„Abowiem któż poznał umysł Pański, który by go nauczył? Lecz my umysł Chrystusów mamy.”

Biblia Jakuba Wujka: 1 List do Koryntian 2,16


King James Version
Księga: Ewangelia Jana 20:24

Tytuł oryginalny
The firstG3391 day of the weekG4521 comethG2064 MaryG3137 MagdaleneG3094 early,G4404 when it wasG5607 yetG2089 dark,G4653 untoG1519 the sepulchre,G3419 andG2532 seethG991 the stoneG3037 taken awayG142 fromG1537 the sepulchre.G3419
ThenG3767 she runneth,G5143 andG2532 comethG2064 toG4314 SimonG4613 Peter,G4074 andG2532 toG4314 the otherG243 disciple,G3101 whomG3739 JesusG2424 loved,G5368 andG2532 saithG3004 unto them,G846 They have taken awayG142 the LordG2962 out ofG1537 the sepulchre,G3419 andG2532 we knowG1492 notG3756 whereG4226 they have laidG5087 him.G846
PeterG4074 thereforeG3767 went forth,G1831 andG2532 that otherG243 disciple,G3101 andG2532 cameG2064 toG1519 the sepulchre.G3419
SoG1161 they ranG5143 bothG1417 together:G3674 andG2532 the otherG243 discipleG3101 did outrunG4390, G5032 Peter,G4074 andG2532 cameG2064 firstG4413 toG1519 the sepulchre.G3419
AndG2532 he stooping down,G3879 and looking in, sawG991 the linen clothesG3608 lying;G2749 yetG3305 went heG1525 notG3756 in.G1525
ThenG3767 comethG2064 SimonG4613 PeterG4074 followingG190 him,G846 andG2532 wentG1525 intoG1519 the sepulchre,G3419 andG2532 seethG2334 the linen clothesG3608 lie,G2749
AndG2532 the napkin,G4676 thatG3739 wasG2258 aboutG1909 hisG846 head,G2776 notG3756 lyingG2749 withG3326 the linen clothes,G3608 butG235 wrapped togetherG1794 inG1519 a placeG5117 by itselfG5565, G1520.
ThenG3767 wentG5119 inG1525 alsoG2532 that otherG243 disciple,G3101 whichG3588 cameG2064 firstG4413 toG1519 the sepulchre,G3419 andG2532 he saw,G1492 andG2532 believed.G4100
ForG1063 as yetG3764 they knewG1492 notG3764 the scripture,G1124 thatG3754 heG846 mustG1163 rise againG450 fromG1537 the dead.G3498
ThenG3767 the disciplesG3101 went awayG565 againG3825 untoG4314 their own home.G1438
ButG1161 MaryG3137 stoodG2476 withoutG1854 atG4314 the sepulchreG3419 weeping:G2799 andG3767 asG5613 she wept,G2799 she stooped down,G3879 and looked intoG1519 the sepulchre,G3419
AndG2532 seethG2334 twoG1417 angelsG32 inG1722 whiteG3022 sitting,G2516 the oneG1520 atG4314 the head,G2776 andG2532 the otherG1520 atG4314 the feet,G4228 whereG3699 the bodyG4983 of JesusG2424 had lain.G2749
AndG2532 theyG1565 sayG3004 unto her,G846 Woman,G1135 whyG5101 weepest thou?G2799 She saithG3004 unto them,G846 BecauseG3754 they have taken awayG142 myG3450 Lord,G2962 andG2532 I knowG1492 notG3756 whereG4226 they have laidG5087 him.G846
AndG2532 when she hadG2036 thusG5023 said,G2036 she turnedG4762 herselfG1519 back,G3694 andG2532 sawG2334 JesusG2424 standing,G2476 andG2532 knewG1492 notG3756 thatG3754 it wasG2076 Jesus.G2424
JesusG2424 saithG3004 unto her,G846 Woman,G1135 whyG5101 weepest thou?G2799 whomG5101 seekest thou?G2212 She,G1565 supposingG1380, G3754 him to beG2076 the gardener,G2780 saithG3004 unto him,G846 Sir,G2962 ifG1487 thouG4771 have borneG941 himG846 hence,G941 tellG2036 meG3427 whereG4226 thou hast laidG5087 him,G846 and IG2504 will takeG142 himG846 away.G142
JesusG2424 saithG3004 unto her,G846 Mary.G3137 SheG1565 turnedG4762 herself, and saithG3004 unto him,G846 Rabboni;G4462 whichG3739 is to say,G3004 Master.G1320
JesusG2424 saithG3004 unto her,G846 TouchG680 meG3450 not;G3361 forG1063 I amG305 not yetG3768 ascendedG305 toG4314 myG3450 Father:G3962 butG1161 goG4198 toG4314 myG3450 brethren,G80 andG2532 sayG2036 unto them,G846 I ascendG305 un toG4314 myG3450 Father,G3962 andG2532 yourG5216 Father;G3962 andG2532 to myG3450 God,G2316 andG2532 yourG5216 God.G2316
MaryG3137 MagdaleneG3094 cameG2064 and toldG518 the disciplesG3101 thatG3754 she had seenG3708 the Lord,G2962 andG2532 that he had spokenG2036 these thingsG5023 unto her.G846
ThenG3767 the sameG1565 dayG2250 at evening,G3798 beingG5607 the firstG3391 day of the week,G4521 whenG2532 the doorsG2374 were shutG2808 whereG3699 the disciplesG3101 wereG2258 assembledG4863 forG1223 fearG5401 of the Jews,G2453 cameG2064 JesusG2424 andG2532 stoodG2476 inG1519 the midst,G3319 andG2532 saithG3004 unto them,G846 PeaceG1515 be unto you.G5213
AndG2532 when he hadG2036 soG5124 said,G2036 he shewedG1166 unto themG846 his handsG5495 andG2532 hisG846 side.G4125 ThenG3767 wereG5463 the disciplesG3101 glad,G5463 when they sawG1492 the Lord.G2962
ThenG3767 saidG2036 JesusG2424 to themG846 again,G3825 PeaceG1515 be unto you:G5213 asG2531 my FatherG3962 hath sentG649 me,G3165 even soG2504 sendG3992 IG2504 you.G5209
AndG2532 when he had saidG2036 this,G5124 he breathed onG1720 them, andG2532 saithG3004 unto them,G846 Receive yeG2983 the HolyG40 Ghost:G4151
WhoseG5100 soeverG302 sinsG266 ye remit,G863 they are remittedG863 unto them;G846 and whoseG5100 soeverG302 sins ye retain,G2902 they are retained.G2902
ButG1161 Thomas,G2381 oneG1520 ofG1537 the twelve,G1427 calledG3004 Didymus,G1324 wasG2258 notG3756 withG3326 themG846 whenG3753 JesusG2424 came.G2064
The otherG243 disciplesG3101 thereforeG3767 saidG3004 unto him,G846 We have seenG3708 the Lord.G2962 ButG1161 he saidG2036 unto them,G846 ExceptG3362 I shall seeG1492 inG1722 hisG846 handsG5495 the printG5179 of the nails,G2247 andG2532 putG906 myG3450 fingerG1147 intoG1519 the printG5179 of the nails,G2247 andG2532 thrustG906 myG3450 handG5495 intoG1519 hisG846 side,G4125 I willG4100 notG3364 believe.G4100
AndG2532 afterG3326 eightG3638 daysG2250 againG3825 hisG846 disciplesG3101 wereG2258 within,G2080 andG2532 ThomasG2381 withG3326 them:G846 then cameG2064 Jesus,G2424 the doorsG2374 being shut,G2808 andG2532 stoodG2476 inG1519 the midst,G3319 andG2532 said,G2036 PeaceG1515 be unto you.G5213
ThenG1534 saith heG3004 to Thomas,G2381 ReachG5342 hitherG5602 thyG4675 finger,G1147 andG2532 beholdG1492 myG3450 hands;G5495 andG2532 reach hitherG5342 thyG4675 hand,G5495 andG2532 thrustG906 it intoG1519 myG3450 side:G4125 andG2532 beG1096 notG3361 faithless,G571 butG235 believing.G4103
AndG2532 ThomasG2381 answeredG611 andG2532 saidG2036 unto him,G846 MyG3450 LordG2962 andG2532 myG3450 God.G2316
JesusG2424 saithG3004 unto him,G846 Thomas,G2381 becauseG3754 thou hast seenG3708 me,G3165 thou hast believed:G4100 blessedG3107 are they that have notG3361 seen,G1492 andG2532 yet have believed.G4100
AndG2532 manyG4183 otherG243 signsG4592 trulyG3767, G3303 didG4160 JesusG2424 in the presenceG1799 of hisG846 disciples,G3101 whichG3739 areG2076 notG3756 writtenG1125 inG1722 thisG5129 book:G975
ButG1161 theseG5023 are written,G1125 thatG2443 ye might believeG4100 thatG3754 JesusG2424 isG2076 the Christ,G5547 the SonG5207 of God;G2316 andG2532 thatG2443 believingG4100 ye might haveG2192 lifeG2222 throughG1722 hisG846 name.G3686


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

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Lecz teraz - tak mówi Pan - który cię stworzył, Jakubie, i który cię ukształtował, Izraelu: Nie bój się, bo cię wykupiłem, nazwałem cię twoim imieniem - moim jesteś!
Iz 43:1

W Chrystusie

Umarliście bowiem, a życie wasze jest ukryte wraz z Chrystusem w Bogu
Kol 3:3

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Kiedy podczas nadchodzącego wielkiego ucisku dwaj prorocy zostaną zabici ludzie na ziemi posyłać będą sobie z tego powodu podarki i prezenty (Obj 11:10).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Staliśmy się bowiem współuczestnikami Chrystusa, jeśli tylko aż do końca zachowamy niewzruszenie ufność, jaką mieliśmy na początku.
Hebr 3:14

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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