King James Version
Księga: 1 Księga Królewska 14:1

1 Kings
And JeroboamH3379 saidH559 to his wife,H802 Arise,H6965 I pray thee, and disguiseH8138 thyself, that thou be not knownH3045 to be the wifeH802 of Jeroboam;H3379 and getH1980 thee to Shiloh:H7887 behold, there is AhijahH281 the prophet,H5030 which toldH1696 me that I should be kingH4428 over this people.H5971
And takeH3947 with theeH3027 tenH6235 loaves,H3899 and cracknels,H5350 and a cruseH1228 of honey,H1706 and goH935 to him: he shall tellH5046 thee what shall become of the child.H5288
And Jeroboam'sH3379 wifeH802 did so,H6213 and arose,H6965 and wentH3212 to Shiloh,H7887 and cameH935 to the houseH1004 of Ahijah.H281 But AhijahH281 couldH3201 not see;H7200 for his eyesH5869 were setH6965 by reason of his age.H7869
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto Ahijah,H281 Behold, the wifeH802 of JeroboamH3379 comethH935 to askH1875 a thingH1697 of thee for her son;H1121 for he is sick:H2470 thusH2090 and thus shalt thou sayH1696 unto her: for it shall be, when she cometh in,H935 that she shall feign herself to be anotherH5234 woman.
And it was so, when AhijahH281 heardH8085 the soundH6963 of her feet,H7272 as she came inH935 at the door,H6607 that he said,H559 Come in,H935 thou wifeH802 of Jeroboam;H3379 why feignest thou thyself to be another?H5234 for I am sentH7971 to thee with heavyH7186 tidings.
Go,H3212 tellH559 Jeroboam,H3379 Thus saithH559 the LORDH3068 GodH430 of Israel,H3478 Forasmuch asH3282 I exaltedH7311 thee from amongH8432 the people,H5971 and madeH5414 thee princeH5057 over my peopleH5971 Israel,H3478
And rentH7167 the kingdomH4467 awayH7167 from the houseH1004 of David,H1732 and gaveH5414 it thee: and yet thou hast not been as my servantH5650 David,H1732 who keptH8104 my commandments,H4687 and who followedH1980, H310 me with all his heart,H3824 to doH6213 that only which was rightH3477 in mine eyes;H5869
But hast doneH6213 evilH7489 above all that were beforeH6440 thee: for thou hast goneH3212 and madeH6213 thee otherH312 gods,H430 and molten images,H4541 to provoke me to anger,H3707 and hast castH7993 me behindH310 thy back:H1458
Therefore, behold, I will bringH935 evilH7451 upon the houseH1004 of Jeroboam,H3379 and will cut offH3772 from JeroboamH3379 him that pissethH8366 against the wall,H7023 and him that is shut upH6113 and leftH5800 in Israel,H3478 and will take awayH1197 the remnantH310 of the houseH1004 of Jeroboam,H3379 as a man taketh awayH1197 dung,H1557 till it be all gone.H8552
Him that diethH4191 of JeroboamH3379 in the cityH5892 shall the dogsH3611 eat;H398 and him that diethH4191 in the fieldH7704 shall the fowlsH5775 of the airH8064 eat:H398 for the LORDH3068 hath spokenH1696 it.
AriseH6965 thou therefore, getH3212 thee to thine own house:H1004 and when thy feetH7272 enterH935 into the city,H5892 the childH3206 shall die.H4191
And all IsraelH3478 shall mournH5594 for him, and buryH6912 him: for he only of JeroboamH3379 shall comeH935 to the grave,H6913 because in him there is foundH4672 some goodH2896 thingH1697 toward the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478 in the houseH1004 of Jeroboam.H3379
Moreover the LORDH3068 shall raise him upH6965 a kingH4428 over Israel,H3478 who shall cut offH3772 the houseH1004 of JeroboamH3379 that day:H3117 but what? even now.
For the LORDH3068 shall smiteH5221 Israel,H3478 as a reedH7070 is shakenH5110 in the water,H4325 and he shall root upH5428 IsraelH3478 out of this goodH2896 land,H127 which he gaveH5414 to their fathers,H1 and shall scatterH2219 them beyondH5676 the river,H5104 because they have madeH6213 their groves,H842 provoking the LORDH3068 to anger.H3707
And he shall giveH5414 IsraelH3478 upH5414 becauseH1558 of the sinsH2403 of Jeroboam,H3379 who did sin,H2398 and who made IsraelH3478 to sin.H2398
And Jeroboam'sH3379 wifeH802 arose,H6965 and departed,H3212 and cameH935 to Tirzah:H8656 and when she cameH935 to the thresholdH5592 of the door,H1004 the childH5288 died;H4191
And they buriedH6912 him; and all IsraelH3478 mournedH5594 for him, according to the wordH1697 of the LORD,H3068 which he spakeH1696 by the handH3027 of his servantH5650 AhijahH281 the prophet.H5030
And the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Jeroboam,H3379 how he warred,H3898 and how he reigned,H4427 behold, they are writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH3117 ofH1697 the kingsH4428 of Israel.H3478
And the daysH3117 which JeroboamH3379 reignedH4427 were twoH8147 and twentyH6242 years:H8141 and he sleptH7901 with his fathers,H1 and NadabH5070 his sonH1121 reignedH4427 in his stead.
And RehoboamH7346 the sonH1121 of SolomonH8010 reignedH4427 in Judah.H3063 RehoboamH7346 was fortyH705 and oneH259 yearsH8141 oldH1121 when he began to reign,H4427 and he reignedH4427 seventeenH6240, H7651 yearsH8141 in Jerusalem,H3389 the cityH5892 which the LORDH3068 did chooseH977 out of all the tribesH7626 of Israel,H3478 to putH7760 his nameH8034 there. And his mother'sH517 nameH8034 was NaamahH5279 an Ammonitess.H5985
And JudahH3063 didH6213 evilH7451 in the sightH5869 of the LORD,H3068 and they provoked him to jealousyH7065 with their sinsH2403 which they had committed,H2398 above all that their fathersH1 had done.H6213
For they also builtH1129 them high places,H1116 and images,H4676 and groves,H842 on every highH1364 hill,H1389 and under every greenH7488 tree.H6086
And there were also sodomitesH6945 in the land:H776 and they didH6213 according to all the abominationsH8441 of the nationsH1471 which the LORDH3068 cast outH3423 beforeH6440 the childrenH1121 of Israel.H3478
And it came to pass in the fifthH2549 yearH8141 of kingH4428 Rehoboam,H7346 that ShishakH7895 kingH4428 of EgyptH4714 came upH5927 against Jerusalem:H3389
And he took awayH3947 the treasuresH214 of the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 and the treasuresH214 of the king'sH4428 house;H1004 he even took awayH3947 all: and he took awayH3947 all the shieldsH4043 of goldH2091 which SolomonH8010 had made.H6213
And kingH4428 RehoboamH7346 madeH6213 in their stead brasenH5178 shields,H4043 and committedH6485 them unto the handsH3027 of the chiefH8269 of the guard,H7323 which keptH8104 the doorH6607 of the king'sH4428 house.H1004
And it was so, whenH1767 the kingH4428 wentH935 into the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 that the guardH7323 bareH5375 them, and brought them backH7725 into the guardH7323 chamber.H8372
Now the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of Rehoboam,H7346 and all that he did,H6213 are they not writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH3117 ofH1697 the kingsH4428 of Judah?H3063
And RehoboamH7346 sleptH7901 with his fathers,H1 and was buriedH6912 with his fathersH1 in the cityH5892 of David.H1732 And his mother'sH517 nameH8034 was NaamahH5279 an Ammonitess.H5985 And AbijamH38 his sonH1121 reignedH4427 in his stead.