„Bo nastanie dzień, którego stróżowie wołać będą na górze Efraimowej: Wstańcie a wstąpmy na Syon do Pana, Boga swego.”

Biblia Gdańska (1881): Jeremijasz 31,6

King James Version
Księga: Ewangelia Mateusza 7:18

Tytuł oryginalny
1 JudgeG2919 not,G3361 thatG3363 ye beG2919 notG3363 judged.G2919 2 ForG1722 withG3739 whatG1063 judgmentG2917 ye judge,G2919 ye shall be judged:G2919 andG2532 withG1722 whatG3739 measureG3358 ye mete,G3354 it shall be measuredG488 to youG5213 again.G488 3 AndG1161 whyG5101 beholdestG991 thou the moteG2595 that is inG1722 thyG4675 brother'sG80 eye,G3788 butG1161 considerestG2657 notG3756 the beamG1385 that is inG1722 thine ownG4674 eye?G3788 4 OrG2228 howG4459 wilt thou sayG2046 to thyG4675 brother,G80 LetG863 me pull outG1544 the moteG2595 out ofG575 thineG4675 eye;G3788 and,G2532 behold,G2400 a beamG1385 is inG1722 thine ownG4675 eye?G3788 5 Thou hypocrite,G5273 firstG4412 cast outG1544 the beamG1385 out ofG1537 thine ownG4675 eye;G3788 andG2532 thenG5119 shalt thou see clearlyG1227 to cast outG1544 the moteG2595 out ofG1537 thyG4675 brother'sG80 eye.G3788 6 GiveG1325 notG3361 that whichG3588 is holyG40 unto the dogs,G2965 neitherG3366 castG906 ye yourG5216 pearlsG3135 beforeG1715 swine,G5519 lestG3379 they trampleG2662 themG846 underG1722 theirG846 feet,G4228 andG2532 turn againG4762 and rendG4486 you.G5209 7 Ask,G154 andG2532 it shall be givenG1325 you;G5213 seek,G2212 andG2532 ye shall find;G2147 knock,G2925 andG2532 it shall be openedG455 unto you:G5213 8 ForG1063 every oneG3956 that askethG154 receiveth;G2983 andG2532 he that seekethG2212 findeth;G2147 andG2532 to him that knockethG2925 it shall be opened.G455 9 OrG2228 whatG5101 manG444 isG2076 there ofG1537 you,G5216 whomG3739 ifG1437 hisG846 sonG5207 askG154 bread,G740 will he giveG1929, G3361 himG846 a stone?G3037 10 OrG2532 ifG1437 he askG154 a fish,G2486 will he giveG1929, G3361 himG846 a serpent?G3789 11 IfG1487 yeG5210 then,G3767 beingG5607 evil,G4190 knowG1492 how to giveG1325 goodG18 giftsG1390 unto yourG5216 children,G5043 how muchG4214 moreG3123 shall yourG5216 FatherG3962 whichG3588 is inG1722 heavenG3772 giveG1325 good thingsG18 to them that askG154 him?G846 12 ThereforeG3767 all thingsG3956 whatsoeverG3745 yeG302 wouldG2309 thatG2443 menG444 should doG4160 to you,G5213 doG4160 yeG5210 evenG2532 soG3779 to them:G846 forG1063 thisG3778 isG2076 the lawG3551 andG2532 the prophets.G4396 13 Enter ye inG1525 atG1223 the straitG4728 gate:G4439 forG3754 wideG4116 is the gate,G4439 andG2532 broadG2149 is the way,G3598 that leadethG520 toG1519 destruction,G684 andG2532 manyG4183 there beG1526 whichG3588 go inG1525 thereatG846, G1223: 14 BecauseG3754 straitG4728 is the gate,G4439 andG2532 narrowG2346 is the way,G3598 whichG3588 leadethG520 untoG1519 life,G2222 andG2532 fewG3641 there beG1526 that findG2147 it.G846 15 BewareG4337, G1161 ofG575 false prophets,G5578 whichG3748 comeG2064 toG4314 youG5209 inG1722 sheep'sG4263 clothing,G1742 butG1161 inwardlyG2081 they areG1526 raveningG727 wolves.G3074 16 Ye shall knowG1921 themG846 byG575 theirG846 fruitsG3385, G2590. Do men gatherG4816 grapesG4718 ofG575 thorns,G173 orG2228 figsG4810 ofG575 thistles?G5146 17 Even soG3779 everyG3956 goodG18 treeG1186 bringeth forthG4160 goodG2570 fruit;G2590 butG1161 a corruptG4550 treeG1186 bringeth forthG4160 evilG4190 fruit.G2590 18 A goodG18 treeG1186 cannotG1410, G3756 bring forthG4160 evilG4190 fruit,G2590 neitherG3761 can a corruptG4550 treeG1186 bring forthG4160 goodG2570 fruit.G2590 19 EveryG3956 treeG1186 that bringethG4160 notG3361 forthG4160 goodG2570 fruitG2590 is hewn down,G1581 andG2532 castG906 intoG1519 the fire.G4442 20 WhereforeG686 byG575 theirG846 fruitsG2590 ye shall knowG1921 them.G846 21 NotG3756 every oneG3956 that saithG3004 unto me,G3427 Lord,G2962 Lord,G2962 shall enterG1525 intoG1519 the kingdomG932 of heaven;G3772 butG235 he that doethG4160 the willG2307 of myG3450 FatherG3962 which is inG1722 heaven.G3772 22 ManyG4183 will sayG2046 to meG3427 inG1722 thatG1565 day,G2250 Lord,G2962 Lord,G2962 have weG4395 notG3756 prophesiedG4395 in thyG4674 name?G3686 andG2532 in thyG4674 nameG3686 have cast outG1544 devils?G1140 andG2532 in thyG4674 nameG3686 doneG4160 manyG4183 wonderful works?G1411 23 AndG2532 thenG5119 will I professG3670 unto themG846, G3754, I neverG3763 knewG1097 you:G5209 departG672 fromG575 me,G1700 ye that workG2038 iniquity.G458 24 ThereforeG3767 whosoeverG3748, G3956 hearethG191 theseG5128 sayingsG3056 of mine,G3450 andG2532 doethG4160 them,G846 I will likenG3666 himG846 unto a wiseG5429 man,G435 whichG3748 builtG3618 hisG846 houseG3614 uponG1909 a rock:G4073 25 AndG2532 the rainG1028 descended,G2597 andG2532 the floodsG4215 came,G2064 andG2532 the windsG417 blew,G4154 andG2532 beat uponG4363 thatG1565 house;G3614 andG2532 it fellG4098 not:G3756 forG1063 it was foundedG2311 uponG1909 a rock.G4073 26 AndG2532 every oneG3956 that hearethG191 theseG5128 sayingsG3056 of mine,G3450 andG2532 doethG4160 themG846 not,G3361 shall be likenedG3666 unto a foolishG3474 man,G435 whichG3748 builtG3618 hisG846 houseG3614 uponG1909 the sand:G285 27 AndG2532 the rainG1028 descended,G2597 andG2532 the floodsG4215 came,G2064 andG2532 the windsG417 blew,G4154 andG2532 beat uponG4350 thatG1565 house;G3614 andG2532 it fell:G4098 andG2532 greatG3173 wasG2258 the fallG4431 of it.G846 28 AndG2532 it came to pass,G1096 whenG3753 JesusG2424 had endedG4931 theseG5128 sayings,G3056 the peopleG3793 were astonishedG1605 atG1909 hisG846 doctrine:G1322 29 ForG1063 he taughtG1321, G2258 themG846 asG5613 one havingG2192 authority,G1849 andG2532 notG3756 asG5613 the scribes.G1122


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Nie bój się, bo już nie doznasz zawstydzenia, i nie zrażaj się, bo już nie zostaniesz zhańbiona, gdyż zapomnisz o hańbie swojej młodości i nie będziesz pamiętać opłakanego stanu twojego wdowieństwa.
Iz 54:4

W Chrystusie

A oni zwyciężyli go przez krew Baranka i przez słowo świadectwa swojego, i nie umiłowali życia swojego tak, by raczej je obrać niż śmierć.
Obj 12:11

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Arka Noego miała długość 300 łokci, była szeroka na 50 łokci i wysoka na 30 łokci. Miała także 3 pokłady (według różnych szacunków 1 łokieć = około 40-45 cm) (I Mojż 6,15).
Arka Noego

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Bo jeśli wrośliśmy w podobieństwo jego śmierci, wrośniemy również w podobieństwo jego zmartwychwstania,
Rzym 6:5

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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