1The bookG976 of the generationG1078 of JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 the sonG5207 of David,G1138 the sonG5207 of Abraham.G11 2 AbrahamG11 begatG1080 Isaac;G2464 andG1161 IsaacG2464 begatG1080 Jacob;G2384 andG1161 JacobG2384 begatG1080 JudasG2455 andG2532 hisG846 brethren;G80 3 AndG1161 JudasG2455 begatG1080 PharesG5329 andG2532 ZaraG2196 ofG1537 Thamar;G2283 andG1161 PharesG5329 begatG1080 Esrom;G2074 andG1161 EsromG2074 begatG1080 Aram;G689 4 AndG1161 AramG689 begatG1080 Aminadab;G284 andG1161 AminadabG284 begatG1080 Naasson;G3476 andG1161 NaassonG3476 begatG1080 Salmon;G4533 5 AndG1161 SalmonG4533 begatG1080 BoozG1003 ofG1537 Rachab;G4477 andG1161 BoozG1003 begatG1080 ObedG5601 ofG1537 Ruth;G4503 andG1161 ObedG5601 begatG1080 Jesse;G2421 6 AndG1161 JesseG2421 begatG1080 DavidG1138 the king;G935 andG1161 DavidG1138 the kingG935 begatG1080 SolomonG4672 ofG1537 herG3588 that had been the wife of Urias;G3774 7 AndG1161 SolomonG4672 begatG1080 Roboam;G4497 andG1161 RoboamG4497 begatG1080 Abia;G7 andG1161 AbiaG7 begatG1080 Asa;G760 8 AndG1161 AsaG760 begatG1080 Josaphat;G2498 andG1161 JosaphatG2498 begatG1080 Joram;G2496 andG1161 JoramG2496 begatG1080 Ozias;G3604 9 AndG1161 OziasG3604 begatG1080 Joatham;G2488 andG1161 JoathamG2488 begatG1080 Achaz;G881 andG1161 AchazG881 begatG1080 Ezekias;G1478 10 AndG1161 EzekiasG1478 begatG1080 Manasses;G3128 andG1161 ManassesG3128 begatG1080 Amon;G300 andG1161 AmonG300 begatG1080 Josias;G2502 11 AndG1161 JosiasG2502 begatG1080 JechoniasG2423 andG2532 hisG846 brethren,G80 about the timeG1909 they were carried awayG3350 to Babylon:G897 12 AndG1161 afterG3326 they were broughtG3350 to Babylon,G897 JechoniasG2423 begatG1080 Salathiel;G4528 andG1161 SalathielG4528 begatG1080 Zorobabel;G2216 13 AndG1161 ZorobabelG2216 begatG1080 Abiud;G10 andG1161 AbiudG10 begatG1080 Eliakim;G1662 andG1161 EliakimG1662 begatG1080 Azor;G107 14 AndG1161 AzorG107 begatG1080 Sadoc;G4524 andG1161 SadocG4524 begatG1080 Achim;G885 andG1161 AchimG885 begatG1080 Eliud;G1664 15 AndG1161 EliudG1664 begatG1080 Eleazar;G1648 andG1161 EleazarG1648 begatG1080 Matthan;G3157 andG1161 MatthanG3157 begatG1080 Jacob;G2384 16 AndG1161 JacobG2384 begatG1080 JosephG2501 the husbandG435 of Mary,G3137 ofG1537 whomG3739 was bornG1080 Jesus,G2424 whoG3588 is calledG3004 Christ.G5547 17 SoG3767 allG3956 the generationsG1074 fromG575 AbrahamG11 toG2193 DavidG1138 are fourteenG1180 generations;G1074 andG2532 fromG575 DavidG1138 untilG2193 the carrying awayG3350 into BabylonG897 are fourteenG1180 generations;G1074 andG2532 fromG575 the carrying awayG3350 into BabylonG897 un toG2193 ChristG5547 are fourteenG1180 generations.G1074 18 NowG1161 the birthG1083 of JesusG2424 ChristG5547 wasG2258 on this wise:G3779 When asG1063 hisG846 motherG3384 MaryG3137 was espousedG3423 to Joseph,G2501 beforeG4250, G2228 theyG846 came together,G4905 she was foundG2147 with childG1722, G1064, G2192 ofG1537 the HolyG40 Ghost.G4151 19 ThenG1161 JosephG2501 herG846 husband,G435 beingG5607 a justG1342 man, andG2532 notG3361 willingG2309 to makeG3856 herG846 a publick example,G3856 was mindedG1014 to putG630 herG846 awayG630 privily.G2977 20 ButG1161 while heG846 thought onG1760 these things,G5023 behold,G2400 the angelG32 of the LordG2962 appearedG5316 unto himG846 inG2596 a dream,G3677 saying,G3004 Joseph,G2501 thou sonG5207 of David,G1138 fearG5399 notG3361 to takeG3880 unto theeG4675 MaryG3137 thy wife:G1135 forG1063 that which is conceivedG1080 inG1722 herG846 isG2076 ofG1537 the HolyG40 Ghost.G4151 21 AndG1161 she shall bring forthG5088 a son,G5207 andG2532 thou shalt callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 JESUS:G2424 forG1063 heG846 shall saveG4982 hisG846 peopleG2992 fromG575 theirG846 sins.G266 22 NowG1161 allG3650 thisG5124 was done,G1096 thatG2443 it might be fulfilledG4137 whichG3588 was spokenG4483 ofG5259 the LordG2962 byG1223 the prophet,G4396 saying,G3004 23 Behold,G2400 a virginG3933 shall be with childG1722, G1064, G2192, andG2532 shall bring forthG5088 a son,G5207 andG2532 they shall callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 Emmanuel,G1694 whichG3739 being interpretedG3177 is,G2076 GodG2316 withG3326 us.G2257 24 ThenG1161 JosephG2501 being raisedG1326 fromG575 sleepG5258 didG4160 asG5613 the angelG32 of the LordG2962 had biddenG4367 him,G846 andG2532 tookG3880 unto himG846 his wife:G1135 25 AndG2532 knewG1097 herG846 notG3756 tillG3757 sheG2193 had brought forthG5088 herG846 firstbornG4416 son:G5207 andG2532 he calledG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 JESUS.G2424