„Nawet aż do książęcia onego wojska wyrósł; bo przezeń odjęta była ustawiczna ofiara, i zarzucone miejsce świątnicy Bożej,”

Biblia Gdańska (1881): Danijel 8,11

King James Version
Księga: Ewangelia Mateusza 2:18

Tytuł oryginalny
NowG1161 when JesusG2424 was bornG1080 inG1722 BethlehemG965 of JudaeaG2449 inG1722 the daysG2250 of HerodG2264 the king,G935 behold,G2400 there cameG3854 wise menG3097 fromG575 the eastG395 toG1519 Jerusalem,G2414
Saying,G3004 WhereG4226 isG2076 he that is bornG5088 KingG935 of the Jews?G2453 forG1063 we have seenG1492 hisG846 starG792 inG1722 the east,G395 andG2532 are comeG2064 to worshipG4352 him.G846
WhenG1161 HerodG2264 the kingG935 had heardG191 these things, he was troubled,G5015 andG2532 allG3956 JerusalemG2414 withG3326 him.G846
AndG2532 when he had gatheredG4863 allG3956 the chief priestsG749 andG2532 scribesG1122 of the peopleG2992 together,G4863 he demandedG4441 ofG3844 themG846 whereG4226 ChristG5547 should be born.G1080
AndG1161 they saidG2036 unto him,G846 InG1722 BethlehemG965 of Judaea:G2449 forG1063 thusG3779 it is writtenG1125 byG1223 the prophet,G4396
AndG2532 thouG4771 Bethlehem,G965 in the landG1093 of Juda,G2448 artG1488 notG3760 the leastG1646 amongG1722 the princesG2232 of Juda:G2448 forG1063 out ofG1537 theeG4675 shall comeG1831 a Governor,G2233 thatG3748 shall ruleG4165 myG3450 peopleG2992 Israel.G2474
ThenG5119 Herod,G2264 when he had privilyG2977 calledG2564 the wise men,G3097 enquiredG198 ofG3844 themG846 diligentlyG198 what timeG5550 the starG792 appeared.G5316
AndG2532 he sentG3992 themG846 toG1519 Bethlehem,G965 and said,G2036 GoG4198 and searchG1833 diligentlyG199 forG4012 the young child;G3813 andG1161 whenG1875 ye have foundG2147 him, bringG518 meG3427 word again,G518 thatG3704 I may comeG2064 and worshipG4352 himG846 also.G2504
WhenG1161 they had heardG191 the king,G935 they departed;G4198 and,G2532 lo,G2400 the star,G792 whichG3739 they sawG1492 inG1722 the east,G395 went beforeG4254 them,G846 tillG2193 it cameG2064 and stoodG2476 overG1883 whereG3757 the young childG3813 was.G2258
WhenG1161 they sawG1492 the star,G792 they rejoicedG5463 with exceedingG4970 greatG3173 joy.G5479
AndG2532 when they were comeG2064 intoG1519 the house,G3614 they sawG2147, G1492 the young childG3813 withG3326 MaryG3137 hisG846 mother,G3384 andG2532 fell down,G4098 and worshippedG4352 him:G846 andG2532 when they had openedG455 theirG846 treasures,G2344 they presentedG4374 unto himG846 gifts;G1435 gold,G5557 andG2532 frankincense,G3030 andG2532 myrrh.G4666
AndG2532 being warned of GodG5537 inG2596 a dreamG3677 that they shouldG344 notG3361 returnG344 toG4314 Herod,G2264 they departedG402 intoG1519 their ownG846 countryG5561 anotherG1223, G243 way.G3598
AndG1161 when theyG846 were departed,G402 behold,G2400 the angelG32 of the LordG2962 appearethG5316 to JosephG2501 inG2596 a dream,G3677 saying,G3004 Arise,G1453 and takeG3880 the young childG3813 andG2532 hisG846 mother,G3384 andG2532 fleeG5343 intoG1519 Egypt,G125 andG2532 be thouG2468 thereG1563 untilG2193 IG302 bringG2036 theeG4671 word:G2036 forG1063 HerodG2264 willG3195 seekG2212 the young childG3813 to destroyG622 him.G846
WhenG1161 he arose,G1453 he tookG3880 the young childG3813 andG2532 hisG846 motherG3384 by night,G3571 andG2532 departedG402 intoG1519 Egypt:G125
AndG2532 wasG2258 thereG1563 untilG2193 the deathG5054 of Herod:G2264 thatG2443 it might be fulfilledG4137 whichG3588 was spokenG4483 ofG5259 the LordG2962 byG1223 the prophet,G4396 saying,G3004 Out ofG1537 EgyptG125 have I calledG2564 myG3450 son.G5207
ThenG5119 Herod,G2264 when he sawG1492 thatG3754 he was mockedG1702 ofG5259 the wise men,G3097 was exceedingG3029 wroth,G2373 andG2532 sent forth,G649 and slewG337 allG3956 the childrenG3816 that were inG1722 Bethlehem,G965 andG2532 inG1722 allG3956 the coastsG3725 thereof,G846 fromG575 two years oldG1332 andG2532 under,G2736 accordingG2596 to the timeG5550 whichG3739 he had diligently enquiredG198 ofG3844 the wise men.G3097
ThenG5119 was fulfilledG4137 that whichG3588 was spokenG4483 byG5259 JeremyG2408 the prophet,G4396 saying,G3004
InG1722 RamaG4471 was thereG191 a voiceG5456 heard,G191 lamentation,G2355 andG2532 weeping,G2805 andG2532 greatG4183 mourning,G3602 RachelG4478 weepingG2799 for herG846 children,G5043 andG2532 wouldG2309 notG3756 be comforted,G3870 becauseG3754 they areG1526 not.G3756
ButG1161 when HerodG2264 was dead,G5053 behold,G2400 an angelG32 of the LordG2962 appearethG5316 inG2596 a dreamG3677 to JosephG2501 inG1722 Egypt,G125
Saying,G3004 Arise,G1453 and takeG3880 the young childG3813 andG2532 hisG846 mother,G3384 andG2532 goG4198 intoG1519 the landG1093 of Israel:G2474 forG1063 they are deadG2348 whichG3588 soughtG2212 the young child'sG3813 life.G5590
AndG1161 he arose,G1453 and tookG3880 the young childG3813 andG2532 hisG846 mother,G3384 andG2532 cameG2064 intoG1519 the landG1093 of Israel.G2474
ButG1161 when he heardG191 thatG3754 ArchelausG745 did reignG936 inG1909 JudaeaG2449 in the roomG473 of hisG846 fatherG3962 Herod,G2264 he was afraidG5399 to goG565 thither:G1563 notwithstanding,G1161 being warned of GodG5537 inG2596 a dream,G3677 he turned asideG402 intoG1519 the partsG3313 of Galilee:G1056
AndG2532 he cameG2064 and dweltG2730 inG1519 a cityG4172 calledG3004 Nazareth:G3478 thatG3704 it might be fulfilledG4137 whichG3588 was spokenG4483 byG1223 the prophetsG4396, G3754, He shall be calledG2564 a Nazarene.G3480


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

Wersety o pokoju na 365 dni w roku!

Wtedy odezwał się anioł Pański do Eliasza: Zejdź z nim, Nie bój się go. Podniósł się więc i zszedł z nim do króla,
II Król 1:15

W Chrystusie

Drogoście bowiem kupieni. Wysławiajcie tedy Boga w ciele waszym.
I Kor 6:20

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

W Biblii po porodzie zmarły dwie kobiety: Rachela po urodzeniu Beniamina (I Mojż 35:16-19) i żona Pinechasa po urodzeniu mu syna Ikaboda (I Sam 4:19-22).

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Wy z Boga jesteście, dzieci, i wy ich zwyciężyliście, gdyż Ten, który jest w was, większy jest, aniżeli ten, który jest na świecie.
I Jan 4:4

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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