„Jeźli duchem żyjemy, duchem też postępujmy.”

Biblia Gdańska (1881): Galatów 5,25

King James Version
Księga Rodzaju 3:1

Tytuł oryginalny
1 Now the serpentH5175 wasH1961 more subtilH6175 than any beastH2416 of the fieldH7704 which the LORDH3068 GodH430 had made.H6213 And he saidH559 unto the woman,H802 Yea,H637 hath GodH430 said,H559 Ye shall not eatH398 of every treeH6086 of the garden?H1588 2 And the womanH802 saidH559 unto the serpent,H5175 We may eatH398 of the fruitH6529 of the treesH6086 of the garden:H1588 3 But of the fruitH6529 of the treeH6086 which is in the midstH8432 of the garden,H1588 GodH430 hath said,H559 Ye shall not eatH398 of it, neither shall ye touchH5060 it, lestH6435 ye die.H4191 4 And the serpentH5175 saidH559 unto the woman,H802 Ye shall not surelyH4191 die:H4191 5 For GodH430 doth knowH3045 that in the dayH3117 ye eatH398 thereof, then your eyesH5869 shall be opened,H6491 and ye shall be as gods,H430 knowingH3045 goodH2896 and evil.H7451 6 And when the womanH802 sawH7200 that the treeH6086 was goodH2896 for food,H3978 and that itH1931 was pleasantH8378 to the eyes,H5869 and a treeH6086 to be desiredH2530 to make one wise,H7919 she tookH3947 of the fruit thereof,H6529 and did eat,H398 and gaveH5414 alsoH1571 unto her husbandH376 with her; and he did eat.H398 7 And the eyesH5869 of them bothH8147 were opened,H6491 and theyH1992 knewH3045 that they were naked;H5903 and they sewedH8609 figH8384 leavesH5929 together,H8609 and made themselvesH6213 aprons.H2290 8 And they heardH8085 the voiceH6963 of the LORDH3068 GodH430 walkingH1980 in the gardenH1588 in the coolH7307 of the day:H3117 and AdamH120 and his wifeH802 hid themselvesH2244 from the presenceH6440 of the LORDH3068 GodH430 amongstH8432 the treesH6086 of the garden.H1588 9 And the LORDH3068 GodH430 calledH7121 unto Adam,H120 and saidH559 unto him, Where art thou?H335 10 And he said,H559 I heardH8085 thy voiceH6963 in the garden,H1588 and I was afraid,H3372 because IH595 was naked;H5903 and I hid myself.H2244 11 And he said,H559 WhoH4310 toldH5046 thee that thou wast naked?H5903 Hast thou eatenH398 of the tree,H6086 whereof I commanded theeH6680 that thou shouldest notH1115 eat?H398 12 And the manH120 said,H559 The womanH802 whom thou gavestH5414 to be with me,H5978 sheH1931 gaveH5414 me of the tree,H6086 and I did eat.H398 13 And the LORDH3068 GodH430 saidH559 unto the woman,H802 What is this that thou hast done?H6213 And the womanH802 said,H559 The serpentH5175 beguiled me,H5377 and I did eat.H398 14 And the LORDH3068 GodH430 saidH559 unto the serpent,H5175 Because thouH859 hast doneH6213 this, thou art cursedH779 above all cattle,H929 and above every beastH2416 of the field;H7704 upon thy bellyH1512 shalt thou go,H3212 and dustH6083 shalt thou eatH398 all the daysH3117 of thy life:H2416 15 And I will putH7896 enmityH342 between thee and the woman,H802 and between thy seedH2233 and her seed;H2233 it shall bruiseH7779 thy head,H7218 and thou shalt bruiseH7779 his heel.H6119 16 Unto the womanH802 he said,H559 I will greatlyH7235 multiplyH7235 thy sorrowH6093 and thy conception;H2032 in sorrowH6089 thou shalt bring forthH3205 children;H1121 and thy desireH8669 shall be to thy husband,H376 and he shall ruleH4910 over thee. 17 And unto AdamH121 he said,H559 Because thou hast hearkenedH8085 unto the voiceH6963 of thy wife,H802 and hast eatenH398 of the tree,H6086 of whichH834 I commanded thee,H6680 saying,H559 Thou shalt not eatH398 of it: cursedH779 is the groundH127 for thy sake; in sorrowH6093 shalt thou eatH398 of it allH3605 the daysH3117 of thy life;H2416 18 Thorns alsoH6975 and thistlesH1863 shall it bring forthH6779 to thee; and thou shalt eatH398 the herbH6212 of the field;H7704 19 In the sweatH2188 of thy faceH639 shalt thou eatH398 bread,H3899 tillH5704 thou returnH7725 unto the ground;H127 for out of it wast thou taken:H3947 for dustH6083 thouH859 art, and unto dustH6083 shalt thou return.H7725 20 And AdamH120 calledH7121 his wife'sH802 nameH8034 Eve;H2332 because she was the motherH517 of all living.H2416 21 Unto AdamH120 also and to his wifeH802 did the LORDH3068 GodH430 makeH6213 coatsH3801 of skins,H5785 and clothed them.H3847 22 And the LORDH3068 GodH430 said,H559 Behold,H2005 the manH120 is become as oneH259 of us, to knowH3045 goodH2896 and evil:H7451 and now, lest he put forthH7971 his hand,H3027 and takeH3947 also of the treeH6086 of life,H2416 and eat,H398 and liveH2425 for ever:H5769 23 Therefore the LORDH3068 GodH430 sent him forthH7971 from the gardenH1588 of Eden,H5731 to tillH5647 the groundH127 from whence he was taken.H3947 24 So he drove outH1644 the man;H120 and he placedH7931 at the eastH6924 of the gardenH1588 of EdenH5731 Cherubims,H3742 and a flamingH3858 swordH2719 which turned every way,H2015 to keepH8104 the wayH1870 of the treeH6086 of life.H2416


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Temu, którego umysł jest stały, zachowujesz pokój, pokój mówię; bo tobie zaufał.
Iz 26:3

W Chrystusie

Który też wycisnął na nas pieczęć i dał zadatek Ducha do serc naszych.
II Kor 1:22

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

W czasach Biblijnych dokumenty często przechowywano w glinianych naczyniach w których mogły się one zachować na bardzo, bardzo długi czas (Jer 32:14). Zwoje znad Morza Martwego znalezione w 1947 roku zachowały się przez ponad 2000 lat właśnie dzięki takim glinianym naczyniom.
Zwoje znad Morza Martwego

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Albowiem Bóg to według upodobania sprawia w was i chcenie i wykonanie.
Fil 2:13

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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