„Po tymem patrzał, a ono druga jako ryś, a miała skrzydła jako ptak cztery na sobie, a cztery głowy były u bestyjej, a władzą jej dano.”

Biblia Jakuba Wujka: Księga Daniela 7,6


King James Version
Księga: 1 List Piotra 2:14

Tytuł oryginalny
1 Peter
1 WhereforeG3767 laying asideG659 allG3956 malice,G2549 andG2532 allG3956 guile,G1388 andG2532 hypocrisies,G5272 andG2532 envies,G5355 andG2532 allG3956 evil speakings,G2636 2 AsG5613 newbornG738 babes,G1025 desireG1971 the sincereG97 milkG1051 of the word,G3050 thatG2443 ye may growG837 therebyG846, G1722: 3 If so beG1512 ye have tastedG1089 thatG3754 the LordG2962 is gracious.G5543 4 ToG4314 whomG3739 coming,G4334 as unto a livingG2198 stone,G3037 disallowedG593 indeedG3303 ofG5259 men,G444 butG1161 chosenG1588 ofG3844 God,G2316 and precious,G1784 5 YeG846 also,G2532 asG5613 livelyG2198 stones,G3037 are built upG3618 a spiritualG4152 house,G3624 an holyG40 priesthood,G2406 to offer upG399 spiritualG4152 sacrifices,G2378 acceptableG2144 to GodG2316 byG1223 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547 6 WhereforeG1352 alsoG2532 it is containedG4023 inG1722 the scripture,G1124 Behold,G2400 I layG5087 inG1722 SionG4622 a chief cornerG204 stone,G3037 elect,G1588 precious:G1784 andG2532 he that believethG4100 onG1909 himG846 shallG2617 not beG3364 confounded.G2617 7 Unto youG5213 thereforeG3767 whichG3588 believeG4100 he is precious:G5092 butG1161 unto them which be disobedient,G544 the stoneG3037 whichG3739 the buildersG3618 disallowed,G593 the sameG3778 is madeG1096, G1519 the headG2776 of the corner,G1137 8 AndG2532 a stoneG3037 of stumbling,G4348 andG2532 a rockG4073 of offence,G4625 even to them whichG3739 stumbleG4350 at the word,G3056 being disobedient:G544 whereuntoG3739, G1519 alsoG2532 they were appointed.G5087 9 ButG1161 yeG5210 are a chosenG1588 generation,G1085 a royalG934 priesthood,G2406 an holyG40 nation,G1484 a peculiarG4047, G1519 people;G2992 thatG3704 ye should shew forthG1804 the praisesG703 of him who hath calledG2564 youG5209 out ofG1537 darknessG4655 intoG1519 hisG846 marvellousG2298 light:G5457 10 WhichG3588 in time pastG4218 were notG3756 a people,G2992 butG1161 are nowG3568 the peopleG2992 of God:G2316 whichG3588 hadG1653 notG3756 obtained mercy,G1653 butG1161 nowG3568 have obtained mercy.G1653 11 Dearly beloved,G27 I beseechG3870 you asG5613 strangersG3941 andG2532 pilgrims,G3927 abstain fromG567 fleshlyG4559 lusts,G1939 whichG3748 warG4754 againstG2596 the soul;G5590 12 HavingG2192 yourG5216 conversationG391 honestG2570 amongG1722 the Gentiles:G1484 that,G2443 whereasG3739 theyG1722 speak againstG2635 youG5216 asG5613 evildoers,G2555 they mayG1392 byG1537 your goodG2570 works,G2041 which they shall behold,G2029 glorifyG1392 GodG2316 inG1722 the dayG2250 of visitation.G1984 13 Submit yourselvesG5293 to everyG3956 ordinanceG2937 of manG442 forG1223 the Lord's sake:G2962 whether it beG1535 to the king,G935 asG5613 supreme;G5242 14 OrG1535 unto governors,G2232 asG5613 unto them that are sentG3992 byG1223 himG846 forG3303 theG1519 punishmentG1557 of evildoers,G2555 andG1161 for the praiseG1868 of them that do well.G17 15 ForG3754 soG3779 isG2076 the willG2307 of God,G2316 that with well doingG15 ye may put to silenceG5392 the ignoranceG56 of foolishG878 men:G444 16 AsG5613 free,G1658 andG2532 notG3361 usingG2192 your libertyG1657 forG5613 a clokeG1942 of maliciousness,G2549 butG235 asG5613 the servantsG1401 of God.G2316 17 HonourG5091 allG3956 men. LoveG25 the brotherhood.G81 FearG5399 God.G2316 HonourG5091 the king.G935 18 Servants,G3610 be subjectG5293 to your mastersG1203 withG1722 allG3956 fear;G5401 notG3756 onlyG3440 to the goodG18 andG2532 gentle,G1933 butG235 alsoG2532 to the froward.G4646 19 ForG1063 thisG5124 is thankworthy,G5485 ifG1487 a manG5100 forG1223 conscienceG4893 toward GodG2316 endureG5297 grief,G3077 sufferingG3958 wrongfully.G95 20 ForG1063 whatG4169 gloryG2811 is it, if,G1487 whenG2532 ye be buffetedG2852 for your faults,G264 ye shall take it patiently?G5278 butG235 if,G1487 when ye do well,G15 andG2532 sufferG3958 for it, ye take it patiently,G5278 thisG5124 is acceptableG5485 withG3844 God.G2316 21 ForG1063 evenG1519 hereuntoG5124 were ye called:G2564 becauseG3754 ChristG5547 alsoG2532 sufferedG3958 forG5228 us,G2257 leavingG5277 usG2254 an example,G5261 thatG2443 ye should followG1872 hisG846 steps:G2487 22 WhoG3739 didG4160 noG3756 sin,G266 neitherG3761 was guileG1388 foundG2147 inG1722 hisG846 mouth:G4750 23 Who,G3739 when he was reviled,G3058 reviledG486 notG3756 again;G486 when he suffered,G3958 he threatenedG546 not;G3756 butG1161 committedG3860 himself to him that judgethG2919 righteously:G1346 24 WhoG3739 his own selfG846 bareG399 ourG2257 sinsG266 inG1722 his ownG846 bodyG4983 onG1909 the tree,G3586 thatG2443 we,G2198 being deadG581 to sins,G266 should liveG2198 unto righteousness:G1343 byG3739 whoseG846 stripesG3468 ye were healed.G2390 25 ForG1063 ye wereG2258 asG5613 sheepG4263 going astray;G4105 butG235 areG1994 nowG3568 returnedG1994 untoG1909 the ShepherdG4166 andG2532 BishopG1985 of yourG5216 souls.G5590


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Nie bój się, bo już nie doznasz zawstydzenia, i nie zrażaj się, bo już nie zostaniesz zhańbiona, gdyż zapomnisz o hańbie swojej młodości i nie będziesz pamiętać opłakanego stanu twojego wdowieństwa.
Iz 54:4

W Chrystusie

Bo w Jezusie Chrystusie ani obrzezanie nie jest czymś, ani nieobrzezanie - ale nowe stworzenie.
NBG Gal 6:15

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Nataniel, jeden z 12 uczniów Jezusa pochodził z Kany (Jan 21:2) była to ta sama Kana w której Jezus podczas wesela uczynił cud zamieniając wodę w wino (Jan 2:1-10).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Według powziętego z góry postanowienia Boga, Ojca, poświęconych przez Ducha ku posłuszeństwu i pokropieniu krwią Jezusa Chrystusa: Łaska i pokój niech się wam rozmnożą. Błogosławiony niech będzie Bóg i Ojciec Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa, który według wielkiego miłosierdzia swego odrodził nas ku nadziei żywej przez zmartwychwstanie Jezusa Chrystusa, Ku dziedzictwu nieznikomemu i nieskalanemu, i niezwiędłemu, jakie zachowane jest w niebie dla was,
I Piotr 1:2-4

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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