„Tedy tam jechał Dawid, także i dwie żony jego, Achinoam Jezreelitka, i Abigail żona przedtem Nabalowa z Karmelu.”

Biblia Gdańska (1632): 2 Samuelowa 2,2


King James Version
Księga: 1 List Piotra 3:1

Tytuł oryginalny
1 Peter
Likewise,G3668 ye wives,G1135 be in subjectionG5293 to your ownG2398 husbands;G435 that,G2443 if anyG1536 obey notG544 the word,G3056 theyG2770 alsoG2532 mayG2770 withoutG427 the wordG3056 be wonG2770 byG1223 the conversationG391 of the wives;G1135
While they beholdG2029 yourG5216 chasteG53 conversationG391 coupled withG1722 fear.G5401
WhoseG3739 adorningG2889 let itG2077 notG3756 beG2077 that outwardG1855 adorning of plaitingG1708 the hair,G2359 andG2532 of wearingG4025 of gold,G5553 orG2228 of putting onG1745 of apparel;G2440
ButG235 let it be the hiddenG2927 manG444 of the heart,G2588 inG1722 that which is not corruptible,G862 even the ornament of a meekG4239 andG2532 quietG2272 spirit,G4151 whichG3739 isG2076 in the sightG1799 of GodG2316 of great price.G4185
ForG1063 after this mannerG3779 in the old timeG4218 the holyG40 womenG1135 also,G2532 whoG3588 trustedG1679 inG1909 God,G2316 adornedG2885 themselves,G1438 being in subjectionG5293 unto their ownG2398 husbands:G435
Even asG5613 SaraG4564 obeyedG5219 Abraham,G11 callingG2564 himG846 lord:G2962 whoseG3739 daughtersG5043 ye are,G1096 as long as ye do well,G15 andG2532 areG5399 notG3361 afraidG5399 with anyG3367 amazement.G4423
Likewise,G3668 ye husbands,G435 dwell withG4924 them according toG2596 knowledge,G1108 givingG632 honourG5092 unto the wife,G1134 asG5613 unto the weakerG772 vessel,G4632 andG2532 asG5613 being heirs togetherG4789 of the graceG5485 of life;G2222 thatG1519 yourG5216 prayersG4335 beG1581 notG3361 hindered.G1581
FinallyG5056, G1161, be ye allG3956 of one mind,G3675 having compassion one of another,G4835 love as brethren,G5361 be pitiful,G2155 be courteous:G5391
NotG3361 renderingG591 evilG2556 forG473 evil,G2556 orG2228 railingG3059 forG473 railing:G3059 butG1161 contrariwiseG5121 blessing;G2129 knowingG1492 thatG3754 ye areG2564 thereuntoG5124, G1519 called,G2564 thatG2443 ye should inheritG2816 a blessing.G2127
ForG1063 he that willG2309 loveG25 life,G2222 andG2532 seeG1492 goodG18 days,G2250 let him refrainG3973 hisG846 tongueG1100 fromG575 evil,G2556 andG2532 hisG846 lipsG5491 that they speakG2980 noG3361 guile:G1388
Let him eschewG1578, G575 evil,G2556 andG2532 doG4160 good;G18 let him seekG2212 peace,G1515 andG2532 ensueG1377 it.G846
ForG3754 the eyesG3788 of the LordG2962 are overG1909 the righteous,G1342 andG2532 hisG846 earsG3775 are open untoG1519 theirG846 prayers:G1162 butG1161 the faceG4383 of the LordG2962 is againstG1909 them that doG4160 evil.G2556
AndG2532 whoG5101 is he that will harmG2559 you,G5209 ifG1437 ye beG1096 followersG3402 of that which is good?G18
ButG235 and ifG1499 ye sufferG3958 forG1223 righteousness' sake,G1343 happyG3107 are ye: andG1161 beG5399 notG3361 afraidG5399 of theirG846 terror,G5401 neitherG3366 be troubled;G5015
ButG1161 sanctifyG37 the LordG2962 GodG2316 inG1722 yourG5216 hearts:G2588 andG1161 be readyG2092 alwaysG104 toG4314 give an answerG627 to every manG3956 that askethG154 youG5209 a reasonG3056 ofG4012 the hopeG1680 that is inG1722 youG5213 withG3326 meeknessG4240 andG2532 fear:G5401
HavingG2192 a goodG18 conscience;G4893 that,G2443 whereasG3739 theyG1722 speak evilG2635 of you,G5216 asG5613 of evildoers,G2555 they may be ashamedG2617 that falsely accuseG1908 yourG5216 goodG18 conversationG391 inG1722 Christ.G5547
ForG1063 it is better,G2909 ifG1487 the willG2307 of GodG2316 be so,G2309 that ye sufferG3958 for well doing,G15 thanG2228 for evil doing.G2554
ForG3754 ChristG5547 alsoG2532 hath onceG530 sufferedG3958 forG4012 sins,G266 the justG1342 forG5228 the unjust,G94 thatG2443 he might bringG4317 usG2248 to God,G2316 being put to deathG2289, G3303 in the flesh,G4561 butG1161 quickenedG2227 by the Spirit:G4151
ByG1722 whichG3739 alsoG2532 he wentG4198 and preachedG2784 unto the spiritsG4151 inG1722 prison;G5438
Which sometimeG4218 were disobedient,G544 whenG3753 onceG530 the longsufferingG3115 of GodG2316 waitedG1551 inG1722 the daysG2250 of Noah,G3575 while the arkG2787 was a preparing,G2680 whereinG3739, G1519 few,G3641 that is,G5123 eightG3638 soulsG5590 were savedG1295 byG1223 water.G5204
The like figureG499 whereuntoG3739 even baptismG908 dothG4982 alsoG2532 nowG3568 saveG4982 usG2248, G3756 (not the putting awayG595 of the filthG4509 of the flesh,G4561 butG235 the answerG1906 of a goodG18 conscienceG4893 towardG1519 God,G2316) byG1223 the resurrectionG386 of JesusG2424 Christ:G5547
WhoG3739 is goneG4198 intoG1519 heaven,G3772 and isG2076 onG1722 the right handG1188 of God;G2316 angelsG32 andG2532 authoritiesG1849 andG2532 powersG1411 being made subjectG5293 unto him.G846


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Opuszczone są na zawsze jego miasta, przypadną trzodom; te będą leżeć, a nikt nie będzie ich płoszył.
Iz 17:2

W Chrystusie

A Bóg mój zaspokoi wszelką potrzebę waszą według bogactwa swego w chwale, w Chrystusie Jezusie.
Fil 4:19

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

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Przyp 3:5-6

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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