„To ich spotka za pychę ich, iż lżyli i wynosili się nad lud Pana zastępów.”

Biblia Gdańska (1632): Sofonijasz 2,10

King James Version
Księga Wyjścia 14:18

Tytuł oryginalny
And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696 unto Moses,H4872 saying,H559
SpeakH1696 unto the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 that they turnH7725 and encampH2583 beforeH6440 Pihahiroth,H6367 between MigdolH4024 and the sea,H3220 over againstH6440 Baalzephon:H1189 beforeH5226 it shall ye encampH2583 by the sea.H3220
For PharaohH6547 will sayH559 of the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 They are entangledH943 in the land,H776 the wildernessH4057 hath shut them in.H5462
And I will hardenH2388 Pharaoh'sH6547 heart,H3820 that he shall followH7291 afterH310 them; and I will be honouredH3513 upon Pharaoh,H6547 and upon all his host;H2428 that the EgyptiansH4714 may knowH3045 that I am the LORD.H3068 And they didH6213 so.
And it was toldH5046 the kingH4428 of EgyptH4714 that the peopleH5971 fled:H1272 and the heartH3824 of PharaohH6547 and of his servantsH5650 was turnedH2015 against the people,H5971 and they said,H559 Why have we doneH6213 this, that we have let IsraelH3478 goH7971 from servingH5647 us?
And he made readyH631 his chariot,H7393 and tookH3947 his peopleH5971 with him:
And he tookH3947 sixH8337 hundredH3967 chosenH977 chariots,H7393 and all the chariotsH7393 of Egypt,H4714 and captainsH7991 over every one of them.
And the LORDH3068 hardenedH2388 the heartH3820 of PharaohH6547 kingH4428 of Egypt,H4714 and he pursuedH7291 afterH310 the childrenH1121 of Israel:H3478 and the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 went outH3318 with an highH7311 hand.H3027
But the EgyptiansH4714 pursuedH7291 afterH310 them, all the horsesH5483 and chariotsH7393 of Pharaoh,H6547 and his horsemen,H6571 and his army,H2428 and overtookH5381 them encampingH2583 by the sea,H3220 beside Pihahiroth,H6367 beforeH6440 Baalzephon.H1189
And when PharaohH6547 drew nigh,H7126 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 lifted upH5375 their eyes,H5869 and, behold, the EgyptiansH4714 marchedH5265 afterH310 them; and they were soreH3966 afraid:H3372 and the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 cried outH6817 unto the LORD.H3068
And they saidH559 unto Moses,H4872 Because there were no gravesH6913 in Egypt,H4714 hast thou taken us awayH3947 to dieH4191 in the wilderness?H4057 whereforeH2063 hast thou dealtH6213 thus with us, to carry us forthH3318 out of Egypt?H4714
Is not this the wordH1697 that we did tellH1696 thee in Egypt,H4714 saying,H559 Let us alone,H2308 that we may serveH5647 the Egyptians?H4714 For it had been betterH2896 for us to serveH5647 the Egyptians,H4714 than that we should dieH4191 in the wilderness.H4057
And MosesH4872 saidH559 unto the people,H5971 FearH3372 ye not, stand still,H3320 and seeH7200 the salvationH3444 of the LORD,H3068 which he will shewH6213 to you to day:H3117 for the EgyptiansH4714 whom ye have seenH7200 to day,H3117 ye shall seeH7200 them againH3254 no more forH5704 ever.H5769
The LORDH3068 shall fightH3898 for you, and ye shall hold your peace.H2790
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto Moses,H4872 Wherefore criestH6817 thou unto me? speakH1696 unto the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 that they go forward:H5265
But lift thou upH7311 thy rod,H4294 and stretch outH5186 thine handH3027 over the sea,H3220 and divideH1234 it: and the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 shall goH935 on dryH3004 ground through the midstH8432 of the sea.H3220
And I, behold, I will hardenH2388 the heartsH3820 of the Egyptians,H4714 and they shall followH935 them:H310 and I will get me honourH3513 upon Pharaoh,H6547 and upon all his host,H2428 upon his chariots,H7393 and upon his horsemen.H6571
And the EgyptiansH4714 shall knowH3045 that I am the LORD,H3068 when I have gotten me honourH3513 upon Pharaoh,H6547 upon his chariots,H7393 and upon his horsemen.H6571
And the angelH4397 of God,H430 which wentH1980 beforeH6440 the campH4264 of Israel,H3478 removedH5265 and wentH3212 behindH310 them; and the pillarH5982 of the cloudH6051 wentH5265 from before their face,H6440 and stoodH5975 behindH310 them:
And it cameH935 between the campH4264 of the EgyptiansH4714 and the campH4264 of Israel;H3478 and it was a cloudH6051 and darknessH2822 to them, but it gave lightH215 by nightH3915 to these: so that the one came not nearH7126 the otherH2088 all the night.H3915
And MosesH4872 stretched outH5186 his handH3027 over the sea;H3220 and the LORDH3068 caused the seaH3220 to goH3212 back by a strongH5794 eastH6921 windH7307 all that night,H3915 and madeH7760 the seaH3220 dryH2724 land, and the watersH4325 were divided.H1234
And the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 wentH935 into the midstH8432 of the seaH3220 upon the dryH3004 ground: and the watersH4325 were a wallH2346 unto them on their right hand,H3225 and on their left.H8040
And the EgyptiansH4714 pursued,H7291 and went inH935 afterH310 them to the midstH8432 of the sea,H3220 even all Pharaoh'sH6547 horses,H5483 his chariots,H7393 and his horsemen.H6571
And it came to pass, that in the morningH1242 watchH821 the LORDH3068 lookedH8259 unto the hostH4264 of the EgyptiansH4714 through the pillarH5982 of fireH784 and of the cloud,H6051 and troubledH2000 the hostH4264 of the Egyptians,H4714
And took offH5493 their chariotH4818 wheels,H212 that they draveH5090 them heavily:H3517 so that the EgyptiansH4714 said,H559 Let us fleeH5127 from the faceH6440 of Israel;H3478 for the LORDH3068 fightethH3898 for them against the Egyptians.H4714
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto Moses,H4872 Stretch outH5186 thine handH3027 over the sea,H3220 that the watersH4325 may come againH7725 upon the Egyptians,H4714 upon their chariots,H7393 and upon their horsemen.H6571
And MosesH4872 stretched forthH5186 his handH3027 over the sea,H3220 and the seaH3220 returnedH7725 to his strengthH386 when the morningH1242 appeared;H6437 and the EgyptiansH4714 fledH5127 againstH7125 it; and the LORDH3068 overthrewH5287 the EgyptiansH4714 in the midstH8432 of the sea.H3220
And the watersH4325 returned,H7725 and coveredH3680 the chariots,H7393 and the horsemen,H6571 and all the hostH2428 of PharaohH6547 that cameH935 into the seaH3220 afterH310 them; there remainedH7604 not so much asH5704 oneH259 of them.
But the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 walkedH1980 upon dryH3004 land in the midstH8432 of the sea;H3220 and the watersH4325 were a wallH2346 unto them on their right hand,H3225 and on their left.H8040
Thus the LORDH3068 savedH3467 IsraelH3478 that dayH3117 out of the handH3027 of the Egyptians;H4714 and IsraelH3478 sawH7200 the EgyptiansH4714 deadH4191 upon the seaH3220 shore.H8193
And IsraelH3478 sawH7200 that greatH1419 workH3027 which the LORDH3068 didH6213 upon the Egyptians:H4714 and the peopleH5971 fearedH3372 the LORD,H3068 and believedH539 the LORD,H3068 and his servantH5650 Moses.H4872


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Będziesz mocno ugruntowane na sprawiedliwości, dalekie od ucisku, bo nie masz powodu się bać, i od przestrachu, bo nie zbliży się do ciebie.
Iz 54:14

W Chrystusie

Tym zaś, który nas utwierdza wraz z wami w Chrystusie, który nas namaścił, jest Bóg,
II Kor 1:21

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Ismael został obrzezany dopiero w wieku 13 lat (I Mojż 17:25).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Jeżeli zechcecie być posłuszni, z dóbr ziemi będziecie spożywać,
Iz 1:19

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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