„I rzekła do niej Rut: Cokolwiek mi każesz, uczynię.”

Biblia Gdańska (1881): Ruty 3,5


World English Bible
Księga: Pieśń Salomona 1:12

Tytuł oryginalny
Song of Solomon
The Song of songs, which is Solomon's. Beloved
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; For your love is better than wine.
Your oils have a pleasing fragrance. Your name is oil poured forth, Therefore the virgins love you.
Take me away with you. Let us hurry. The king has brought me into his chambers. Friends We will be glad and rejoice in you. We will praise your love more than wine! Beloved They are right to love you.
I am dark, but lovely, You daughters of Jerusalem, Like Kedar's tents, Like Solomon's curtains.
Don't stare at me because I am dark, Because the sun has scorched me. My mother's sons were angry with me. They made me keeper of the vineyards. I haven't kept my own vineyard.
Tell me, you whom my soul loves, Where you graze your flock, Where you rest them at noon; For why should I be as one who is veiled Beside the flocks of your companions? Lover
If you don't know, most beautiful among women, Follow the tracks of the sheep. Graze your young goats beside the shepherds` tents.
I have compared you, my love, To a steed in Pharaoh's chariots.
Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, Your neck with strings of jewels.
We will make you earrings of gold, With studs of silver. Beloved
While the king sat at his table, My perfume spread its fragrance.
My beloved is to me a sachet of myrrh, That lies between my breasts.
My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms From the vineyards of En Gedi. Lover
Behold, you are beautiful, my love. Behold, you are beautiful. Your eyes are doves. Beloved
Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved, yes, pleasant; And our couch is verdant. Lover
The beams of our house are cedars. Our rafters are firs. Beloved


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Toteż gdy go ujrzałem, padłem do nóg jego jakby umarły. On zaś położył na mnie swoją prawicę i rzekł: Nie lękaj się, Jam jest pierwszy i ostatni,
Obj 1:17

W Chrystusie

W którym i wy nadzieję macie, usłyszawszy słowo prawdy, to jest Ewangieliję zbawienia waszego, przez którą też uwierzywszy, jesteście zapieczętowani Duchem onym Świętym obiecanym ...
BG Efez 1:13

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

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Obietnice Boże

Mówi bowiem: W czasie łaski wysłuchałem cię, A w dniu zbawienia pomogłem ci; Oto teraz czas łaski, Oto teraz dzień zbawienia.
II Kor 6:2

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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