„W owym dniu Pan będzie obroną mieszkańców Jeruzalem, a każdy z nich, kto jest słaby, będzie jak Dawid, a dom Dawida jak bóstwo, jak anioł Pański na ich czele.”

Biblia Tysiąclecia: Księga Zachariasza 12,8


King James Version
Księga: List Jakuba 1:12

Tytuł oryginalny
James,G2385 a servantG1401 of GodG2316 andG2532 of the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 to the twelveG1427 tribesG5443 whichG1722 are scattered abroad,G1290 greeting.G5463
MyG3450 brethren,G80 count itG2233 allG3956 joyG5479 whenG3752 ye fallG4045 into diversG4164 temptations;G3986
KnowingG1097 this, thatG3754 the tryingG1383 of yourG5216 faithG4102 workethG2716 patience.G5281
ButG1161 letG2192 patienceG5281 haveG2192 her perfectG5046 work,G2041 thatG2443 ye may beG5600 perfectG5046 andG2532 entire,G3648 wantingG3007 nothingG3367, G1722.
IfG1161 anyG1536 of youG5216 lackG3007 wisdom,G4678 let him askG154 ofG3844 God,G2316 that givethG1325 to allG3956 men liberally,G574 andG2532 upbraidethG3679 not;G3361 andG2532 it shall be givenG1325 him.G846
ButG1161 let him askG154 inG1722 faith,G4102 nothingG3367 wavering.G1252 ForG1063 he that waverethG1252 is likeG1503 a waveG2830 of the seaG2281 driven with the windG416 andG2532 tossed.G4494
ForG1063 letG3633 notG3361 thatG1565 manG444 thinkG3633 thatG3754 he shall receiveG2983 any thingG5100 ofG3844 the Lord.G2962
A double mindedG1374 manG435 is unstableG182 inG1722 allG3956 hisG846 ways.G3598
LetG2744 the brotherG80 of low degreeG5011 rejoiceG2744 inG1722 that heG846 is exalted:G5311
ButG1161 the rich,G4145 inG1722 that heG846 is made low:G5014 becauseG3754 asG5613 the flowerG438 of the grassG5528 he shall pass away.G3928
ForG1063 the sunG2246 is no sooner risenG393 withG4862 a burning heat,G2742 butG2532 it witherethG3583 the grass,G5528 andG2532 the flowerG438 thereofG846 falleth,G1601 andG2532 the graceG2143 of the fashionG4383 of itG846 perisheth:G622 soG3779 alsoG2532 shallG3133 the rich manG4145 fade awayG3133 inG1722 hisG846 ways.G4197
BlessedG3107 is the manG435 thatG3739 endurethG5278 temptation:G3986 forG3754 when he is triedG1096, G1384, he shall receiveG2983 the crownG4735 of life,G2222 whichG3739 the LordG2962 hath promisedG1861 to them that loveG25 him.G846
LetG3004 no manG3367 sayG3004 when he is temptedG3985, G3754, I am temptedG3985 ofG575 God:G2316 forG1063 GodG2316 cannot be temptedG2076, G551 with evil,G2556 neitherG1161 temptethG3985 heG3985, G846 any man:G3762
ButG1161 every manG1538 is tempted,G3985 when he is drawn awayG1828 ofG5259 his ownG2398 lust,G1939 andG2532 enticed.G1185
ThenG1534 when lustG1939 hath conceived,G4815 it bringeth forthG5088 sin:G266 andG1161 sin,G266 when it is finished,G658 bringeth forthG616 death.G2288
DoG4105 notG3361 err,G4105 myG3450 belovedG27 brethren.G80
EveryG3956 goodG18 giftG1394 andG2532 everyG3956 perfectG5046 giftG1434 isG2076 from above,G509 and cometh downG2597 fromG575 the FatherG3962 of lights,G5457 withG3844 whomG3739 isG1762 noG3756 variableness,G3883 neitherG2228 shadowG644 of turning.G5157
Of his own willG1014 begat heG616 usG2248 with the wordG3056 of truth,G225 thatG1519 weG2248 should beG1511 a kindG5100 of firstfruitsG536 of hisG846 creatures.G2938
Wherefore,G5620 myG3450 belovedG27 brethren,G80 letG2077 everyG3956 manG444 beG2077 swiftG5036 toG1519 hear,G191 slowG1021 toG1519 speak,G2980 slowG1021 toG1519 wrath:G3709
ForG1063 the wrathG3709 of manG435 workethG2716 notG3756 the righteousnessG1343 of God.G2316
WhereforeG1352 lay apartG659 allG3956 filthinessG4507 andG2532 superfluityG4050 of naughtiness,G2549 and receiveG1209 withG1722 meeknessG4240 the engraftedG1721 word,G3056 whichG3588 is ableG1410 to saveG4982 yourG5216 souls.G5590
ButG1161 be yeG1096 doersG4163 of the word,G3056 andG2532 notG3361 hearersG202 only,G3440 deceivingG3884 your own selves.G1438
ForG3754 if anyG1536 beG2076 a hearerG202 of the word,G3056 andG2532 notG3756 a doer,G4163 heG3778 is likeG1503 unto a manG435 beholdingG2657 hisG846 naturalG1078 faceG4383 inG1722 a glass:G2072
ForG1063 he beholdethG2657 himself,G1438 andG2532 goeth his way,G565 andG2532 straightwayG2112 forgettethG1950 what manner of manG3697 he was.G2258
ButG1161 whoso lookethG3879 intoG1519 the perfectG5046 lawG3551 of liberty,G1657 andG2532 continuethG3887 therein, heG3778 beingG1096 notG3756 a forgetfulG1953 hearer,G202 butG235 a doerG4163 of the work,G2041 this manG3778 shall beG2071 blessedG3107 inG1722 hisG846 deed.G4162
If any manG1536 amongG1722 youG5213 seemG1380 to beG1511 religious,G2357 and bridlethG5468 notG3361 hisG846 tongue,G1100 butG235 deceivethG538 his ownG846 heart,G2588 this man'sG5127 religionG2356 is vain.G3152
PureG2513 religionG2356 andG2532 undefiledG283 beforeG3844 GodG2316 andG2532 the FatherG3962 isG2076 this,G3778 To visitG1980 the fatherlessG3737 andG2532 widowsG5503 inG1722 theirG846 affliction,G2347 and to keepG5083 himselfG1438 unspottedG784 fromG575 the world.G2889


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Mat 10:31

W Chrystusie

A wiemy, że Bóg współdziała we wszystkim ku dobremu z tymi, którzy Boga miłują, to jest z tymi, którzy według postanowienia jego są powołani.
Rzym 8:28

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

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Obietnice Boże

Lęk przed ludźmi nastawia na człowieka sidła, lecz kto ufa Panu, ten jest bezpieczny.
Przyp 29:25

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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