„Jesliż słuchać nie będziecie, a umysłu do tego nie przykłonicie, abyście dali chwałę imieniowi memu, mówi Pan zastępów, tedy na was poslę przeklęctwo, a będę złorzeczył błogosławieństwam waszym i zaiste im będę złorzeczył, abowiem wy ni oczym się nie staracie.”

Biblia Brzeska: Księga Malachiasza 2,2


King James Version
Księga Zachariasza 14:4

Tytuł oryginalny
Behold, the dayH3117 of the LORDH3068 cometh,H935 and thy spoilH7998 shall be dividedH2505 in the midstH7130 of thee.
For I will gatherH622 all nationsH1471 against JerusalemH3389 to battle;H4421 and the cityH5892 shall be taken,H3920 and the housesH1004 rifled,H8155 and the womenH802 ravishedH7901, H7693; and halfH2677 of the cityH5892 shall go forthH3318 into captivity,H1473 and the residueH3499 of the peopleH5971 shall not be cut offH3772 from the city.H5892
Then shall the LORDH3068 go forth,H3318 and fightH3898 against those nations,H1471 as whenH3117 he foughtH3898 in the dayH3117 of battle.H7128
And his feetH7272 shall standH5975 in that dayH3117 upon the mountH2022 of Olives,H2132 which is beforeH6440 JerusalemH3389 on the east,H6924 and the mountH2022 of OlivesH2132 shall cleaveH1234 in the midstH2677 thereof toward the eastH4217 and toward the west,H3220 and there shall be a veryH3966 greatH1419 valley;H1516 and halfH2677 of the mountainH2022 shall removeH4185 toward the north,H6828 and halfH2677 of it toward the south.H5045
And ye shall fleeH5127 to the valleyH1516 of the mountains;H2022 for the valleyH1516 of the mountainsH2022 shall reachH5060 unto Azal:H682 yea, ye shall flee,H5127 like as ye fledH5127 from beforeH6440 the earthquakeH7494 in the daysH3117 of UzziahH5818 kingH4428 of Judah:H3063 and the LORDH3068 my GodH430 shall come,H935 and all the saintsH6918 with thee.
And it shall come to pass in that day,H3117 that the lightH216 shall not be clear,H3368 nor darkH7087, H7087:
But it shall be oneH259 dayH3117 which shall be knownH3045 to the LORD,H3068 not day,H3117 nor night:H3915 but it shall come to pass, that at eveningH6153 timeH6256 it shall be light.H216
And it shall be in that day,H3117 that livingH2416 watersH4325 shall go outH3318 from Jerusalem;H3389 halfH2677 of them toward the formerH6931 sea,H3220 and halfH2677 of them toward the hinderH314 sea:H3220 in summerH7019 and in winterH2779 shall it be.
And the LORDH3068 shall be kingH4428 over all the earth:H776 in that dayH3117 shall there be oneH259 LORD,H3068 and his nameH8034 one.H259
All the landH776 shall be turnedH5437 as a plainH6160 from GebaH1387 to RimmonH7417 southH5045 of Jerusalem:H3389 and it shall be lifted up,H7213 and inhabitedH3427 in her place, from Benjamin'sH1144 gateH8179 unto the placeH4725 of the firstH7223 gate,H8179 unto the cornerH6434 gate,H8179 and from the towerH4026 of HananeelH2606 unto the king'sH4428 winepresses.H3342
And men shall dwellH3427 in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction;H2764 but JerusalemH3389 shall be safelyH983 inhabited.H3427
And this shall be the plagueH4046 wherewith the LORDH3068 will smiteH5062 all the peopleH5971 that have foughtH6633 against Jerusalem;H3389 Their fleshH1320 shall consume awayH4743 while they standH5975 upon their feet,H7272 and their eyesH5869 shall consume awayH4743 in their holes,H2356 and their tongueH3956 shall consume awayH4743 in their mouth.H6310
And it shall come to pass in that day,H3117 that a greatH7227 tumultH4103 from the LORDH3068 shall be among them; and they shall lay holdH2388 every oneH376 on the handH3027 of his neighbour,H7453 and his handH3027 shall rise upH5927 against the handH3027 of his neighbour.H7453
And JudahH3063 also shall fightH3898 at Jerusalem;H3389 and the wealthH2428 of all the heathenH1471 round aboutH5439 shall be gathered together,H622 gold,H2091 and silver,H3701 and apparel,H899 in greatH3966 abundance.H7230
And so shall be the plagueH4046 of the horse,H5483 of the mule,H6505 of the camel,H1581 and of the ass,H2543 and of all the beastsH929 that shall be in theseH1992 tents,H4264 as this plague.H4046
And it shall come to pass, that every one that is leftH3498 of all the nationsH1471 which cameH935 against JerusalemH3389 shall even go upH5927 fromH1767 yearH8141 to yearH8141 to worshipH7812 the King,H4428 the LORDH3068 of hosts,H6635 and to keepH2287 the feastH2282 of tabernacles.H5521
And it shall be, that whoso will not come upH5927 of all the familiesH4940 of the earthH776 unto JerusalemH3389 to worshipH7812 the King,H4428 the LORDH3068 of hosts,H6635 even upon them shall be no rain.H1653
And if the familyH4940 of EgyptH4714 go not up,H5927 and comeH935 not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague,H4046 wherewith the LORDH3068 will smiteH5062 the heathenH1471 that come not upH5927 to keepH2287 the feastH2282 of tabernacles.H5521
This shall be the punishmentH2403 of Egypt,H4714 and the punishmentH2403 of all nationsH1471 that come not upH5927 to keepH2287 the feastH2282 of tabernacles.H5521
In that dayH3117 shall there be upon the bellsH4698 of the horses,H5483 HOLINESSH6944 UNTO THE LORD;H3068 and the potsH5518 in the LORD'SH3068 houseH1004 shall be like the bowlsH4219 beforeH6440 the altar.H4196
Yea, every potH5518 in JerusalemH3389 and in JudahH3063 shall be holinessH6944 unto the LORDH3068 of hosts:H6635 and all they that sacrificeH2076 shall comeH935 and takeH3947 of them, and seetheH1310 therein: and in that dayH3117 there shall be no more the CanaaniteH3669 in the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068 of hosts.H6635


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Nie bój się, bo już nie doznasz zawstydzenia, i nie zrażaj się, bo już nie zostaniesz zhańbiona, gdyż zapomnisz o hańbie swojej młodości i nie będziesz pamiętać opłakanego stanu twojego wdowieństwa.
Iz 54:4

W Chrystusie

A Bóg mój zaspokoi wszelką potrzebę waszą według bogactwa swego w chwale, w Chrystusie Jezusie.
Fil 4:19

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Jedynym cudem uczynionym przez Jezusa który wymieniony został we wszystkich Ewangeliach jest cud w którym nakarmił 5000 ludzi (Mat 14:13-21, Mar 6:32-44, Łuk 9:12-17, Jan 6:1-14).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Gdyż byłeś schronieniem słabemu, schronieniem ubogiemu w jego niedoli, ucieczką przed powodzią, cieniem przed upałem. A wszak poryw gniewu tyranów jest jak ulewa w zimie.
Iz 25:4

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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