„Co się zaś tyczy przyjścia Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa i spotkania naszego z nim, prosimy was, bracia,”

Biblia Warszawska: 2 List św. Pawła do Tesaloniczan 2,1

King James Version
Księga: 2 Księga Królewska 16:12

Tytuł oryginalny
2 Kings
In the seventeenthH8141, H7651, H6240 yearH8141 of PekahH6492 the sonH1121 of RemaliahH7425 AhazH271 the sonH1121 of JothamH3147 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 began to reign.H4427
TwentyH6242 yearsH8141 oldH1121 was AhazH271 when he began to reign,H4427 and reignedH4427 sixteenH6240, H8337 yearsH8141 in Jerusalem,H3389 and didH6213 not that which was rightH3477 in the sightH5869 of the LORDH3068 his God,H430 like DavidH1732 his father.H1
But he walkedH3212 in the wayH1870 of the kingsH4428 of Israel,H3478 yea, and made his sonH1121 to pass throughH5674 the fire,H784 according to the abominationsH8441 of the heathen,H1471 whom the LORDH3068 cast outH3423 from beforeH6440 the childrenH1121 of Israel.H3478
And he sacrificedH2076 and burnt incenseH6999 in the high places,H1116 and on the hills,H1389 and under every greenH7488 tree.H6086
Then RezinH7526 kingH4428 of SyriaH758 and PekahH6492 sonH1121 of RemaliahH7425 kingH4428 of IsraelH3478 came upH5927 to JerusalemH3389 to war:H4421 and they besiegedH6696 Ahaz,H271 but couldH3201 not overcomeH3898 him.
At that timeH6256 RezinH7526 kingH4428 of SyriaH758 recoveredH7725 ElathH359 to SyriaH758, H130, and draveH5394 the JewsH3064 from Elath:H359 and the SyriansH726 cameH935 to Elath,H359 and dweltH3427 there unto this day.H3117
So AhazH271 sentH7971 messengersH4397 to TiglathpileserH8407 kingH4428 of Assyria,H804 saying,H559 I am thy servantH5650 and thy son:H1121 come up,H5927 and saveH3467 me out of the handH3709 of the kingH4428 of Syria,H758 and out of the handH3709 of the kingH4428 of Israel,H3478 which rise upH6965 against me.
And AhazH271 tookH3947 the silverH3701 and goldH2091 that was foundH4672 in the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 and in the treasuresH214 of the king'sH4428 house,H1004 and sentH7971 it for a presentH7810 to the kingH4428 of Assyria.H804
And the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804 hearkenedH8085 unto him: for the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804 went upH5927 against Damascus,H1834 and tookH8610 it, and carried the people of it captiveH1540 to Kir,H7024 and slewH4191 Rezin.H7526
And kingH4428 AhazH271 wentH3212 to DamascusH1834 to meetH7125 TiglathpileserH8407 kingH4428 of Assyria,H804 and sawH7200 an altarH4196 that was at Damascus:H1834 and kingH4428 AhazH271 sentH7971 to UrijahH223 the priestH3548 the fashionH1823 of the altar,H4196 and the patternH8403 of it, according to all the workmanshipH4639 thereof.
And UrijahH223 the priestH3548 builtH1129 an altarH4196 according to all that kingH4428 AhazH271 had sentH7971 from Damascus:H1834 so UrijahH223 the priestH3548 madeH6213 it against kingH4428 AhazH271 cameH935 from Damascus.H1834
And when the kingH4428 was comeH935 from Damascus,H1834 the kingH4428 sawH7200 the altar:H4196 and the kingH4428 approachedH7126 to the altar,H4196 and offeredH5927 thereon.
And he burntH6999 his burnt offeringH5930 and his meat offering,H4503 and pouredH5258 his drink offering,H5262 and sprinkledH2236 the bloodH1818 of his peace offerings,H8002 upon the altar.H4196
And he broughtH7126 also the brasenH5178 altar,H4196 which was beforeH6440 the LORD,H3068 from the forefrontH6440 of the house,H1004 from between the altarH4196 and the houseH1004 of the LORD,H3068 and putH5414 it on the northH6828 sideH3409 of the altar.H4196
And kingH4428 AhazH271 commandedH6680 UrijahH223 the priest,H3548 saying,H559 Upon the greatH1419 altarH4196 burnH6999 the morningH1242 burnt offering,H5930 and the eveningH6153 meat offering,H4503 and the king'sH4428 burnt sacrifice,H5930 and his meat offering,H4503 with the burnt offeringH5930 of all the peopleH5971 of the land,H776 and their meat offering,H4503 and their drink offerings;H5262 and sprinkleH2236 upon it all the bloodH1818 of the burnt offering,H5930 and all the bloodH1818 of the sacrifice:H2077 and the brasenH5178 altarH4196 shall be for me to enquireH1239 by.
Thus didH6213 UrijahH223 the priest,H3548 according to all that kingH4428 AhazH271 commanded.H6680
And kingH4428 AhazH271 cut offH7112 the bordersH4526 of the bases,H4350 and removedH5493 the laverH3595 from off them; and took downH3381 the seaH3220 from off the brasenH5178 oxenH1241 that were under it, and putH5414 it upon a pavementH4837 of stones.H68
And the covertH4329, H4329 for the sabbathH7676 that they had builtH1129 in the house,H1004 and the king'sH4428 entryH3996 without,H2435 turnedH5437 he from the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068 forH6440 the kingH4428 of Assyria.H804
Now the restH3499 of the actsH1697 of AhazH271 which he did,H6213 are they not writtenH3789 in the bookH5612 of the chroniclesH3117 ofH1697 the kingsH4428 of Judah?H3063
And AhazH271 sleptH7901 with his fathers,H1 and was buriedH6912 with his fathersH1 in the cityH5892 of David:H1732 and HezekiahH2396 his sonH1121 reignedH4427 in his stead.


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Słuchajcie mnie, wy, którzy znacie sprawiedliwość, ty, ludu, w którego sercu jest zakon! Nie bójcie się lżenia ludzi i nie lękajcie się ich pośmiewiska,
Iz 51:7

W Chrystusie

Przeto teraz nie ma żadnego potępienia dla tych, którzy są w Chrystusie Jezusie.
Rzym 8:1

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

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Obietnice Boże

Który dał samego siebie za nas, aby nas wykupić od wszelkiej nieprawości i oczyścić sobie lud na własność, gorliwy w dobrych uczynkach.
Tyt 2:14

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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