King James Version
Księga Wyjścia 17:1

And all the congregationH5712 of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 journeyedH5265 from the wildernessH4057 of Sin,H5512 after their journeys,H4550 according to the commandmentH6310 of the LORD,H3068 and pitchedH2583 in Rephidim:H7508 and there was no waterH4325 for the peopleH5971 to drink.H8354
Wherefore the peopleH5971 did chideH7378 with Moses,H4872 and said,H559 GiveH5414 us waterH4325 that we may drink.H8354 And MosesH4872 saidH559 unto them, Why chideH7378 ye with me? wherefore do ye temptH5254 the LORD?H3068
And the peopleH5971 thirstedH6770 there for water;H4325 and the peopleH5971 murmuredH3885 against Moses,H4872 and said,H559 Wherefore is this that thou hast broughtH5927 us up out of Egypt,H4714 to killH4191 us and our childrenH1121 and our cattleH4735 with thirst?H6772
And MosesH4872 criedH6817 unto the LORD,H3068 saying,H559 What shall I doH6213 unto this people?H5971 they be almostH4592 ready to stoneH5619 me.
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto Moses,H4872 Go onH5674 beforeH6440 the people,H5971 and takeH3947 with thee of the eldersH2205 of Israel;H3478 and thy rod,H4294 wherewith thou smotestH5221 the river,H2975 takeH3947 in thine hand,H3027 and go.H1980
Behold, I will standH5975 beforeH6440 thee there upon the rockH6697 in Horeb;H2722 and thou shalt smiteH5221 the rock,H6697 and there shall comeH3318 waterH4325 out of it, that the peopleH5971 may drink.H8354 And MosesH4872 didH6213 so in the sightH5869 of the eldersH2205 of Israel.H3478
And he calledH7121 the nameH8034 of the placeH4725 Massah,H4532 and Meribah,H4809 because of the chidingH7379 of the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 and because they temptedH5254 the LORD,H3068 saying,H559 IsH3426 the LORDH3068 amongH7130 us, or not?
And MosesH4872 saidH559 unto Joshua,H3091 Choose us outH977 men,H582 and go out,H3318 fightH3898 with Amalek:H6002 to morrowH4279 I will standH5324 on the topH7218 of the hillH1389 with the rodH4294 of GodH430 in mine hand.H3027
So JoshuaH3091 didH6213 as MosesH4872 had saidH559 to him, and foughtH3898 with Amalek:H6002 and Moses,H4872 Aaron,H175 and HurH2354 went upH5927 to the topH7218 of the hill.H1389
And it came to pass, when MosesH4872 held upH7311 his hand,H3027 that IsraelH3478 prevailed:H1396 and when he let downH5117 his hand,H3027 AmalekH6002 prevailed.H1396
But Moses'H4872 handsH3027 were heavy;H3515 and they tookH3947 a stone,H68 and putH7760 it under him, and he satH3427 thereon; and AaronH175 and HurH2354 stayed upH8551 his hands,H3027 the one on the one side,H259 and the other on the other side;H259 and his handsH3027 were steadyH530 until the going downH935 of the sun.H8121
And JoshuaH3091 discomfitedH2522 AmalekH6002 and his peopleH5971 with the edgeH6310 of the sword.H2719
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto Moses,H4872 WriteH3789 this for a memorialH2146 in a book,H5612 and rehearseH7760 it in the earsH241 of Joshua:H3091 for I will utterlyH4229 put outH4229 the remembranceH2143 of AmalekH6002 from under heaven.H8064
And MosesH4872 builtH1129 an altar,H4196 and calledH7121 the nameH8034 of it Jehovahnissi:H3071
For he said,H559 Because the LORDH3050 hath swornH3676 thatH3027 the LORDH3068 will have warH4421 with AmalekH6002 from generationH1755 to generation.H1755