„Nie uciskajcie wdów i sierot, przychodniów i ubogich, i nie zamyślajcie w swych sercach nic złego jedni przeciwko drugim.”

Biblia Warszawska: Księga Zachariasza 7,10


King James Version
Księga: 2 Księga Samuela 11:6

Tytuł oryginalny
2 Samuel
1 And it came to pass, after the yearH8141 was expired,H8666 at the timeH6256 when kingsH4428, H4397 go forthH3318 to battle, that DavidH1732 sentH7971 Joab,H3097 and his servantsH5650 with him, and all Israel;H3478 and they destroyedH7843 the childrenH1121 of Ammon,H5983 and besiegedH6696 Rabbah.H7237 But DavidH1732 tarried stillH3427 at Jerusalem.H3389 2 And it came to pass in an eveningtideH6256, H6153, that DavidH1732 aroseH6965 from off his bed,H4904 and walkedH1980 upon the roofH1406 of the king'sH4428 house:H1004 and from the roofH1406 he sawH7200 a womanH802 washingH7364 herself; and the womanH802 was veryH3966 beautifulH2896 to look upon.H4758 3 And DavidH1732 sentH7971 and enquiredH1875 after the woman.H802 And one said,H559 Is not this Bathsheba,H1339 the daughterH1323 of Eliam,H463 the wifeH802 of UriahH223 the Hittite?H2850 4 And DavidH1732 sentH7971 messengers,H4397 and tookH3947 her; and she came inH935 unto him, and he layH7901 with her; for she was purifiedH6942 from her uncleanness:H2932 and she returnedH7725 unto her house.H1004 5 And the womanH802 conceived,H2029 and sentH7971 and toldH5046 David,H1732 and said,H559 I am with child.H2030 6 And DavidH1732 sentH7971 to Joab,H3097 saying, SendH7971 me UriahH223 the Hittite.H2850 And JoabH3097 sentH7971 UriahH223 to David.H1732 7 And when UriahH223 was comeH935 unto him, DavidH1732 demandedH7592 of him how JoabH3097 did,H7965 and how the peopleH5971 did,H7965 and how the warH4421 prospered.H7965 8 And DavidH1732 saidH559 to Uriah,H223 Go downH3381 to thy house,H1004 and washH7364 thy feet.H7272 And UriahH223 departed outH3318 of the king'sH4428 house,H1004 and there followedH310 him a messH4864 of meat from the king.H4428 9 But UriahH223 sleptH7901 at the doorH6607 of the king'sH4428 houseH1004 with all the servantsH5650 of his lord,H113 and went not downH3381 to his house.H1004 10 And when they had toldH5046 David,H1732 saying,H559 UriahH223 went not downH3381 unto his house,H1004 DavidH1732 saidH559 unto Uriah,H223 CamestH935 thou not from thy journey?H1870 why then didst thou not go downH3381 unto thine house?H1004 11 And UriahH223 saidH559 unto David,H1732 The ark,H727 and Israel,H3478 and Judah,H3063 abideH3427 in tents;H5521 and my lordH113 Joab,H3097 and the servantsH5650 of my lord,H113 are encampedH2583 in the openH6440 fields;H7704 shall IH589 then goH935 into mine house,H1004 to eatH398 and to drink,H8354 and to lieH7901 with my wife?H802 as thou livest,H2416 and as thy soulH5315 liveth,H2416 I will not doH6213 this thing.H1697 12 And DavidH1732 saidH559 to Uriah,H223 TarryH3427 here to dayH3117 also, and to morrowH4279 I will let thee depart.H7971 So UriahH223 abodeH3427 in JerusalemH3389 that day,H3117 and the morrow.H4283 13 And when DavidH1732 had calledH7121 him, he did eatH398 and drinkH8354 beforeH6440 him; and he made him drunk:H7937 and at evenH6153 he went outH3318 to lieH7901 on his bedH4904 with the servantsH5650 of his lord,H113 but went not downH3381 to his house.H1004 14 And it came to pass in the morning,H1242 that DavidH1732 wroteH3789 a letterH5612 to Joab,H3097 and sentH7971 it by the handH3027 of Uriah.H223 15 And he wroteH3789 in the letter,H5612 saying,H559 SetH3051 ye UriahH223 in the forefrontH4136 ofH6440 the hottestH2389 battle,H4421 and retireH7725 ye from him,H310 that he may be smitten,H5221 and die.H4191 16 And it came to pass, when JoabH3097 observedH8104 the city,H5892 that he assignedH5414 UriahH223 unto a placeH4725 where he knewH3045 that valiantH2428 menH582 were. 17 And the menH582 of the cityH5892 went out,H3318 and foughtH3898 with Joab:H3097 and there fellH5307 some of the peopleH5971 of the servantsH5650 of David;H1732 and UriahH223 the HittiteH2850 diedH4191 also. 18 Then JoabH3097 sentH7971 and toldH5046 DavidH1732 all the thingsH1697 concerning the war;H4421 19 And chargedH6680 the messenger,H4397 saying,H559 When thou hast made an endH3615 of tellingH1696 the mattersH1697 of the warH4421 unto the king,H4428 20 And if so be that the king'sH4428 wrathH2534 arise,H5927 and he sayH559 unto thee, Wherefore approached ye so nighH5066 unto the cityH5892 when ye did fight?H3898 knewH3045 ye not that they would shootH3384 from the wall?H2346 21 Who smoteH5221 AbimelechH40 the sonH1121 of Jerubbesheth?H3380 did not a womanH802 castH7993 a pieceH6400 of a millstoneH7393 upon him from the wall,H2346 that he diedH4191 in Thebez?H8405 why went ye nighH5066 the wall?H2346 then sayH559 thou, Thy servantH5650 UriahH223 the HittiteH2850 is deadH4191 also. 22 So the messengerH4397 went,H3212 and cameH935 and shewedH5046 DavidH1732 all that JoabH3097 had sentH7971 him for. 23 And the messengerH4397 saidH559 unto David,H1732 Surely the menH582 prevailedH1396 against us, and came outH3318 unto us into the field,H7704 and we were upon them even unto the enteringH6607 of the gate.H8179 24 And the shootersH3384 shotH3384 from off the wallH2346 upon thy servants;H5650 and some of the king'sH4428 servantsH5650 be dead,H4191 and thy servantH5650 UriahH223 the HittiteH2850 is deadH4191 also. 25 Then DavidH1732 saidH559 unto the messenger,H4397 Thus shalt thou sayH559 unto Joab,H3097 Let not this thingH1697 displeaseH3415, H5869 thee, for the swordH2719 devourethH398 one as well as another:H2090 make thy battleH4421 more strongH2388 against the city,H5892 and overthrowH2040 it: and encourageH2388 thou him. 26 And when the wifeH802 of UriahH223 heardH8085 that UriahH223 her husbandH376 was dead,H4191 she mournedH5594 for her husband.H1167 27 And when the mourningH60 was past,H5674 DavidH1732 sentH7971 and fetchedH622 her to his house,H1004 and she became his wife,H802 and bareH3205 him a son.H1121 But the thingH1697 that DavidH1732 had doneH6213 displeasedH3415, H5869 the LORD.H3068


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Mówcie do zaniepokojonych w sercu: Bądźcie mocni, Nie bójcie się! Oto wasz Bóg! Nadchodzi pomsta, odpłata Boża! Sam on przychodzi i wybawi was!
Iz 35:4

W Chrystusie

On tego, który nie znał grzechu, za nas grzechem uczynił, abyśmy w nim stali się sprawiedliwością Bożą.
II Kor 5:21

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Bóg powiedział Salomonowi aby poprosił o cokolwiek pragnie a otrzyma to od niego, Salomon zaś poprosił o "serce rozumne, aby umiał sądzić ... lud i rozróżniać między dobrem i złem". Prośba ta podobała się Bogu tak że Salomon otrzymał mądrość taką jakiej nie miał żaden człowiek w historii (I Król 3:5-14).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

I znaleźć się w nim, nie mając własnej sprawiedliwości, opartej na zakonie, lecz tę, która się wywodzi z wiary w Chrystusa, sprawiedliwość z Boga, na podstawie wiary,
Fil 3:9

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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