„Demetriuszowi dane jest świadectwo przez wszystkich i przez samą prawdę; i my także świadczymy, a wiesz, że świadectwo nasze jest prawdziwe.”

Biblia Przekład Toruński: 3 List Jana 1,12


King James Version
Księga: Ewangelia Łukasza 19:1

Tytuł oryginalny
AndG2532 Jesus enteredG1525 and passed throughG1330 Jericho.G2410
And,G2532 behold,G2400 there was a manG435 namedG2564, G3686 Zacchaeus,G2195 whichG846, G2532 wasG2258 the chief among the publicans,G754 andG2532 heG3778 wasG2258 rich.G4145
AndG2532 he soughtG2212 to seeG1492 JesusG2424 whoG5101 he was;G2076 andG2532 couldG1410 notG3756 forG575 the press,G3793 becauseG3754 he wasG2258 littleG3398 of stature.G2244
AndG2532 he ranG4390 before,G1715 and climbed upG305 intoG1909 a sycomore treeG4809 toG2443 seeG1492 him:G846 forG3754 he wasG3195 to passG1330, G1223 thatG1565 way.
AndG2532 whenG5613 JesusG2424 cameG2064 toG1909 the place,G5117 he looked up,G308 and sawG1492 him,G846 andG2532 saidG2036 untoG4314 him,G846 Zacchaeus,G2195 make haste,G4692 and come down;G2597 forG1063 to dayG4594 IG3165 mustG1163 abideG3306 atG1722 thyG4675 house.G3624
AndG2532 he made haste,G4692 and came down,G2597 andG2532 receivedG5264 himG846 joyfully.G5463
AndG2532 when they sawG1492 it, theyG1234 allG537 murmured,G1234 saying,G3004 ThatG3754 he was goneG1525 to be guestG2647 withG3844 a manG435 that is a sinner.G268
AndG1161 ZacchaeusG2195 stood,G2476 and saidG2036 untoG4314 the Lord;G2962 Behold,G2400 Lord,G2962 the halfG2255 of myG3450 goodsG5224 I giveG1325 to the poor;G4434 andG2532 ifG1536 I have takenG4811 any thingG1536 from any manG5100 by false accusation,G4811 I restoreG591 him fourfold.G5073
AndG1161 JesusG2424 saidG2036 untoG4314 himG846, G3754, This dayG4594 isG1096 salvationG4991 comeG1096 to thisG5129 house,G3624 forsomuch asG2530 heG846 alsoG2532 isG2076 a sonG5207 of Abraham.G11
ForG1063 the SonG5207 of manG444 is comeG2064 to seekG2212 andG2532 to saveG4982 that which was lost.G622
AndG1161 as theyG846 heardG191 these things,G5023 he addedG4369 and spakeG2036 a parable,G3850 becauseG1223 heG846 wasG1511 nighG1451 to Jerusalem,G2419 andG2532 because theyG846 thoughtG1380 thatG3754 the kingdomG932 of GodG2316 shouldG3195 immediatelyG3916 appear.G398
He saidG2036 therefore,G3767 A certainG5100 noblemanG2104, G444 wentG4198 intoG1519 a farG3117 countryG5561 to receiveG2983 for himselfG1438 a kingdom,G932 andG2532 to return.G5290
AndG1161 he calledG2564 hisG1438 tenG1176 servants,G1401 and deliveredG1325 themG846 tenG1176 pounds,G3414 andG2532 saidG2036 untoG4314 them,G846 OccupyG4231 tillG2193 I come.G2064
ButG1161 hisG846 citizensG4177 hatedG3404 him,G846 andG2532 sentG649 a messageG4242 afterG3694 him,G846 saying,G3004 We willG2309 notG3756 haveG2309 thisG5126 man to reignG936 overG1909 us.G2248
AndG2532 it came to pass,G1096 that whenG1722 heG846 was returned,G1880 having receivedG2983 the kingdom,G932 thenG2532 he commandedG2036 theseG5128 servantsG1401 to be calledG5455 unto him,G846 to whomG3739 he had givenG1325 the money,G694 thatG2443 he might knowG1097 how muchG5101 every manG5101 had gained by trading.G1281
ThenG1161 cameG3854 the first,G4413 saying,G3004 Lord,G2962 thyG4675 poundG3414 hath gainedG4333 tenG1176 pounds.G3414
AndG2532 he saidG2036 unto him,G846 Well,G2095 thou goodG18 servant:G1401 becauseG3754 thou hast beenG1096 faithfulG4103 inG1722 a very little,G1646 haveG2192 thou authorityG2468, G1849 overG1883 tenG1176 cities.G4172
AndG2532 the secondG1208 came,G2064 saying,G3004 Lord,G2962 thyG4675 poundG3414 hath gainedG4160 fiveG4002 pounds.G3414
AndG1161 he saidG2036 likewiseG2532 to him,G5129 BeG1096 thouG4771 alsoG2532 overG1883 fiveG4002 cities.G4172
AndG2532 anotherG2087 came,G2064 saying,G3004 Lord,G2962 behold,G2400 here is thyG4675 pound,G3414 whichG3739 I haveG2192 kept laid upG606 inG1722 a napkin:G4676
ForG1063 I fearedG5399 thee,G4571 becauseG3754 thou artG1488 an austereG840 man:G444 thou takest upG142 thatG3739 thou layedstG5087 notG3756 down,G5087 andG2532 reapestG2325 thatG3739 thou didstG4687 notG3756 sow.G4687
AndG1161 he saithG3004 unto him,G846 Out ofG1537 thine ownG4675 mouthG4750 will I judgeG2919 thee,G4571 thou wickedG4190 servant.G1401 Thou knewestG1492 thatG3754 IG1473 wasG1510 an austereG840 man,G444 taking upG142 thatG3739 I laidG5087 notG3756 down,G5087 andG2532 reapingG2325 thatG3739 I didG4687 notG3756 sow:G4687
WhereforeG1302 thenG2532 gavestG1325 notG3756 thouG1325 myG3450 moneyG694 intoG1909 the bank,G5132 thatG2532 at my comingG2064 IG1473 mightG302 have requiredG4238 mine ownG846 withG4862 usury?G5110
AndG2532 he saidG2036 unto them that stood by,G3936 TakeG142 fromG575 himG846 the pound,G3414 andG2532 giveG1325 it to him that hathG2192 tenG1176 pounds.G3414
(And they saidG2036 unto him,G846 Lord,G2962 he hathG2192 tenG1176 pounds.G3414)
ForG1063 I sayG3004 unto you,G5213 ThatG3754 unto every oneG3956 whichG3588 hathG2192 shall be given;G1325 andG1161 fromG575 him that hathG2192 not,G3361 evenG2532 thatG3739 he hathG2192 shall be taken awayG142 fromG575 him.G846
ButG4133 thoseG1565 mineG3450 enemies,G2190 whichG3588 wouldG2309 notG3361 that IG3165 should reignG936 overG1909 them,G846 bringG71 hither,G5602 andG2532 slayG2695 them beforeG1715 me.G3450
AndG2532 when he had thusG5023 spoken,G2036 he wentG4198 before,G1715 ascending upG305 toG1519 Jerusalem.G2414
AndG2532 it came to pass,G1096 whenG5613 he was come nighG1448 toG1519 BethphageG967 andG2532 Bethany,G963 atG4314 the mountG3735 calledG2564 the mount of Olives,G1636 he sentG649 twoG1417 of hisG846 disciples,G3101
Saying,G2036 Go yeG5217 intoG1519 the villageG2968 over againstG2713 you; inG1722 the whichG3739 at your enteringG1531 ye shall findG2147 a coltG4454 tied,G1210 whereonG3739 yetG1909 neverG3762 manG444 satG2523, G4455: looseG3089 him,G846 and bringG71 him hither.
AndG2532 ifG1437 any manG5100 askG2065 you,G5209 WhyG1302 do ye looseG3089 him? thusG3779 shall ye sayG2046 unto him,G846 BecauseG3754 the LordG2962 hathG2192 needG5532 of him.G846
AndG1161 they that were sentG649 went their way,G565 and foundG2147 even asG2531 he had saidG2036 unto them.G846
AndG1161 as theyG846 were loosingG3089 the colt,G4454 the ownersG2962 thereofG846 saidG2036 untoG4314 them,G846 WhyG5101 loose yeG3089 the colt?G4454
AndG1161 they said,G2036 The LordG2962 hathG2192 needG5532 of him.G846
AndG2532 they broughtG71 himG846 toG4314 Jesus:G2424 andG2532 they castG1977 theirG1438 garmentsG2440 uponG1977, G1909 the colt,G4454 andG1977 they setG1913 JesusG2424 thereon.G1913
AndG1161 as heG846 went,G4198 they spreadG5291 theirG846 clothesG2440 inG1722 the way.G3598
And when heG846 was come nigh,G1448 evenG1161 nowG2235 atG4314 the descentG2600 of the mountG3735 of Olives,G1636 the wholeG537 multitudeG4128 of the disciplesG3101 beganG756 to rejoiceG5463 and praiseG134 GodG2316 with a loudG3173 voiceG5456 forG4012 allG3956 the mighty worksG1411 thatG3739 they had seen;G1492
Saying,G3004 BlessedG2127 be the KingG935 that comethG2064 inG1722 the nameG3686 of the Lord:G2962 peaceG1515 inG1722 heaven,G3772 andG2532 gloryG1391 inG1722 the highest.G5310
AndG2532 someG5100 of the PhariseesG5330 fromG575 among the multitudeG3793 saidG2036 untoG4314 him,G846 Master,G1320 rebukeG2008 thyG4675 disciples.G3101
AndG2532 he answeredG611 and saidG2036 unto them,G846 I tellG3004 youG5213 that,G3754 ifG1437 theseG3778 should hold their peace,G4623 the stonesG3037 would immediately cry out.G2896
AndG2532 whenG5613 he was come near,G1448 he beheldG1492 the city,G4172 and weptG2799 overG1909 it,G846
Saying,G3004 IfG1487 thouG3754 hadst known,G1097 evenG2532 thou,G4771 at leastG2534 inG1722 thisG5026 thyG4675 day,G2250 the thingsG3588 which belong untoG4314 thyG4675 peace!G1515 butG1161 nowG3568 they are hidG2928 fromG575 thineG4675 eyes.G3788
ForG3754 the daysG2250 shall comeG2240 uponG1909 thee,G4571 thatG2532 thineG4675 enemiesG2190 shall castG4016 a trenchG5482 aboutG4016 thee,G4671 andG2532 compassG4033 theeG4571 round,G4033 andG2532 keepG4912 theeG4571 inG4912 on every side,G3840
AndG2532 shall layG1474 theeG4571 even with the ground,G1474 andG2532 thyG4675 childrenG5043 withinG1722 thee;G4671 andG2532 they shallG863 notG3756 leaveG863 inG1722 theeG4671 one stoneG3037 uponG1909 another;G3037 becauseG3739 thouG473 knewestG1097 notG3756 the timeG2540 of thyG4675 visitation.G1984
AndG2532 he wentG1525 intoG1519 the temple,G2411 and beganG756 to cast outG1544 them that soldG4453 thereinG846, G1722, andG2532 them that bought;G59
SayingG3004 unto them,G846 It is written,G1125 MyG3450 houseG3624 isG2076 the houseG3624 of prayer:G4335 butG1161 yeG5210 have madeG4160 itG846 a denG4693 of thieves.G3027
AndG2532 he taughtG2258, G1321 dailyG2250, G2596 inG1722 the temple.G2411 ButG1161 the chief priestsG749 andG2532 the scribesG1122 andG2532 the chiefG4413 of the peopleG2992 soughtG2212 to destroyG622 him,G846
AndG2532 couldG2147 notG3756 findG2147 whatG5101 they might do:G4160 forG1063 allG537 the peopleG2992 were very attentiveG1582 to hearG191 him.G846


Nie bój się! - Werset na dziś

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Cały dzień nieprzyjaciele moi nastają na mnie, Gdyż wielu zuchwale mnie zwalcza. Ilekroć lęk mnie ogarnia, W tobie mam nadzieję.
Ps 56:3-4

W Chrystusie

Wszystko mogę w tym, który mnie wzmacnia, w Chrystusie.
Fil 4:13

Kim jesteś i co masz w Chrystusie.

Czy wiesz że?

Księga Przysłów Salomona mówi nam o tym że są 4 nadzwyczaj mądre zwierzęta: mrówki, borsuki, szarańcza i jaszczurki - Przypowieści 30:24-28.

Fakty i ciekawostki Biblijne.

Obietnice Boże

Pan ma upodobanie w tych, którzy się go boją, Którzy ufają łasce jego.
Ps 147:11

"Uczyłem mój lud, że może mieć, to co mówi, lecz oni ciągle mówią, to co mają."

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Np. Jhn 3:16 lub John 3:16 lub glory, heaven, majesty etc.

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