„Jam jest Pan, Bóg twój, który cię wyprowadził z ziemi egipskiej, z domu niewoli.”

Biblia Warszawska: II Księga Mojżeszowa 20,2


King James Version
Księga: Ewangelia Marka 13:6

Tytuł oryginalny
AndG2532 as heG846 wentG1607 out ofG1537 the temple,G2411 oneG1520 of hisG846 disciplesG3101 saithG3004 unto him,G846 Master,G1320 seeG2396 what mannerG4217 of stonesG3037 andG2532 whatG4217 buildingsG3619 are here!
AndG2532 JesusG2424 answeringG611 saidG2036 unto him,G846 Seest thouG991 theseG5025 greatG3173 buildings?G3619 there shallG863 notG3364 be leftG863 one stoneG3037 uponG1909 another,G3037 thatG3739 shallG2647 notG3364 be thrown down.G2647
AndG2532 as heG846 satG2521 uponG1519 the mountG3735 of OlivesG1636 over againstG2713 the temple,G2411 PeterG4074 andG2532 JamesG2385 andG2532 JohnG2491 andG2532 AndrewG406 askedG1905 himG846 privatelyG2398, G2596,
TellG2036 us,G2254 whenG4219 shall these thingsG5023 be?G2071 andG2532 whatG5101 shall be the signG4592 whenG3752 allG3956 these thingsG5023 shallG3195 be fulfilled?G4931
AndG1161 JesusG2424 answeringG611 themG846 beganG756 to say,G3004 Take heedG991 lestG3361 anyG5100 man deceiveG4105 you:G5209
ForG1063 manyG4183 shall comeG2064 inG1909 myG3450 name,G3686 sayingG3004, G3754, IG1473 amG1510 Christ; andG2532 shall deceiveG4105 many.G4183
AndG1161 whenG3752 ye shall hearG191 of warsG4171 andG2532 rumoursG189 of wars,G4171 be yeG2360 notG3361 troubled:G2360 forG1063 such things mustG1163 needs be;G1096 butG235 the endG5056 shall not be yet.G3768
ForG1063 nationG1484 shall riseG1453 againstG1909 nation,G1484 andG2532 kingdomG932 againstG1909 kingdom:G932 andG2532 there shall beG2071 earthquakesG4578 in diversG2596 places,G5117 andG2532 there shall beG2071 faminesG3042 andG2532 troubles:G5016 theseG5023 are the beginningsG746 of sorrows.G5604
ButG1161 take heedG991, G5210 to yourselves:G1438 forG1063 they shall deliverG3860 youG5209 upG3860 toG1519 councils;G4892 andG2532 inG1519 the synagoguesG4864 ye shall be beaten:G1194 andG2532 ye shall be broughtG2476, G71 beforeG1909 rulersG2232 andG2532 kingsG935 for myG1700 sake,G1752 forG1519 a testimonyG3142 against them.G846
AndG2532 the gospelG2098 mustG1163 firstG4412 be publishedG2784 amongG1519 allG3956 nations.G1484
ButG1161 whenG3752 they shall leadG71 you, and deliverG3860 youG5209 up,G3860 takeG4305 noG3361 thought beforehandG4305 whatG5101 ye shall speak,G2980 neitherG3366 do ye premeditate:G3191 butG235 whatsoeverG3739 shall beG1437 givenG1325 youG5213 inG1722 thatG1565 hour,G5610 thatG5124 speakG2980 ye: forG1063 it isG2075 notG3756 yeG5210 that speak,G2980 butG235 the HolyG40 Ghost.G4151
NowG1161 the brotherG80 shall betrayG3860 the brotherG80 toG1519 death,G2288 andG2532 the fatherG3962 the son;G5043 andG2532 childrenG5043 shall rise upG1881 againstG1909 their parents,G1118 andG2532 shall causeG2289 themG846 to be put to death.G2289
AndG2532 ye shall beG2071 hatedG3404 ofG5259 allG3956 men forG1223 myG3450 name's sakeG3686, G1223: butG1161 he that shall endureG5278 untoG1519 the end,G5056 the sameG3778 shall be saved.G4982
ButG1161 whenG3752 ye shall seeG1492 the abominationG946 of desolation,G2050 spokenG4483 of byG5259 DanielG1158 the prophet,G4396 standingG2476 whereG3699 it oughtG1163 not,G3756 (let him that readethG314 understand,G3539) thenG5119 let themG5343 that be inG1722 JudaeaG2449 fleeG5343 toG1519 the mountains:G3735
AndG1161 let himG2597 that is onG1909 the housetopG1430 notG3361 go downG2597 intoG1519 the house,G3614 neitherG3366 enterG1525 therein, to takeG142 any thingG5100 out ofG1537 hisG846 house:G3614
AndG2532 letG1994 him that isG5607 inG1519 the fieldG68 notG3361 turnG1994, G1519 backG3694 againG1994 for to take upG142 hisG846 garment.G2440
ButG1161 woeG3759 to them that areG2192 withG1722 child,G1064 andG2532 to them that give suckG2337 inG1722 thoseG1565 days!G2250
AndG1161 pray yeG4336 thatG3363 yourG5216 flightG5437 beG1096 notG3363 in the winter.G5494
ForG1063 in thoseG1565 daysG2250 shall beG2071 affliction,G2347 suchG5108 asG3634 wasG1096 notG3756 fromG575 the beginningG746 of the creationG2937 whichG3739 GodG2316 createdG2936 untoG2193 this time,G3568 neitherG3364 shallG2532 be.G1096
AndG2532 exceptG1508 that the LordG2962 had shortenedG2856 those days,G2250 noG3956, G3756 fleshG4561 should beG302 saved:G4982 butG235 forG1223 the elect's sake,G1588 whomG3739 he hath chosen,G1586 he hath shortenedG2856 the days.G2250
AndG2532 thenG5119 ifG1437 any manG5100 shall sayG2036 to you,G5213 Lo,G2400 hereG5602 is Christ;G5547 or,G2228 lo,G2400 he is there;G1563 believeG4100 him not:G3361
ForG1063 false ChristsG5580 andG2532 false prophetsG5578 shall rise,G1453 andG2532 shall shewG1325 signsG4592 andG2532 wonders,G5059 toG4314 seduce,G635 ifG1487 it were possible,G1415 evenG2532 the elect.G1588
ButG1161 takeG991 yeG5210 heed:G991 behold,G2400 I have foretoldG4280 youG5213 all things.G3956
ButG235 inG1722 thoseG1565 days,G2250 afterG3326 thatG1565 tribulation,G2347 the sunG2246 shall be darkened,G4654 andG2532 the moonG4582 shallG1325 notG3756 giveG1325 herG846 light,G5338
AndG2532 the starsG792 of heavenG3772 shallG2071 fall,G1601 andG2532 the powersG1411 that are inG1722 heavenG3772 shall be shaken.G4531
AndG2532 thenG5119 shall they seeG3700 the SonG5207 of manG444 comingG2064 inG1722 the cloudsG3507 withG3326 greatG4183 powerG1411 andG2532 glory.G1391
AndG2532 thenG5119 shall he sendG649 hisG846 angels,G32 andG2532 shall gather togetherG1996 hisG846 electG1588 fromG1537 the fourG5064 winds,G417 fromG575 the uttermost partG206 of the earthG1093 toG2193 the uttermost partG206 of heaven.G3772
NowG1161 learnG3129 a parableG3850 ofG575 the fig tree;G4808 WhenG3752 herG846 branchG2798 isG1096 yetG2235 tender,G527 andG2532 putteth forthG1631 leaves,G5444 ye knowG1097 thatG3754 summerG2330 isG2076 near:G1451
SoG3779 yeG5210 in like manner,G2532 whenG3752 ye shall seeG1492 these thingsG5023 come to pass,G1096 knowG1097 thatG3754 it isG2076 nigh,G1451 even atG1909 the doors.G2374
VerilyG281 I sayG3004 unto you,G5213 thatG3754 thisG3778 generationG1074 shallG3928 notG3364 pass,G3928 tillG3739, G3360 allG3956 these thingsG5023 be done.G1096
HeavenG3772 andG2532 earthG1093 shall pass away:G3928 butG1161 myG3450 wordsG3056 shallG3928 notG3364 pass away.G3928
ButG1161 ofG4012 thatG1565 dayG2250 andG2532 that hourG5610 knowethG1492 no man,G3762 no, notG3761 the angelsG32 whichG3588 are inG1722 heaven,G3772 neitherG3761 the Son,G5207 butG1508 the Father.G3962
Take ye heed,G991 watchG69 andG2532 pray:G4336 forG1063 ye knowG1492 notG3756 whenG4219 the timeG2540 is.G2076
For the Son of man is asG5613 a manG444 taking a far journey,G590 who leftG863 hisG846 house,G3614 andG2532 gaveG1325 authorityG1849 to hisG846 servants,G1401 andG2532 to every manG1538 hisG846 work,G2041 andG2532 commandedG1781 the porterG2377 toG2443 watch.G1127
Watch yeG1127 therefore:G3767 forG1063 ye knowG1492 notG3756 whenG4219 the masterG2962 of the houseG3614 cometh,G2064 at even,G3796 orG2228 at midnight,G3317 orG2228 at the cockcrowing,G219 orG2228 in the morning:G4404
LestG3361 comingG2064 suddenlyG1810 he findG2147 youG5209 sleeping.G2518
AndG1161 whatG3739 I sayG3004 unto youG5213 I sayG3004 unto all,G3956 Watch.G1127


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Lecz teraz - tak mówi Pan - który cię stworzył, Jakubie, i który cię ukształtował, Izraelu: Nie bój się, bo cię wykupiłem, nazwałem cię twoim imieniem - moim jesteś!
Iz 43:1

W Chrystusie

Bowiem Bóg tak umiłował świat, że dał swego jednorodzonego Syna, aby każdy, kto w niego wierzy - nie zginął, ale miał życie wieczne.
NBG Jan 3:16

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Bóg kazał Eliaszowi iść na wschód i ukryć się nad potokiem Kerit, Eliasz pił wodę z potoku, a kruki na polecenie Boga żywiły go. 1Krol 17:3-4
Eliasz nad potokiem Kerit

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Lwięta cierpią niedostatek i głód, Lecz tym, którzy szukają Pana, nie brak żadnego dobra.
Ps 34:11

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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