061 and Jerusalem,H3390 according to the lawH1882 of thy GodH426 which is in thine hand;H3028
And to carryH2987 the silverH3702 and gold,H1722 which the kingH4430 and his counsellorsH3272 have freely offeredH5069 unto the GodH426 of Israel,H3479 whoseH1768 habitationH4907 is in Jerusalem,H3390
And allH3606 the silverH3702 and goldH1722 that thou canst findH7912 in allH3606 the provinceH4083 of Babylon,H895 withH5974 the freewill offeringH5069 of the people,H5972 and of the priests,H3549 offering willinglyH5069 for the houseH1005 of their GodH426 which is in Jerusalem:H3390
ThatH6903 thouH3606 mayest buyH7066 speedilyH629 with thisH1836 moneyH3702 bullocks,H8450 rams,H1798 lambs,H563 with their meat offeringsH4504 and their drink offerings,H5261 and offerH7127 themH1994 uponH5922 the altarH4056 of the houseH1005 of your GodH426 which is in Jerusalem.H3390
And whatsoeverH1768 shallH4101 seem goodH3191 to thee, and toH5922 thy brethren,H252 to doH5648 with the restH7606 of the silverH3702 and the gold,H1722 that doH5648 after the willH7470 of your God.H426
The vesselsH3984 also that are givenH3052 thee for the serviceH6402 of the houseH1005 of thy God,H426 those deliverH8000 thou beforeH6925 the GodH426 of Jerusalem.H3390
And whatsoever moreH7606 shall be needfulH2819 for the houseH1005 of thy God,H426 which thou shalt have occasionH5308 to bestow,H5415 bestowH5415 it out ofH4481 the king'sH4430 treasureH1596 house.H1005
And I,H4481 even IH576 ArtaxerxesH783 the king,H4430 do makeH7761 a decreeH2942 to allH3606 the treasurersH1490 which are beyondH5675 the river,H5103 that whatsoever EzraH5831 the priest,H3549 the scribeH5613 of the lawH1882 of the GodH426 of heaven,H8065 shall requireH7593 of you, it be doneH5648 speedily,H629
UntoH5705 an hundredH3969 talentsH3604 of silver,H3702 and to an hundredH3969 measuresH3734 of wheat,H2591 and to an hundredH3969 bathsH1325 of wine,H2562 and to an hundredH3969 bathsH1325 of oil,H4887 and saltH4416 withoutH3809 prescribingH3792 how much.
WhatsoeverH3606 is commanded byH4481 theH2941 GodH426 of heaven,H8065 let it be diligentlyH149 doneH5648 for the houseH1005 of the GodH426 of heaven:H8065 forH1768 whyH4101 should there beH1934 wrathH7109 againstH5922 the realmH4437 of the kingH4430 and his sons?H1123
Also we certifyH3046 you, that touching anyH3606 of the priestsH3549 and Levites,H3879 singers,H2171 porters,H8652 Nethinims,H5412 or ministersH6399 of thisH1836 houseH1005 of God,H426 it shall notH3809 be lawfulH7990 to imposeH7412 toll,H4061 tribute,H1093 or custom,H1983 uponH5922 them.
And thou,H607 Ezra,H5831 after the wisdomH2452 of thy God,H426 that is in thine hand,H3028 setH4483 magistratesH8200 and judges,H1782 which may judgeH1934, H1778 allH3606 the peopleH5972 that are beyondH5675 the river,H5103 allH3606 such as knowH3046 the lawsH1882 of thy God;H426 and teachH3046 ye them that knowH3046 them not.H3809
And whosoeverH3606 will notH3809 doH1934, H5648 the lawH1882 of thy God,H426 and the lawH1882 of the king,H4430 let judgmentH1780 beH1934 executedH5648 speedilyH629 upon him,H4481 whetherH2006 it be unto death,H4193 orH2006 to banishment,H8332 orH2006 to confiscationH6065 of goods,H5232 or to imprisonment.H613
BlessedH1288 be the LORDH3068 GodH430 of our fathers,H1 which hath putH5414 such a thing as this in the king'sH4428 heart,H3820 to beautifyH6286 the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068 which is in Jerusalem:H3389
And hath extendedH5186 mercyH2617 unto me beforeH6440 the king,H4428 and his counsellors,H3289 and before all the king'sH4428 mightyH1368 princes.H8269 And I was strengthenedH2388 as the handH3027 of the LORDH3068 my GodH430 was upon me, and I gathered togetherH6908 out of IsraelH3478 chief menH7218 to go upH5927 with me.


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Dlatego Nie bój się ty, mój sługo, Jakubie - mówi Pan - i nie trwóż się, Izraelu, gdyż oto wybawię cię z daleka, a twoje potomstwo z ziemi ich wygnania. I wróci Jakub, i będzie żył w spokoju i beztrosko, i nikt go nie będzie straszył.
Jer 30:10

W Chrystusie

W nim mamy odkupienie przez krew jego, odpuszczenie grzechów, według bogactwa łaski jego,
Efez 1:7

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Jan Chrzciciel nie uczynił nigdy żadnego cudu (Jan 10:41).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Doprawdy, byliśmy już całkowicie pewni tego, że śmierć nasza jest postanowiona, abyśmy nie na sobie samych polegali, ale na Bogu, który wzbudza umarłych,
II Kor 1:9

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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